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Q: UK Degree Autheticated


So basically me and my girlfriend have been offered a job to start in September.

They have asked us for a set of documents including our degree authenticated by the Chinese embassy. Now this seems very straight forward.... right? No.

So we are currently living and teaching in Thailand and are struggling to get the correct answers as to what we need exactly and can it be done from Thailand.

So my two options as it seems;
1. We send the documents to the UK to be authenticated. This is not really possible as we fly to the UK for 2 weeks before we would goto China therefore we cannot post the original passports along with our degrees.

2. We have been told by the Chinese embassy/CVASC in Bangkok that we can take our degrees to the British embassy to be certified, then to Ministry of foreign affairs for a stamp and then finally to the embassy/CVASC. Now this seems possible although very time consuming, however all the british embassy can provide is a certified copy of our degrees.

So my question is has anyone ever done this before?
Can you confirm the steps?
Is a certified copy all that is required or does it need FCO apostle stamps also?

If it helps the job would be in Jiangsu province.

Thankyou in advance

8 years 8 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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I was looking for exactly the same answer, my partner and I are both working in Thailand and have been offered jobs at an international school in China. The easiest way we found getting the legalisation completed including notarisation, FCO legalisation and Chinese Embassy legalisation/attestation without having to make the trip to the UK was to go through an agency. It costs overall around 170-200 GBP, which is far cheaper than a flight back to the UK! I searched for Apostille Services UK for China on Google and the company I'm using came up.

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7 years 25 weeks ago
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hi, I didn't do this before, all the documents needed is to apply work permit or residence permit, you can call Jiangsu Human Resources and Social Security (HRSS) to confirm. Help this can be useful. 


First don't listen to this guy. You need your doc's and degree authenticated.

7 years 11 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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Contact the Chinese Embassy in London.

You'll get told a million different things . Few of them will be correct.

Perseverance and patience are key.

As I understand it your degree needs to be notarised by the Chinese Embassy in London. They need to see an original copy of your degree and possibly also your university transcript. Although I have been in discussion with an employer in Beijing lately and they don't need a notarised degree but it could be because they have links to the Government.

Try contacting SAFEA Jiangsu.

Are you by any chance applying for a job in Hai'an , Jiangsu?


Try contacting SAFEA ? Trying to contact SAFEA by phone or email is the same as trying to call President Xi, you might get a tweet from Trump. No joke.

7 years 11 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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This won't help overly with your situation, but maybe shed some light on what's required.


When I had my criminal history thing done in Australia, it needed to be an original document, which was notorised by the Department of Foreign Affairs, before going to the Chinese consulate to be apostilled.


Fortunately, our government has its shit together, and it was fairly painless... the Federal Police let me order the check online (and I even emailed them to request more copies, and I was replied to within hours saying "sure, no problem - but the max we can send is 3, which I'll send for free!) DFAT also knows the deal, and has a pretty quick turn-around time ("Oh, you want this for China - yeah, no problem!")


My biggest problem was determining if the Chinese stamp could be done at any Chinese consulate, or ONLY at their embassy (in Canberra).... after LOTS of emails with incorrect information, the local consulate in Brisbane said "we have exaclty the same powers (red stamps) as the embassy, so yes, you can get it done with us!" But... it had to be done in person!!! So, no mail-ins... and as with all things Chinese, passports and other ID and such BS was needed!!!


So - as NZT suggested - ask the Chinese embassy in London.

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8 years 8 weeks ago
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Two weeks in the uk. would not quite be long enough to get the degrees legalized. Three weeks would be OK. I am back in UK for a month. I took degree to a notary/solicitor (40pounds). Then sent my degree to the foreign commonwealth office (35 pounds). Then finally went to the China consulate to get their stamp(15 pounds). I doubt this helps much. I think your best bet is going to the British embassy in Thailand

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8 years 7 weeks ago
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Hello, I got this done recently. I sent two certificates to an agent in the UK. They did the job for me and then sent them back to me in China by express courier. There's no way I was going to be able to go around all the places in the UK even though I was there on holidays for some time. I paid about 200 STG for both documents to be notarised.


Hi, could you tell me which agency/place you did it with?

7 years 9 weeks ago
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8 years 2 weeks ago
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The British Consulates abroad can't do this job. You need to have a sticker from the Chinese Consulate. 

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8 years 2 weeks ago
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Just wanna add that this is a new law that only started 3 months ago.

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8 years 2 weeks ago
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I was looking for exactly the same answer, my partner and I are both working in Thailand and have been offered jobs at an international school in China. The easiest way we found getting the legalisation completed including notarisation, FCO legalisation and Chinese Embassy legalisation/attestation without having to make the trip to the UK was to go through an agency. It costs overall around 170-200 GBP, which is far cheaper than a flight back to the UK! I searched for Apostille Services UK for China on Google and the company I'm using came up.

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7 years 25 weeks ago
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I'm happy to see that there are people willing to try to work and make the effort, you guys deserve much more then you'll get here.

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7 years 25 weeks ago
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The information I got from a potential employer was that this process can be done in China or in the applicants home country. 

The process done in the applicants home country: 

Step one: Go to a notary public in the province that your college is located. Have them certify that the documents are original and have been issued from legitimate colleges. They may mark that they are originals in one of three ways, depending on how the country/office does things. All three ways are accepted in China.

1. A stamp on the back of the original document.

2. The original document is photocopied and a stamp is put on the photocopy.

3. A letter is written certifying that the document is an original from a credited institution.


Step two: Take the certified documents to the Chinese Embassy in the province where the colleges are located. You will need to fill out a form stating that these documents are needed for visa application purposes in China in order to obtain a Z visa. The documents can be processed 2 ways, either rushed or normal process. The rushed will take one day and can be picked up the next day. The normal process will take 3-4 days. 


If done in China, they said I should go to a notary public and have the original copy of the degree notarized. This then must be sent to an office in Beijing (not sure of the name of the office) and will be returned in 4-6 weeks. 


These rules are new, so it's hard to get clear information on the steps as most employers are still figuring out the proper process. 

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7 years 24 weeks ago
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Will the schools, and /or agencies going to reimburse you for your costs?

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7 years 11 weeks ago
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