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Q: The U.S sells arms to Taiwan: Good or Bad?

China is crying about it and says it will hurt relations. I'm sure the U.S thought of this before they took the cash. It's not the first time but this time it's a billion dollar deal. Should China mind it's own or do they have a right to be upset and a reason to be worried?

12 years 47 weeks ago in  General  - Lanzhou

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great for taiwen they do not want to lose their freedoms and rights great for the usa, if this civil war turns hot i hope this means we will not be the idiots fighting and dieing while taiwanese men hangout in bars drinking and chasing tail no more vietnams no more iraqs or afghans



A US military presence in Taiwan, oh how the tides have changed. No article like this would have been written five years ago.

5 years 23 weeks ago
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A practical location for the U.S. military. An impractical location: Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and every other Islamic country where savages reign supreme.

5 years 23 weeks ago
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12 years 47 weeks ago
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great for taiwen they do not want to lose their freedoms and rights great for the usa, if this civil war turns hot i hope this means we will not be the idiots fighting and dieing while taiwanese men hangout in bars drinking and chasing tail no more vietnams no more iraqs or afghans



A US military presence in Taiwan, oh how the tides have changed. No article like this would have been written five years ago.

5 years 23 weeks ago
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A practical location for the U.S. military. An impractical location: Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and every other Islamic country where savages reign supreme.

5 years 23 weeks ago
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12 years 47 weeks ago
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Taiwan and China will eventually be reunified. This is inevitable. But Taiwan needs to maintain a comparable level of military strength so it can come to negotiations with a favorable position. If Taiwan is weak then China could just put a blockade on the island until they surrender.

I believe Machiavelli said it best. "For among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised."

If Taiwan does decide to seek reunification, it'll be on the condition of partial autonomy similar to Macau and Hong Kong. So yes, good for Taiwan, embarrassing for China, and doesn't really mean anything for the US. All that money from the weapons sale will go to defense industries and not the US government.


I think you give China to much credit... IMHO, the world is heading down a slippery slope at the moment (not Armageddon or end of days type slope just BAD I think much worse than the depression of the 30's and on a HUGE global scale) having said that 90% of China's jobs and economy rely on export, production/manufacturing for export... So when the shit really, and I mean REALLY hits the proverbial fan China will also be the most screwed as it has accomplished less for it's masses (and their masses dwarf any other countries population) they have crappy infrastructure, social net, and the majority of their population live on the edge. Compared to Western countries or other Asian countries (like Japan, Taiwan, S.Korea) China will be hurt the worst, I think this also explains why they have beefed up their internal security 100 fold and military, they see the writing in the sand and want to retain their grip on power... So the likely hood that China will be making anyone do anything is less than plausible as i think they're going to become the weakest player in the not to distant future.... China's rising simply happened to late... It's going to be a short lived fling.

12 years 47 weeks ago
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12 years 47 weeks ago
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I think it's great, China has no problems selling arms to enemies of the western countries and supports countries like north Korea .. screw them, sell Taiwan whatever they want ...


you are a fckin moron. do you know it back home?fckin foreigner loser scams

12 years 47 weeks ago
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12 years 47 weeks ago
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I think it is less about a strategic alliance now and more about keeping the military Industrial complex happy. After all, they are the biggest arms dealer in the world...big business.
Lots of high paying jobs and very little outsourcing.


Come on dude, you're right the U.S. is a huge arms dealer but it's not like China's not doing the same thing, only China sells to countries that are nuts (North Korea, Burma, Sudan, to name a few)

12 years 47 weeks ago
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3 years 51 weeks ago
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Reading below U-Tube video is:


"Taiwan has confirmed that it shot down the Chinese plane because of its territorial sovereignty" 

... and Taiwan's denial ...

Taiwan Denies Reports it Shot Down Chinese Su-35 that ...


According to these reports, Taiwan's air defense system shot down the plane. Taiwan's ministry of defense said the reports claiming it shot down a Chinese plane are not true.

.. and China's ..

PLA statement plane went down 'cause of technical glitch ...

Chinese redo of Su-35 went down in Guangxi, thou ...

"... the plane crashed in Guangxi, an autonomous coastal region in southern China, bordering Vietnam, after intruding into the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. It was reported that Taiwan used the US Patriot missile defence system to bring down the Chinese jet. .."


I'd say, 'news' is fake ... since no reports about it on Zero ..., he he

3 years 51 weeks ago
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yes its just one big happy country or family and they accidentally shot down one of their own in a training accident, happens all the time. RIGHT.

3 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 47 weeks ago
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It's good for the USA. In order to create jobs, USA needs to sell arms to make money so this is one of the ways to creating wealth resource!.


sorry, to answer here, but the admin seems to have blocked answering this, scum that they are. I think it's good to sell the arms. Taiwan doesn't want to take-over China, it's the other way around. Sell away.

12 years 47 weeks ago
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It's hard to believe the admins are Canadian and American... Being a westerner I couldn't do what they do... I would feel dirty but then being an ex-soldier, I believe I stood for freedom of expression and speech I suppose it's against my principals to switch and work hand in hand with a system that sensors people. I hope they add "Censors on a website in China" to their resume (or at least I hope back in the real world their potential employers understand the word admin or moderator in China translates to censor for the state), I wonder how far that will help them back home in the real world?

12 years 47 weeks ago
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Oh come on now. The cat's not so bad. He made a joke with me the other day!

12 years 47 weeks ago
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I guess we can't answer this one anymore? Oh well. The US is REQUIRED BY LAW (Taiwan Relations Act - Domestic US policy) to sell arms and defend Taiwan. Do a google search to see the actual international status of Taiwan - it's in Limbo. Surrendered to the US after WWII, occupied by the KMT by the order of Gen. MacArthur. To this day it is still a US military protectorate, hence the US MUST supply Taiwan with arms. This isn't a choice. The only choice is WHICH arms to sell them. This is 100% FACT. Look it up. Of course this will get deleted, but I am not saying anything bad about China, just presenting FACTS. The US has no choice in the matter, unless they abandon the TRA, which would basically be saying Taiwan is an independent country, which would be WORSE for US/China relations than selling them a few F16s.

12 years 47 weeks ago
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I always thought the admin were Chinese. Closing this just proves that this website is worthless. Here we have only the freedom to be censored without explanation. They should grow a pair and if they are western then act like it.

12 years 47 weeks ago
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This happens every once in a while. China gets super angry for a while, Americans don't notice for a while, and after a few months they move on. The official protests are just some ritual dance.

12 years 47 weeks ago
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12 years 47 weeks ago
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