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Q: Visa application in person

I am hearing that the Chinese consulate is requiring in person applications, in specific Chicago, IL.  Is this true, is this just a rumour at this juncture?  I would have to fly from my current location to Chicago. Never mind, just found information that confirms, thanks Trump.

5 years 39 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Though I detest the man it’s nothing to do with Trump. They’re just copying the developed nations wanting biometrics to track people 


Taiwan's Embassy in London has the same requirement for any visa since 2007 or so ... However, I got Chinese Tourist visa by mail in 2009.

5 years 39 weeks ago
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5 years 39 weeks ago
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Yup. We got a company email last week (from UK) to say all visa applications need a visit to the consulate now to have fingerprints taken.

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5 years 39 weeks ago
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I wonder what will happen when I re-apply for a Q-visa? I will have to find out if I can renew this in China. The rules change so often. 

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A young college graduate is going to travel to Chicago. Dallas, or New York for fingerprints to get a job in China that pays less than a full time employee at Mcdonalds, yes thats a great way to recruit more teachers. Thanks for making the market value of myself higher by creating government regulated scarcity for the peoples own good, maybe fingerprints sealed from the local police station would be more efficient, but why not add a few bureaucrats and aggravate everybody to justify my importance.


With all new and heavier requirements for work in China, it looks to me, China doesn't need too many laowai ... but, laowai are the ones, who are looking for China. 

5 years 39 weeks ago
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yes, if your disposable incomes are falling, extra classes of English becomes a luxury and not a middle class expense anymore, totally agree with you there. I have seen schools with 4000 students and 32 foreign teachers have reductions in 6 years to 1200 students and 12 teachers. Half the schools around 5 years ago in some towns are gone entirely. Competition was the excuse 3 years ago but with no new licenses issued for schools, it's obvious the industry is slowing down, even the foreign placement agencies for students going abroad are diminishing.

5 years 39 weeks ago
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I think you're right, there may be a few less jobs but there are a lot less teachers. I notice there are more job postings recently in the wechat groups im in and and get offers for jobs on almost a daily basis. I think with the rules on non-natives plus the more difficult visa regulations its geting to the point where yes, there may be less jobs, but seems like they need more teachers now than ever because china is just not worth the trouble for most people, expecially fully quailifed people.

5 years 39 weeks ago
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Might help to post some links:


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5 years 39 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman