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Q: Visa Update: non-natives will be required to serve two years in the China Scam Watch on a "W" visa?



Because if it's not true it should be. "Non-native teachers have no decency!" declared Brian, an honorable native speaker. "One of them called me, 'Flyin Brian'!" A grievous insult to be sure but is serving two years in the China Scam Watch the correct approach? "Yes, it is." screamed Becky, whose parental legitimacy may be questionable but seems to have Australian citizenship. "If they want to have the same rights as human beings as a native speaker would they must spend two years sworn to make repetitive postings online and accusing others of's only fair."


The China Scam Watch is a VERY unpopular organization, despite it's noble intentions and being completely above suspicion of being a fictitious organization supporting a scam artist. For example If you look at their website, you can see they have ZERO facebook likes. So not one person likes them publicly. That points to an image problem they have. 


All persons falling under this policy are required to join the Watch or risk having the status quo of business-as-usual continuing in their lives for an indeterminate amount of time. "We don't know what could happen to them," shouted Stan, an ornery & crusty 50 year old man of the Watch. "Maybe they can just go about their lives as if this post never occurred, maybe they can continue to find opportunity in the job market as they have for years...but maybe, just maybe something in the future will change and they would have to re-evaluate their options. Would YOU take that risk? I wouldn't. That's why you see me right here online accusing random companies of sometimes far-fetched scams."

8 years 16 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - Shijiazhuang

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A W-visa? W for banker?


W for wanker, maybe

8 years 16 weeks ago
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8 years 16 weeks ago
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I would, just because you wouldn't surprise.


8th raincoat is on the way! I agree, it's moronic way to get new garments. 


So you would work in the China Scam Watch even if it was on a "W" visa?


It's good to hear that instead of being obstinate you are embracing


I'm glad that you are coming to your senses

8 years 16 weeks ago
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Senses? I was readin' novelty edition of Englo language, and ....'w' stands for 'weed', meiyou 'visa'. That's written with single 'v'.angel


See protests on 'my-new-raincoat-xtra-reply' on 'da bottom of de barrel'.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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8 years 16 weeks ago
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A W-visa? W for banker?


W for wanker, maybe

8 years 16 weeks ago
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8 years 16 weeks ago
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Wow great post, OP!


I'd just be worried about what happens when the 2 yrs are up! Can you renew the W visa or will you be taken directly to prison?


You can renew it in China under condition, you are pimple-less.


I got this from entering in search above:


How to make a red pimple less red -

8 years 16 weeks ago
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8 years 16 weeks ago
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The people of Shijiazhuang needed to know this. This is a matter of lifestyle.


oh yeah i'm sure they are happy to be kept in the loop as always,


and it's really scary how unpopular the china scam watch is. NOBODY likes it? I hope the people being issued W visas can turn it around.

8 years 16 weeks ago
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8 years 16 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman