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Q: Visitor Visa (B2) help

So my wife and I think it's a bad idea for mom and dad in-law to immigrate right now. Not only do they not speak any English, but they don't know anything about America and her ways. To top it off, the in-laws straight up do NOT want to move to the U.S. (we asked) They have too many family ties in China, and don't want to give them up.


So we want them to just visit for a short duration. Not to work, not to help with child-care or anything like that - just visit. They've never met their grand-daughter, and we want to bring them to the ultrasound appointments. I make way more than enough money to pay for their airfare, food, accommodation (they'll be staying with us, obviously), etc, and I can be financially responsible for them while they're here.


I can also ensure that they return to China. They aren't the type to up and run off. The brother-in-law would definitely run off and get into some trouble, though. He knows we're never going to bring him here anyway.


Has anyone done this before? What's the procedure? We want to do everything legally, of course. Is there a snowball's chance in hell of bringing them here, or should we just go visit them and get killed by Muslims at the train station?

10 years 7 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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they look at a history of travel and returning, so i would send them on some cheap trips to thailand, vietnam, etc, they need some foreign travel to increase your chances of approval at the embassy,

have photos of you and the family with them also helps, 


i was told three things when i got my second wife's mother a visit


bank accounts or property here so they have roots here that would want to return to


photos of family now and 10 years ago with their daughter to show its really their daughter, so many scams with this,


show some responsibility in travel by traveling before to at least 2 countries and returning when the visa required.


these rules can be more lenient if your traveling in a group tour, but solo travel this is used frequently


even after getting all this in order, the mother in law was turned down for the visa on the 3rd attempt and she angrily told them that my son in law said this is what you need, what did i forget, the agent at the embassy said "your son in law has been at this embassy with you", she said yes, here is the picture, they changed the no to a yes and approved her visa, this was shenyang, she was from changchun. not sure if this helps you much.


good luck




We got one with my wife, mother-in-law and grandfather-in-law (now deceased, unfortunately)... when she was 4 or 5. There aren't too many family pictures back then... they were literally too poor for that. We'll have to dig for them.


But we do have photos of all of us together from before we left.


Really helpful, dude. We'll take 'em to Thailand and another country first.

10 years 7 weeks ago
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10 years 7 weeks ago
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Lol Hulk. You must really miss China.


You seem determined to move half the Chinese population stateside .


I only have experience of UK visa, but all of what Ambi says above applies to UK visa too.


My wife's first tourist visa application was rejected because I did not say the "I promise to put her on the plane back", and also I had not formally declared she would have no recourse to public funds.


I think paying health insurance upfront would help.


Goos luck wink

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10 years 7 weeks ago
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Depending on where they're from, they may need to pony up for a security deposit to ensure their return.

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10 years 7 weeks ago
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I didn't know it's so complicated for Chinese mainlanders to visit the US. Where I come from, I can apply for a 60 day visit pass for any relative online and get it approved in 3 days. Of course I need to submit scanned copies of their passports. I also need to sign a $5000 bond to ensure they leave when their permits nears expiry. All for $60. No queues, no interviews, no stupid questions. 

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10 years 7 weeks ago
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Don't know about US, but for Canada there is a need to prove they can pay for their visit, not be supported, guess if you kick them out that they will be OK.

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10 years 7 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman