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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Want to rant a house
I looking for my home and Want it Baishilong. Need 2 bedroom. Have anybody who help me ?
g'darn house, ifriggin' hate u! u suk 2 much, dirty all the time,,, too hot,,, too cold,,, broken window,,, dirty floor,,, dam house u suk !! u call urself a house ? Hovel is more like it !!
Just go to where you want to live, and stand outside an estate agents office. The apartment will find you.
Good luck
Just go to where you want to live, and stand outside and bitch about stiuff. The aprtment agents will find you and screw you over.
How do you rant a house?
If you stick your Q into mighty Yahoo-gle, you'll get correct spelling of the Q, and answer too.
My Apartment is dirty so I guess that needs someone to rant at it so fill your boots Sharmin
Its ok, you can move, but you'll lose your deposit unless that is a nice owner.
g'darn house, ifriggin' hate u! u suk 2 much, dirty all the time,,, too hot,,, too cold,,, broken window,,, dirty floor,,, dam house u suk !! u call urself a house ? Hovel is more like it !!
Reminds me of the Sparks song from the 70s
Kimono my House
Looking for a rant? You came to the right place.
*Thousand dollars grin*