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Q: We will be moving to Xi'an with two young kids. How bad is the air pollution?
11 years 38 weeks ago in Health & Safety - Xi'an
From what I've heard, Xi'an's air quality isn't too great as it's in the industrial center of China. I would suggest you buy an air purifier and some decent facemasks.
Xi'an's air pollution: 'Hazardous'
Also, if you have an iProduct there's an app in the App Store called China Air Quality Index. It has a map feature where you can check the pollution levels of just about any major city in China.
You can zoom into Xi'an and see the results from monitoring stations all over the city.
From what I've heard, Xi'an's air quality isn't too great as it's in the industrial center of China. I would suggest you buy an air purifier and some decent facemasks.
if you stay in XI'AN during spring and summer,it's just ok,but in winter with no rain day ,it is terrible!
if you stay in XI'AN during spring and summer,it's just ok,but in winter with no rain day ,it is terrible!
The other thing to know is xian gets hit with dust storms from the desert, but the humidity in the summer is low, dry heat
air quality is bad as a city nice place to live by western products at a store called metro