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Q: What are the dont's when you are in china?
I am planning to go there
Don't discuss the 3 T's...... Tibet, Taiwan, Tiananmen.
And don't suggest that Xinjiang is linked to forced re-education camps....
1) don't go.
2) if you insist on going don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of, which will happen a lot.
Locals rely on the good nature of foreigners to be exploited.
3) don't accept a vague contract.
4) don't be a doormat.
5) don't accept BS dressed up as 'culture'
6) don't be pressured into doing anything you are not comfortable with, especially from a cultural persepctive.
7) don't accept being bullied, especially if this is your first time in China.
8) don't go without an exit plan
sadly every other foreigner i was in contact with experienced being screwed over in China, and being taken advantage of. I like to help people in my free time, but in china this was exploited and I would get abuse when I politely explained why i was unable to give my free time for something. I became reluctant to offer to help with anything during my free time.
I remember one (older) American chose not to listen to advice when dealing with his employer and was screwed over and defrauded.
many naively believe that chinese employers are as reliable as (for example) European employers, and that the contract is binding, they are not.
I have many examples, not only from my own experience, but also those i witnessed, of foreign workers being treated like sh** - professional experienced people - and being surprised.
being aware of what can, and more often than not, does go wrong in China my be cynical, but many people to travel to China are sadly naive.
And to be trapped, and at the mercy of an employer in a country like China is no party.
when i travelled initially to China i was prepared to some degree, but even I could not predict the duplicitous nature ot Chinese employers.
Cultural respect works both ways.
sadly missing in China, whereas in many other 'western' countries we have to culturally aware.
this is probably one of the many 'post and run' accounts prevelant these days on this site.
Yes. If you hadn't been screwed in your own country you would never have left for China. Have some gratitude.
i completely agree with you ,i have been learning it the harsh way.They always use culture even when it doesnt even apply in some situations.
I could also add:
don't expect straightforward answers to direct questions.
Don't expect honesty.
and as this is probably another fake account, see above
I came here in 2011 and I’m still here.. It’s down to the individual to deal with/ accept/ adapt (or not) with issues and problems and that’s the same in every country. People try China for different reasons and it might work out or not, like in any country and there is always the option to leave. Yeah, seems like some accounts here are BS but hey ho, that’s China or should I say Life!
Don't discuss the 3 T's...... Tibet, Taiwan, Tiananmen.
And don't suggest that Xinjiang is linked to forced re-education camps....
Chinese are generally pretty tolerant friendly and accepting whatever foreigners do. I spent 15 years in China but I wouldn't say there are that many don'ts....
Don't assume that many people speak English though and learn some Chinese. Don't speak much about politics unless you want to praise Chinese system.