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Q: What are expats in Changchun doing other than teaching English?

13 years 4 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - Changchun

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i guess a lot of laowai do business in china rather than teaching. its same with all the cities

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13 years 3 weeks ago
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Leaning Chinese? Changchun is a good place for learning Chinese, just not so good as Haerbin.

Engineering. All most all German in Changchun r engineers.

Most foreign runs businesses r runed by Korean.

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13 years 3 weeks ago
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Changchun is considered as capital of auto manufacturing industry in China. I read news that the city employs many auto engineers / experts from other countries (Germany, Japan etc. ) in the manufacturing industry, with many in auto manufacturing industry.

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13 years 3 weeks ago
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I personally devote a lot of time with the children i teach, because their smile is just priceless. I want to stimulate them so they get out of the "learn by heart, don't develop our creativity" things that Chinese people dig.

When i feel they are stimulated by all the exercise i plan for them and the reaction is good, it stimulates me, so I become happy.

How old are you George? My students seem to be around the same age as you are Wink

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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skater, you must be Chinese, thinking Changdun is the capital of auto manufacturing factory! You gave me a good laugh and I thank you for it.

On a serious note, though, you are totally wrong.

But I agree with you for the manufacturing part, because Chinese labor is utterly cheap and there is no Unions, mostly because Chinese people don't realize they're being exploited by the West.

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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Tommas, yes I should have made it clearer that the statement Changchun is considered as the capital of auto manufacturing industry in my previous post refers to China only. Changchun's share in the Chinese auto industry is reduced as some other auto manufacturers in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan have increased greatly their auto production in recent years through the alliance and joint ventures with other auto manufacturers in the world.

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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there is a great deal of foreign teachers here, but expats, am not really sure; also a large number of exchange and foreign students... the only thing in changchun that most people do is visit around, visit parks, clubbing etc... 

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12 years 36 weeks ago
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