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Q: What bad habit(s) did you pick up in China?

My bf started spitting and littering after three years of living in China. How about you guys?

9 years 49 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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It's not too late to find a civilised boyfriend.


Wait... Please tell me this isn't the same one who checks out girls on dating sites in your presence.


In answer to your question: I have developed a complete disregard for traffic rules when walking or cycling. But I haven't "gone native" in regards to personal dignity or public hygiene. Does your bf stick his finger in his nose in public too?



Fortunately, no, not that I remembered.


Hope what he did was just a kind of "demonstration". I was half amused half ashamed of my people. It felt like looking at yourself through someone else's eyes.  An interesting experience to say the least.

9 years 48 weeks ago
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9 years 48 weeks ago
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I just dont give a shit about anyone any more,apart from the people that matter most to me.

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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None. I did come pre-loaded with some bad habits, so no need to pick up new ones. Tragically my Scandinavian bad habits does not just magically appear like normal behavior in China. 

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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Happy to say, no spitting, no heaving to clearing the chest, no finger up the nose and no littering. I am aware though that I do tend to walk more on the road than on the sidewalk, mainly because the sidewalks are to often used as car parks,  for vehicles of one kind or another, and  or extended shop fronts. Oh and no more queuing, no more holding the door open for ungrateful shits who can't acknowledge your moment of kindness. And if you push me whilst on the metro, you'll dam well get pushed back, and hard. Not my usual life ways, however when in Rome..but no shitting on the road.


You forgot to mention that sidewalks are used not only as parking lots and shop stands, but also as toilets.

9 years 48 weeks ago
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9 years 48 weeks ago
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I can jump a line with the best of them, and push back as hard, with complete disregard whether its women, men or old people.

I cross a street without even looking at traffic, they will have to stop, wouldn't they?

And I can hit a drain from quite a few meters away spitting, although I haven't mastered the snot accumulation process yet


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9 years 48 weeks ago
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Well, this National Day Holiday, me, my wife and some local foreigners went on a camping trip... we ended up having to board different cars due to lack of tickets. 


Anyway, our seats were at the back of this one particular car full of standing people. And it was pretty packed.. I was like, "move... move..." but they wouldn't. My wife was shouting at them to move. So I turn to her and she says, "You can't be polite, you will have to push them out of the way." I am 6 foot, 220 pounds and I work out... so this was  a green light for me to get some satisfaction. 


So I bowled over about 8-10 people relentlessly so we could get to our seats (that we paid for). A lot of them were pissed off (so was I for their obvious indifference to making way) but who cares... it felt great and much easier than I suspected it would be... I think this will turn in to a habit because of how fun damn fun it was.


Others... I don't really obey ALL traffic rules at all times but I am safe. I still won't spit, cut lines, cut people off, talk loudly on mobile phones... or be a totally rude asshole. I won't let these little people get to me. 


If you didn't pay for a seat, then move for the people who did, damn it. 



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9 years 48 weeks ago
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If jaywalking on the street counted as sort of chinese bad habit...then yeah sometimes.

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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  I picked up a habit off a nun in Shanghai for a few hundred; it was leather with chains, buckles and a picture of a skull on the back smoking a pipe. That was pretty bad. Jam on.


Come again? You mugged a nun? You're joking, right?

9 years 48 weeks ago
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For real. Nuns are dangerous people. Most of them are either strippers (I can link you a few videos) or bikers, when they're not in church.


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9 years 48 weeks ago
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I sometimes have people killed by the triads now but apart from that not really.

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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