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Q: What behaviors indicate You have assimilated too deep ?

For example, 比如;

Wear your pajamas and walk backwards in the morning &evening?


Travel to USA or Europe and crave Chinese food after 2 days?

Blow snot  out your nose in public?

Catch your reflection in shop glass and realize you are the only

Laowai you've seen for days.

Have had same massage girl for 5 years and only 

because of her technique in real massage.

Opt for zhongyao  versus Western "medicine"

Not alarmed with bruises covering your body at swimming pool caused when your girlfriend bites your lips,face, neck...when romantic .

Prefer to take train during holidays for the chaos experience 

Accept Chinese women deep level of care and nutrition and money saving and unique  



11 years 38 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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When one starts posting questions with examples of what they are doing in daily life.

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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  Actually I do have one on this subject. The noisy eating thing. I've got a kid and i'm torn: on the one hand I was raised to believe it is polite to eat with your mouth closed, but on the other hand I don't wish to teach him that his grandparents are impolite. As a result i've started chomping and slurping my food at times, particularly when in the company of the in-laws. still just don't feel right.


That's why I stopped eating. Ever. It helps me resolve the conflict between cultures.

11 years 38 weeks ago
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mArtiAn, right is right and teaching wrong is wrong. 


Teach your kid what is right i.e. don't slurp / chomp / speak with your mouth full, but you also teach him respect for his elders (i.e. your in-laws) and you also teach him that the number 1 rule of table manners is you never openly criticise a guest at your table. That way you are teaching him the correct etiquette and avoiding him pointing out his grandparents lack manners. As you know I'm in the exact same situation and that is what we're doing.

11 years 38 weeks ago
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Hugh, spot on. But let me ask two questions to this


1. Are the in-laws actually considered guests in China? "My house is your house" mentality counts a lot more when it comes to family in China. (e.g. when my mother in law is in my apartment, I feel like the guest)

2. Slurping is wrong no matter what. A mixed kid will be able to function both in mummy's country and daddy's country. And if you in some years send off a teenager to go to college in UK/US and he she slurps, China style, then that is going to be a rough experience. Are you doing what is best for your child?

11 years 38 weeks ago
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Hi Scandinavian, sorry, not sure, were your questions for me or Huge? I'll assume they were for me and answer 'no', I never feel like a guest in my home. I'm the king of the castle, no doubt about it. Respect the in-laws though. Haha, and as for slurping, welllll, it's hardly a hanging offense. I don't see any right or wrong about it. And if he grows up to go to uni in England and they call him 'Slurpy', haha, I think he'll survive. 'Rough' is getting kicked in the testicles when you're sleeping.

11 years 38 weeks ago
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Scandinavian, my viewpoint is anyone in my home apart from my immediate family,  is treated as a 'guest' absolutely anyone, my mother-in-law, who lives with us permanently will be treated as immediate family, (I know that's not the strict dictionary definition but it will do for our purposes). However, please bear in mind according to the way I was raised, guests are treated with reverence and accorded extra priveleges, not less and treated as 'one of the family' (which I personally abhor),  or at least I would if a 'guest' decided to put their feet up on the coffee table or help themselves uninvited to my beer, as I would 'tolerate' for family.


As my daughter gets older, I will ensure she recognises that there are two sets of 'acceptable' table manners in her life, the western ones which she will be expected to use at all times when I am at the table wherever we are whatever table implements we are using, (also of course when she is in a 'western' nation), and Chinese ones which she can feel free to use in China so long as I am not present.

11 years 38 weeks ago
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I started drinking hot water exclusively? does that count?


depends, do you add coffee-beans to your hot water ? 

11 years 38 weeks ago
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11 years 38 weeks ago
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I would say feeling like I can express myself easier in Chinese than in English is a big issue for me. I've even started dreaming in Chinese. I recall several weeks ago I was with one of my German friends and both of us started our conversation in English, continued on into German - my German is not bad, not good - but finally ended speaking all Chinese. We realized what we were doing after maybe 20-30 minutes had passed, laugh a little, then finished in English. Just to feel normal.


I second the above comment about eating habits. I was always raised to eat with my mouth closed, and not to speak with food in my mouth. That was a standard habit for decades... and here I am now.. actually a Chinese girl I went out with recently scolded 'ME' for eating with food in my mouth... 


And I do like train travel a lot, but that is just because the US system is ancient by comparison. I know Europe is far more modern.. Every time I ride a fast train from Shenzhen to Guangzhou, or Shanghai to Nanjing, I always say to myself "gosh I wish I could do this from my hometown in Indianapolis to Chicago, or perhaps even New York City (my lab is here)." It won't happen in my lifetime though, US urban planning and transportation is a mess.


Get your head out of your arse.

You pretentious git.

11 years 13 weeks ago
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11 years 38 weeks ago
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Nothing surprise's anymore

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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I think very few people will ever learn to accept blowing snot projectiles, but love the example.   The best example of assimilating too deeply I've ever across was years back when I read a post by someone (either here or on another site) about how the author had noticed that when they go back to the US they act like a complete tool with their friends and family.  I hadn't noticed myself doing that at the time but as the years passed I've found that I increasingly do - I just can't relate to people back home anymore because I don't think like they do.  You know when you first come to China and you make a joke and everyone just stares at you because they don't get it.  Well, when you get that reaction on your home-visits as well that means you've been here for long enough that you've changed.

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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The care factor    I just do not care anymore    I cross the road wherever and whenever I want ,I push my way to the front of the crowd (no lines in china),Save my manners for family and friends,When somebody questions me I reply "This is China".   only half doing

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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I prefer using kuaizi ,,, but the one thing that freaked me out deeply was a group of Westerners,,,   US & Euro's told me in Manila that they had never heard an accent like mine before...  kinda scared me a little...  angry I've pretty much been exclusively in Asia for about 10 years and much of that time never around weiguoren or farang....

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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A few months ago, I got so sick that I slept, on and off, for 36 hours straight. When I finally crawled out of bed, I remembered that, at some point, I had put my hot water boiler on my bedside table, and had been guzzling hot water every time I woke up.

I don't even see lines when I come home. My first week back from China, ever, I walked right past a bathroom line that included a pregnant woman, just because I didn't notice it. I felt like such an ass.

I make that 'mmmhhh' sound to show that I am agreeing with someone.

I give and take things two-handed.

When I was traveling in SE Asia, I had to closely examine USDs just to make sure they were real--and I'm American.

11 years 13 weeks ago
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11 years 13 weeks ago
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 i offer tissues to people after every meal now, as i have them with me all the time.

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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When you come on an answers/questions board to try to find the correct answer or any answer for that matter. And you try to compare with other people's answers to the one's you already have in your head...

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11 years 13 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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When you default to speaking Chinese even when speaking to other westerners (I've done that without even thinking about it. Almost a reflex action).

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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When you subconsciously think "farang" whenever you see a western person walking down the street.


Preferring kuaizi is not assimilating too deep, it's acknowledging the superiority of chopsticks over fork-and-knife. Chopsticks have balance, fork-and-knife indicate violence. Ever heard of Confucius?


yeah,, I get that feeling too,,,, thinking it is weird to see 'white' people in China....  I kinda slyly out-of-the-corner-of-my-eye stare at them and wonder wtf ?

11 years 13 weeks ago
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11 years 13 weeks ago
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i answer 'so-so' to questions now wink

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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When you hear the phrase "We are the Chinese. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. You don't know China."

 When you hear that last phrase, it means that you don't know sh*t.

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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So... I guess this was an elaborate post just to say that you're a good boy for not sleeping with your masseuse, so very awesome for being the only westerner around, and that you transpire so much raw sexuality Chinese women can't get a hold of themselves around your manliness, huh?



Also, what is

up with the way you jump

to the next

line every once in

a while for no 

apparent reason


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11 years 13 weeks ago
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Does jumping the queue and rushing for everything needlessly count as well?


I never do that! And, I always complain when someone jumps in front of me. I guess, I'll never be too deep in.....

11 years 13 weeks ago
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11 years 13 weeks ago
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What about oggling at girls whom you never have thought of as nice looking?

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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Wow, the same massage girl for 5 years? The service must be exceptional!

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77