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Q: what is the best service to print photos (large prints, good quality)?

The case is:

I want to print large (minimum 30x40 cm) photos, and I want it to be good quality 300dpi print.

I live in Kaiping, 3T (maybe) city in Guangdong.

Where You can advise to print it?

A) Take a friend (I speak only survival Chinese) and go to the any small "lab" (that makes usually only pocked-size photos) and ask them to order it in some bigger one?
B) Take the same person, go to the "printing" company, that makes folders, boxes and so on...?


Or somewhere else? Where?


Ant here comes the other part...

Some of the pictures are nudes, spicy ones, but not a porn.

Where to print THIS kind of photos?
Or not to print them in China?


12 years 4 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - Guangzhou

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help, hilfe, etc... Wink

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12 years 4 weeks ago
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not to sure in your city but see kodak print shops dotted all around Beijing not to sure if it is fake since Kodak went under but if you see it give them a shot.

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12 years 4 weeks ago
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there is some "Kodak"... i just name it "lab", because as far as I see they have only simple processor, packed with at best 15 cm wide paper... and overall look... heh... pocket size maybe I would risk, but larger... not really


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12 years 4 weeks ago
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30x40 is A3 size is so large maybe you should take it to the printing factory,maybe i can help you.




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12 years 4 weeks ago
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