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Q: But What Can I Do ?

So you read the student loan shark story on the front page,
But are you willing to do anything about it.
99 out of 100 won't.
but im going to.
Tell your media back home about it.
Would you want your child in this human trafficking ring?
tell the world so the Authorities in China will do something about this.

8 years 5 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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Selling the pictures in America would get some one arrested for child pornography, who wants to look at flat chested immature teenagers, except China.

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8 years 4 weeks ago
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Why on earth would any young Chinese woman do this ? Failure of parenting that is why. 

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8 years 5 weeks ago
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Phil: Who's the victim?

They're doing this by choice. Why are they getting loans from loan sharks? To buy an iphone, no sympathy. Look at those photos carefully those are Vikis . Skin bleaching, money chasing, materialistic. So why should I care.


Ted's angry because pretty girls don't want him by the sounds of it. His biggest merit he has is being foreign in China. Boo hoo. 

8 years 5 weeks ago
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guess Ted is just 1 of 99

8 years 5 weeks ago
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@ Englteachted. I bet your casual misanthropy is much more charming up close.

8 years 5 weeks ago
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Phil, they did this by choice, they knew what they were getting into and decided to do it anyway. 

8 years 5 weeks ago
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8 years 5 weeks ago
Posts: 998


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Selling the pictures in America would get some one arrested for child pornography, who wants to look at flat chested immature teenagers, except China.

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8 years 4 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman