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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: What can you tell me about teaching and life in Zhejiang Province? Dalian? Shanghai?
I'm thinking of coming to China to teach and I need help deciding on where would be best to go. I am being recruited by a school in Shangyu city, Zhejiang Province. However, I am also considering Dalian and Shanghai. Please tell me about your experiences here?
13 years 3 weeks ago in Lifestyle - Other cities
I lived and taught in a private school in Dalian last year. I would totally recommend it, it was a great city to live in, good food, nice people.. This year im in Zhejiang, between hangzhou and shangyu, and although it is not a bad place and I enjoy my job, I liked Dalian much idea about life in Shanghai though.
Good luck!
I like Zhejiang more than other places in China I've been to and my company has had me in three different cities so far, but do you have any specific questions? There's a world of difference between even South and North Hangzhou, not to mention the whole province
I lived in Dalian for about a year and a half. It was a great city to live in. But the main problem for me was the winter. It gets really cold & windy for about 4 months out of the year.