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Q: What is considered acceptable with KTV girls?

Yesterday, I went to a KTV place with a Chinese buddy of mine. Anyway, I don't normally like KTVs but I went because I was drunk and nothing better to do really lol. When we got there he told the guy to bring out some girls and I was suppose to pick one. That's a bit strange but I picked one quickly to avoid making a big thing of it. 


I assumed the girl was just suppose to sit with you, give you alcohol, chat and whatever. Anyway, he told me to give her a kiss and since she was pretty hot and didn't seem to mind, I did. I am not sure if that crosses the border of what the girls there are suppose/should do. 


Anyway, it got me to thinking... what is acceptable to do with the KTV girls and are they like prostitutes?


Are their "clients" allowed to kiss them? Touch them? Bring them home? 


I am sure there are some unwritten rules anyone know? 





10 years 11 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Pretty close, yes, yes, yes.


In Indonesia we call those "plus plus" service (we got Karaoke/KTV ++, massage ++, therapy ++, etc). Basically when they consider you are wealthy or attractive enough they will offer or provide those extra option, sometimes for free. If you play your laowai card carefully you can get them for free most of the times, just be careful in some places they will rob you or do something worse.

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10 years 11 weeks ago
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Like many things in China, it "depends", lol.  Of all the KTV's I've been to where the girls are involved (only happens when I'm out with the boss), we were expected to touch, grope, feel-up, etc.  At first, I resisted, but then one of the boss's friends casually, but firmly, took my hand and rammed it down my poor girl's blouse.  


From what I can gather, being taken home is the girl's prerogative.  Some girls are willing, others are not, depending on both their own situation (do they consider themselves a hooker or not) and your situation (are you handsome or repulsive).  Pretty sure it's never free as liantohusin (at least I've never seen it like that in China).


PS - The only time a girl kissed me in KTV, she was also asking me if we would "make love" probably could have taken that girl home, for a modest fee smiley


right on the perrogative, I've had a KTV girl tell me she'd like to move with me to "whatever country I was from", not the exact word, but that meaning, didn't care, just not China

10 years 11 weeks ago
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Please hold in mind that if a girl goes to KTV as chatter or something, she has must have made adequate preparations to be a hooker sometimes, whether she is willing or not.

10 years 11 weeks ago
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10 years 11 weeks ago
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where on Earth is this type of KTV..

never faced any luck in Qingdao though...

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10 years 11 weeks ago
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There are no rules, written or unwritten, only a compromise between the limits of where everyone is willing to go to and at what price... the girls there would be anywhere else if they could.

I'm not saying they're living in hell, the money must be quite good, but don't be mistaken, making you feel you can put the word "client" inside quoting marks is part of their job.

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10 years 11 weeks ago
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Generally, there are 3 kinds of KTV's


1:  The one your wife goes to.  In a shopping mall. Cheap  girls go there to sing and gossip. 


2: KTV with  drinking girls.  In the city center, choose a girl  shell drink and play games with you.  Not a hooker, doesnt want to be touched.  You might come across one that wants extra cash. 


3 KTV with hookers.  Usually on the outskirts of town. Industrial areas. Usually attached to a hotel.  The most expensive, usually business dudes going. Choose a  girl for  around 800 +  . The way it works is  you will pay the girl around 3 or 4 hundred to drink with you. You can touch and play around based on their mood.  If you want to take them up to a room, you pay the remaining 500 or so. They do not have a choice.  You dont pay for the room. They will have a couple floors for regular guests and a couple shittier floors for the KTV guests.  And everything is up for grabs. Depends on the atmosphere. I have seen it turn into a nightclub with everyone dancing with their shirts off. And ive seen it boring as hell.  If its fun and the girls are drunk and happy then anything goes. If they are bored. You take them up to lay on the bed like a corpse. 


4: Dongguan...

10 years 11 weeks ago
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Thanks bud, I think the one I went to was the middle one. Nice, classy place, very pretty girls. 


The girl didn't mind being kissed or being touched. 

10 years 11 weeks ago
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10 years 11 weeks ago
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You guys are sad


I am sad because my Chinese friend invited me to KTV and asked a girl to sit with me that was terribly attractive... 


or are you sad because you have no Chinese friends or possibly friends at all... 


It is okay to like women, as long as you treat them respectfully. Get a life dude. 

10 years 11 weeks ago
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Remember the KTV motto: "At KTV, we do chicken right!"

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10 years 11 weeks ago
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It totally depends on your moral values. Whether or not you ll kiss a girl who's been paid for that either by your friend or the employer. I won't go for that. This rule is applicable to all limits in KTVs,massage parlors or whatever place having the facility.


Meh, if it seems like a girl doesn't want to kiss, I won't. Pretty simple. 


She was paid to pour drinks and accompany her guest. In this case, it was really just a silly dare that both sides had no rejection to... That's why I asked this question, because it seemed to me like she didn't HAVE to, or wasn't obligated like I hear about other KTVs... don't be so rigid and live a little. It was no more sinister than "spin the bottle" when I was in elementary school.  

10 years 11 weeks ago
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Ifu hey knew how much of a clown you are they wouldn't bother

10 years 10 weeks ago
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10 years 11 weeks ago
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I hear they look down on sodomy


They normally would be looking down if you were sodomising them. 

10 years 10 weeks ago
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10 years 10 weeks ago
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You don't feel scared to kiss these kinds of women? Can you imagine where their mouth has been? ick~ I'll stick to my boss' wife thanks you~

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10 years 10 weeks ago
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Dude...anything is appropriate at Girleoke (KTV with hostess girls)

I have been at least 100 times with my many business dude friends who invite me out.


As Mike above said there are 3 kinds but the last one is the most prevalent with various degrees of what they will and will not do.


I have never done anything extra curricular at KTV and have always been respectful and polite with the girls.  Often they are shocked at how different I am from a Chinese dudes that are usually pigs towards them.  But my friends and their friends do and I have witnessed and know it all.

This can have drawbacks as many have kissed me or groped me and its hard to stop.  One time last year as my hostess was grabbing my junk then talking to my buddie's girl urging her to do the same to me.  After the back and forth grabbing a few times they practically ripped open my shorts in front of all....I stopped them before full exposure but they got to see what they wanted....and would not leave me or it alone for the rest of the night.  They would have yanked it out and tag teamed it in front of everyone if they could.

Girleoke is a deep dark world...don't let it suck you in.... 


The dude abides! Big respect, Lebowski.

10 years 10 weeks ago
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10 years 10 weeks ago
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I did not visit to KTV. So I have no idea about it.


Okay, so then why did you post lol? 

10 years 9 weeks ago
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I've never been either, I looked in  classy place, lobby full of uniformed babes, I looked at others that had pooches and left.

10 years 9 weeks ago
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10 years 9 weeks ago
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I was taken to a really high end ktv place this week. this was private membership and the only time I have ever seen like this. It all looked very classy and then they bought in the girls. I was told to choose one which I did, young and very beautiful. As soon she sat next to me her hand was on my crotch and just so there were no misunderstandings one of the Chinese guysI was with came over, pulled the top of her dress down, she was bra-less and placed both my hands straight on her boobs. She was up for anything but if I wanted more than touching I was expected to take her upstairs and the entry price to the room was 1,000 rmb. At this place they were definitely hookers.

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10 years 9 weeks ago
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Right or wrong, where do we expect 30 million extra men in China to go for wine, women and song? Everyone has needs and if you're a short Chinese guy without a girlfriend and not much money, KTV chicks may be your only option. Don't kill the messenger, just pointing out the obvious.

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10 years 9 weeks ago
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I think you should ask the girl you are with what are her limits.  Each have their own restrictions and some are game for almost anything.  But if you do not ask and get aggressive, you will be seen as a sexual terrorist by her and might end up behind bars or beaten by bouncers if she says you tried to rape her. We all do stupid shit when we are drunk, so ask her before you get stewed.


Yeah, it is just that Chinese are experts at "beating around the bushes"... 


So that could make things a little difficult to interpret. 

10 years 8 weeks ago
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10 years 8 weeks ago
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