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Q: What do you do when you're in a traffic accident in China?

I've seen way too many road accidents here in China so naturally I don't want to rule out finding myself in one at some stage. What's the best way of dealing with it? Who do you call? Do you need a lawyer and translator?

13 years 14 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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I have video cameras installed in both of my cars. I have had 1 accident in 5 years. Car hit me and caused minor damage. The other driver claimed it was my fault.  I didn't argue with the man and just waited for the police to arrive. When they did I showed them the video and the man's face got really red. He paid to repair my damage.

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9 years 34 weeks ago
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I don't know much about needing a lawyer or translator, however I do know that in case of traffic accident, you have to call 122

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13 years 14 weeks ago
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13 years 14 weeks ago
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if appearances can be made to look against you, you're screwed. naturally you are at a disadvantage, and it's easy for other parties to point fingers against you. i'd say the safest would be to get translation assistance on the double. i'd personally call my wife and tell her to come quickly, then signal that you're waiting for police to come. something like: "wo de lao po lai le. wo men deng jing cha." i wouldn't handover my phone to angry people in a traffic incident, even if the need for quick translation is dire.
if the opposing party demands hospital visit and/or compensation, it's better to have a chinese person tailor an appropriate response. remember: if it's a scammer's trick to swindle money out of you, the opposing party will raise high hell rather than get police involved. however, if you have a reason not to want police involvement as well (visa?), maybe you're better off discussing swift compensation.

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9 years 34 weeks ago
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Actually last week I was in a minor traffic incident.  I was in the middle lane in light traffic when a car on the right started to drift into my lane.  I was going about 40km/hr and thinking what the hell is this guy doing.  I notice a lot of drivers drift left to right in their lane without changing lanes.  Well I honked on my horn before the back his car collided with the front right side of mine.  We both pull over, I'm furious, say what the f***.  He blames me saying I bumped into him by driving into his lane, also was funny when he said I shouldn't cuss.  He said something like this doesn't need the police, I say he hit me, so police come out write down what happen, and we need to go to, what my wife calls, 'quick dealing center' to resolve the incident where they also have all the car insurance company representatives.  Police did say that there is no way to prove who hit who, and that it would have been best to stop where we were when it happened.  Which would of entailed blocking two of the three lanes.  So after going to the quick dealing center they say that we both have to pay for our own damage and my premium will go up next time I renew.  Car insurance representatives came out and took pictures of the cars.  I asked to see if there was any cameras around to show what happened they said there was none.  I can tell the other guy was quite upset haven't seen someone chain smoke like that in long time.  Also my father in law said that I would be blamed because it was the front of my car that was hit, so I guess I got lucky I didn't get blamed.


Moral of story get a dashboard camera and stop right where it happens and take pictures.  


This is the dashboard camera I plan to buy link



Yeah, the dashboard is an absolutely must.


If you get a car... you MUST get it.

9 years 19 weeks ago
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9 years 34 weeks ago
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I have video cameras installed in both of my cars. I have had 1 accident in 5 years. Car hit me and caused minor damage. The other driver claimed it was my fault.  I didn't argue with the man and just waited for the police to arrive. When they did I showed them the video and the man's face got really red. He paid to repair my damage.

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9 years 34 weeks ago
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And... as soon as it happens, pull out the smartphone and start recording!

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9 years 34 weeks ago
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I play a death bug ...

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9 years 34 weeks ago
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Take photos or video tape immediately. Also, call the police. Dont be surprised if they hit you that they will still blame you for the accident. Also, pray that they will take responsibility and not give you a hard time. 

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9 years 19 weeks ago
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Rule #1 always have a dash camera. Iv caught a hit and run driver dinged my parked car, and recorded a driver who side-swiped me. Cops ruled it was his fault. A video is worth 10000 arguments.

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9 years 19 weeks ago
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I love watching those videos online that show idiots jumping in front of cars to claim compo.

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9 years 19 weeks ago
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It kind of depends what vehicle you are running where the accident occurs. Here is how cops usually rule things:


- If a car hits a motorcycle or bike... then usually the car must pay damages cause it is larger and should be more careful (same with a pedestrian, obviously...)


So if you are on a bike/ebike or motorcycle and have the proper documents (like a license plate and motorcycle license, then the other guy will have to pay).


Unless, you have proof it is 100% the other guy's fault for being a moron (GET A CAM)


This is why most people on bikes drive like jackasses because they think they can get away with it.


- If another car cuts you off and brakes in front of you... and you hit it... it is your fault. They assume you followed too closely (kind of like in North America) unless you have proof (AGAIN GET A CAM)


- If you slam into the side of the car while it is cutting in front of traffic (like a U-turn) they are liable... for obviously pulling out in front of traffic when they shouldn't. May need proof on this so... get that cam.


I think the rest are pretty obvious, like idiots that run red lights, swerve in lanes or like when taxis just change lanes quickly and halt to pick up a fare.




I always keep my distance and expect cars to try and cut in front of me. You will notice that on average most Chinese drive slower than back home. This is not just because of the sheer amount of traffic but they expect other Chinese to pull this crap too.


So drive slower, expect cars to shoot out from side roads and remember that Chinese only seem to be aware of cars ahead of them (very rarely on the sides and behind).



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9 years 19 weeks ago
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