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Q: What exactly is needed for a business visa (both on applicant and company side)?

What exactly is needed to apply for a business visa?

I got a friend in beijing who owns a small company. Hopefully I can just say that I am doing an Internship with his company in order to get a Business visa for atleast 6 months.

The problem is I don't know what documentation or process is required for him?

Does anyone know?


12 years 30 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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First he will have to be approved by the Government to hire foreign workers.  Then, he will have to give you, in his business letterhead, a written offer of employemnt with conditions stated, plus accompany it with copies of his permit to hire you from government.

Then you go to Chinese Embassy and apply for visa by submitting application form, photos, required documents, and proper fee.  Once granted, come to China.

Within 30 days after arrival, and prior to start working, you must visit the local PSB office and request a work permit, a Foreign Expert Certificate and a rsidence permit.  Once granted, you cqn work here up to one year, and renewit when expires if continue working for same guy.


Very informative. Thank you very much.

12 years 30 weeks ago
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12 years 30 weeks ago
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An intern does not have a right to a Z visa, it's only an F visa, if it's a foreign company and you are not receiving rmb as payment then you also only need an F visa. If you are going to intern, you only have to register with the local PSB for your living status

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12 years 28 weeks ago
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Dear HappyExPat / Techezee / Chowmein87 / fellow members:

I have a similar query so I will not create a new thread, hope this still grabs the attention it needs:

I have a Chinese friend who is running a small business in Guangzhou, and I have already travelled to China before on a 'visiting family - tourist visa',Category L, for three months. I wish to travel to Guangzhou, so I can search for jobs, give interviews, and build upon the network I made in the 3 months I was there previously.

How feasible is it to ask him to just send me an invitation for a business meeting, if he sends me a copy of his business registration license as well? I beg to differ with HappyExPat on this but I searched in a number of places but could not find any indication that the business has to have a license to hire foreign workers to issue Business Visa (Category F) - which might be the case if he is issuing me a work permit (Category Z), or maybe, a paid internship.

Which brings me to my second query - a Business Visa, Category F, also covers unpaid internships, so if I intern with him for 6 months on paper, it'd provide me an opportunity to look for employment, considering I have a Master's degree, more than 2yrs of work experience abroad, native level of English communication, and can live with him and pay for my own expenses for the 6 months?

Quoting the
"F visa for business and visit
(1) Authorized Invation Letter, or an letter issued by the company he/she is employed and the registration license of this company, or an invitation letter from the mainland company ant the registration license of this company.
(2) Under some circumstances, the applicants may be required to provide financial proof, a copy of Chinese hotel booking and return flight ticket booking."

The reasons I want to opt for a business Visa as compared to a tourist visa are:

I can get it for a duration of 3-6 months, thereby giving me more time for job search, compared to tourist visa, that would be for 1-3 months, and since this would be my second visit, I might only get a 1 month sanction if I apply for a tourist visa, being an Indian citizen

Multiple entries - I can travel to HK for job interviews and come back to Gunagzhou. I'd not get multiple entries on tourist visa.

A detailed response would be much appereciated. Apologies if I have missed out any relevant details.

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12 years 10 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman