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Q: what is the fine for having more than one child in china

i just have to know becuase it seems to be legal if you just have to pay a fine once.

12 years 24 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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Now you can have three, do the lawbreakers get a refund for helping society against the wishes of stupid government policy? Didn't think so, we are right even when we are wrong.crying


My ex Chinese GF had 2 sisters and a brother, at least that's how she address them. Her pop had several kids with different moms, who all lived out of the city on the country side.

He began his fathership some 40-years ago ... 

3 years 13 weeks ago
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3 years 13 weeks ago
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Actually, having a second child in China doesn't necessarily imply a fine.
On some occasions, a family can have a second child:
1) a couple with no brother(Drunk or sister(Drunk are entitled to have a second child without getting any penalty and can still get the social welfare benefits for both children
2) a couple living in the countryside (especially farmers) are allowed to have a second child (very often if the first one was a "girl")
3) minorities are entitled to have a second child

However, if the couple doesn't match the previous groups, the following may occur according to the situation:
1) a penalty fine for the couple, it seems that in Beijing it''s 24,725 yuan ($3,600) for urban residents and 10,747 yuan for rural residents
(cf. China Daily : and the loss of all social benefits for both children
2) the inability to register the second child in the "hukou" booklet
3) if the couple is unable to pay the fine, the government may take away the child and give it for adoption
4) an unmarried women is not allowed to have a child at all.

If a couple has enough money, they can pay the fine, lose all the benefits and still keep the second child (or even the third child). Yes, you're in China, rich people are always welcome.

The penalty can also be higher (240,000 yuan), as it is reported in the following case :
The interesting part in this article is the declaration of plaintiff : "Although China's Population and Family Planning Law encourages a couple to only have one child, it has never forced people to do so," he said on his blog. "And there are no laws or regulations mentioning the concept of having children illegally."

I would be interested to know about this "legal" point.

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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As far as i know the regulation varies ... its local rules...
Also fine depends on your documented family income... more income .. fine is higher... ?

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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The policy is enforced at the provincial level through fines that are imposed based on the income of the family and other factors. Population and Family Planning Commissions (Chinese: 计划生育委员会; pinyin: Jìhuà Shēngyù Wěiyuánhuì) exist at every level of government to raise awareness about the issue and carry out registration and inspection work. Despite this policy, there are still many citizens that continue to have more than one child.

But numerous rummors claim that other than fines are sometimes imposed, from jail terms, to beatings, and a few other forms of punishment.

As an example, take what has beeen documented as happening in the Guangdong Province. A pregnant woman accompanied by her husband strutted in to visit their local birth control office. They took out a red bankbook, flung it on the desk and said, "Here is 200,000 yuan (US$26,570), impose as much of a fine as you want. We need to take care of our future baby. Please do not come to disturb us.

According to one Guangzhou family planning worker, in some expensive blocks and villas one can now and then see young mothers taking a walk with two or three kids. Most of these families are business owners. They do not fear fines and they neglect birth control, freely giving birth to more than one child. "A poor family hides away when giving birth to more than one child, while the rich man simply pays a fine to have more than one child.

"Guangdong will not allow rich people or celebrities to become 'special citizens'," said Zhang Feng, the deputy-secretary of the Guangzhou government and the director of the Guangdong Family Planning Commission, yesterday in an interview with a reporter. He further expressed that it was not fair that rich people and celebrities could disobey the one-child policy. He stated that those who made a negative impact on society would be publicly exposed and be strictly punished.

Guangdong worked out the Regulations of Guangdong Province on Population and Family Planning in 2002 and took the lead in imposing heavy fines on high-income citizens who have violated the one-child policy.

Article 55 of the Regulations of Guangdong Province on Population and Family Planning prescribes that: Urban residents who give birth to a second child, shall pay a lump social child-raising fee that ranges between 3 and 6 times of their last year's income. This fee shall be collected based on the last year per capita disposable income of the urban residents of the local counties (cities or districts). Those who earn more than the above mentioned income shall pay a higher social child-raising fee, ranging between one and two times of the sum exceeding the average income.

The Guangdong law stipulates a formula to calculate the fines for rich violators of one-child policy. For example, the per capita disposal income of the Tianhe District in Guangzhou last year was about 200,000 yuan. If one private enterprise boss in this district earned 200,000 yuan last year, he would

pay a maximum social child-raising fee of: 20,000x6+(200,000-20,000)x2=480,000 yuan (about US$63,763) and a minimum 20,000x3+(200,000-20,000)x1=240,000 yuan (US$31,884). This is only the fine for one of the couple. The fines for both members of the couple would be much more. And for those who have more than two children the fines will be doubled.

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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I dunno, why dun't yu axe yur momma ?


really now, you know what i know you are not Chinese because you are way to stupid shame on you and shame on Canada.  why don't you go and dry your tears in your mamas fat folds 


12 years 22 weeks ago
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and why don't you go find another way to practice your English. Quit posting your illiterate garbage and comments that barely make sense. Do you get your jollies pretending to be American or are you just delusional. What tears? You aren't funny enough to make me laugh that hard. My momma aint got no fat folds. must be yours you are thinking of.

12 years 22 weeks ago
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No offense Ted, but you both sound like children arguing the whole "I know you are but what am I" bit. Don't let him pull you down to his level. Your momma's so fat jokes are old and childish. For a troll, he's pretty lazy.

12 years 22 weeks ago
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12 years 22 weeks ago
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Men who have more than one child,

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12 years 22 weeks ago
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Now you can have three, do the lawbreakers get a refund for helping society against the wishes of stupid government policy? Didn't think so, we are right even when we are wrong.crying


My ex Chinese GF had 2 sisters and a brother, at least that's how she address them. Her pop had several kids with different moms, who all lived out of the city on the country side.

He began his fathership some 40-years ago ... 

3 years 13 weeks ago
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3 years 13 weeks ago
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