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Q: what kind of job suit with me becuase i haven't graduate?
I need a part time job or full time job in Dalian as soon as possible, but in the afternoon till evening because i have classes in the morning and I haven't graduate yet ,but help me to find a job soon please.
I'm from Thailand but i can speak English and Chinese. but i like an Acting work. Please help me find a jobs soon!
12 years 45 weeks ago in Business & Jobs - Dalian
Tutor kids they don't care if you have a degree they just care if you can get along with the kid and you can actually teach them in a fun way. A degree isn't necessary to tutor kids. The parents don't care about that!
If you are studying, and on an student visa, you will violate Chinese law if you work at anything other than an internship at the school you attend. In order to legally work in China, you must have a work visa, and afterwards have a FEC, a work permit and a residence permit. If not, you run the risk of messing up real bad !
I'm moving back to NA soon and don't have a job there yet, but sure, let me take time out of doing that to help you solve your unemployment situation first.
contact training schools they'll hire you without even asking about your credentials
try bar, they all start there work at night,i promise you have no class at that time.
i have to say if you are on student visa in china then bad news for you is that students are not allowed to work in china and last time i heard to many students from major cities were deported because they were working here and if you really need to work then you can work as a tutor or you can work in training school or you can try to contact some local schools in small villages hope you can work there, local schools in small villages dont care if you are a graduate student or not ,if you can speak Chinese well then you can get a job there
why does everyones answer have 2/3 thumbs down? grow up guys
Try teaching English as not only can you use your (awesome) English skills, but you can act like a monkey for 5 year olds. I suggest your resume begins:
'I is wanting job for make money in China. I is good at acting and speaking. My wriiten English is also at a fluent level, QED.'
Learn a computer skill (Microsoft Office, Ppt, Excel, Comptia A+, NET, etc) They are as valuable as a foreign language or degree and are essential in today's work environment. Without them, you are not as marketable or not as valuable to an employer.
It is not easy to find job in Da lian for people from Thailand, working for a foreigner bar at night might be good idea
looks like a pretty reasonable answer all be it late . maybe he just felt comfortable with the subject to respond . hopefully we will see more people like this here . @Brad im guessing you're a local by your family name . its good to have a honest local point of view . best regards