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Q: What on Planet China are you watching?

I guess it's more accurate to say these are Korean (inspired) soaps. What's with all the abuse, kidnapping and torture in a wholesome middle-income family setting?
One moment it's mild, with the typical sa jiao petulent whining, spousal bickering, domineering parents. Then the next moment it's off to the basement to tie up the offending family member and slap her around.

Similarly, the children's shows seem to have been written by complete retards, with no regard for the impressions left in kids' minds. A show called 'Boonie Bears' seems to be very popular. Some goofy park ranger wearing a contruction helmet goes around flapping his rifle and chainsaw in two bears' faces all the time, taking pot shots at them. The moment he turns his back, the bears trespass in his home to trash the place and destroy aything valuable to him. It's almost the same every episode.

I also saw a show called Family Happy Village. Really bad graphics, but what disturbs me is the chicken coop in it. First the chickens are portrayed as comical and amusing kungfu comedians, and when they lose a tussle, is suddenly shifts to the dinner table, where the chicken (portrayed as having more likeability and character than your average Chinese human) is served as a meal. Afterwards, the little weird little jellyfish character is so fond of chicken, the greedy bastard drags 2 chickens out of the coop. My 1-year-old son watched this desensitizing crap for a while.

Is it my "western cultural bias" that causes me to get offended by household abuse, weaponry in kid's shows, privacy invasions and consumption of anthropomorphised cartoon animals? I always assumed that EMPATHY was something that came natural to humans, due to our intelligence. Is it actually an acquired skill?

9 years 49 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Chinese people must know that young children can only copy adults' behaviour at their age. They learn from example. If all they see on the telly is bullying and armed violence, then that's what you can expect them to emulate. I'm afraid it also applies to some adults as well, Chinese or other.

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9 years 49 weeks ago
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Sorry mate.  You poor've got nothing to do.  

I mean, I thought my life was boring me to death.  Day after day...nothing happens.  

I employ various methods to give me a diversion and thus a chance not to throw myself out the window.  So far, so good.

But, heavens to betsy...watching Chinese tv is surely the quick way to try flying.

Sorry mate.



Oh, I've just finished watching House of Cards, series one and two.  The further it went, the more I disliked it.  No character was worth a cracker.  In fact, I finished up not caring whether or not they blew themselves up.  

Not that that's what it's about necessarily.


9 years 49 weeks ago
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I know. But when you have a 1-year-old kid who loves the colourful cartoons, as well as wife & in-laws who hog the remote, you'll get to see this stuff often. I tried introducing Garfield and Disney cartoons to my son, but he's too young. And my wife occasionally watches interesting non-Chinese stuff too. Fortunately I live alone in my little apartment during working days. Watching scifi, comedy and movies stored on Xternal HDD in the background, while i play a game or surf online. When I'm with the family, that crap entertains them, and my 2 young sons entertain me. I love being a father, but glad it's not 24/7.

9 years 49 weeks ago
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  I didn't get the appeal of 'House of Cards' either, I guess an interest in politics and politicians would help. Try 'True Detectives' if you've not already seen it. As for terrestrial television, I won't have it in my house, full stop.

9 years 49 weeks ago
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But I do have an interest in politics.

I think my favourite show ever is/was West Wing.  Not only all about politics but, like House of Cards, American politics!

House of Cards just stretches credibility beyond my limits of acceptance.  Not that I don't think things are rotten in Denmark...I do.  But....gees, come on.


I've got True Detective and will soon take your recommendation and watch it.  Ta!


9 years 49 weeks ago
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9 years 49 weeks ago
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Actually, yes, it is your 'western cultural bias' at play here.


Think back to all those cartoons - Roadrunner & Wiley Coyote, Tom & Jerry, Daffy Duck, etc etc. The violence you're describing above is all through them!! REally, if youi take a better objective look at those shows, you'll see exaclty what I mean. And while those shows are a bit older, how about TMNT, (and other stuff I don't know names of..)... same thing! Just cos they don't show blood or actual real dead people, doesn't make it any less violent!


As for the soapies... dunno, I don't watch them. The kidnapping and taking downstairs for a good beating sounds extreme, but it wouldn't surprise me!


One thing I did find offensive some time back was a music video... it was ok to show a guy slapping around a prostitute, but it wasn't ok to show her boobs - they were censored out... WTF is the world coming to????


You may be right about the old cartoons. But I remember Looney Tunes never really held my attention. Perhaps the reason I feel it's different is because many Chinese shows portray the characters as normal: They live in houses and do everyday things. They are like you and me, there is no way to distance yourself from the violence. Kids and adults will identify with them. Violence in Looney tunes usually wasn't done by identifiable characters. They were cats hunting mice, rabbits living in holes, cowboys shooting indians, criminals fighting police. ANYTHING BUT people like you and me. There was a feeling of distance/separation from the violence. Not so on Chinese TV.

9 years 49 weeks ago
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9 years 49 weeks ago
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It can't possibly be as bad as The Vampire Dairies. Now there's some ham-acted, hackneyed piffle.


And the girls here seem to love it.

9 years 49 weeks ago
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9 years 49 weeks ago
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Already got rid of my TV.


Then no Xi Jinping game for you!


9 years 49 weeks ago
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9 years 49 weeks ago
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The idiot I was speaking with this afternoon used the fact he was going home to watch tv as his excuse for not joining us for hot pot and beer this evening.

And that's fair dinkum!


He's Chinese.


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9 years 49 weeks ago
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