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Q: what is the probability of getting a teaching job in china for Indians?

5 years 20 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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China doesn't consider India to be a native English speaking country and being a native speaker is a visa requirement.


I think if you have a degree from a native speaking country you can get the visa though.


Downvote all you like, I didn't make the rule but it exists and if an Indian person is looking for an English teaching job in China this is going to be a major issue.



5 years 20 weeks ago
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Upvote from me

5 years 19 weeks ago
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5 years 20 weeks ago
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China doesn't consider India to be a native English speaking country and being a native speaker is a visa requirement.


I think if you have a degree from a native speaking country you can get the visa though.


Downvote all you like, I didn't make the rule but it exists and if an Indian person is looking for an English teaching job in China this is going to be a major issue.



5 years 20 weeks ago
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Upvote from me

5 years 19 weeks ago
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5 years 20 weeks ago
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If you mean finding a job as ESL teacher, it depends on how well you can speak and teach English. There are a lot of training institutions in China, if you can show your excellence, you can definitely get a job.

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5 years 20 weeks ago
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They are pretty good. But will it be on the correct visa? I say the chances are it will be the correct visa are pretty slim.


That visa is the all important sticky detail though...  if you don't have that you're at the mercy of the dodgy school that hired you and can f*ck you over whenever they want to because what are you going to do as an illegal worker?


And then there's the very real chance of getting picked up working illegally, that would suck too.


I understand why people want to teach in China but if they can't do it legally I really think it's better to look at other options. China has changed, the good old days are pretty much over.

5 years 20 weeks ago
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And anyone that isn't Caucasian isn't considered as possible of being a Native speaker either with the exception of some Chinese..because as we all know they are so adaptable...(sarcasm)

5 years 19 weeks ago
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5 years 20 weeks ago
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Stick to wjat you know...Start a taxi driving school

5 years 19 weeks ago
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5 years 20 weeks ago
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Well, if inner-city schools in the US can hire Indian nationals to teach math and special ed, then I don't see why it would be especially difficult to get a teaching gig in China.

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5 years 20 weeks ago
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Well, a lot of Chinese are pretty prejudiced against Indians.  Some are pretty prejudiced against most anybody that's not Han tsu.

Anyway, get your documents in order and give it a go. Worst that can happen is it doesn't work out for you.



*not being judgemental as I'm prejudiced against some others too....


Yep, for sure.


As with everything in China, there are rules but then there are plenty of people with visas who probably shouldn't really have them according to the rules. It has got harder to do though from what I've heard.


Find someone who wants to hire you - who knows where it could lead.

5 years 19 weeks ago
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5 years 20 weeks ago
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