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Q: What should I do ?

I have worked for a school for one week and a half but suddenly I realized the salary i agreed on is the least salary among all teachers and it's really insulting payment, I discussed this problem with the manager he said sorry we only have this budget for you and we can't afford more , we know this salary is too low but you agreed on this mount of money so you either continue this month and get this month salary or if you leave now you will get nothing (it's almost like 2500 RMB)  and even if you asked for help , nobody is going to give you your money back. Should I leave and lose almost half month salary ? or should I accept this insulting salary and keep working till I get the rest of the money?

9 years 11 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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Question sounds fishy to me. What sort of school? The public schools are now on holiday so what sort of school are you now working at?


You last commented on a working related question in if real you've been teaching here for minimum 3 years so you must have been happy with the salary you were offered at this new job.


Looks like your new school have treated you like a piece of bamboo

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9 years 10 weeks ago
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Can you leave the job? What's your visa situation. You re unlikely to win call my bluff. If you cannot leave don't threaten it. If you can, there are loads of esl job, so why stay?


I can leave but I am gonna lose almost 2500 RMB .

9 years 10 weeks ago
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At least your school is not "gonna" lose a linguist.

9 years 10 weeks ago
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9 years 10 weeks ago
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Question sounds fishy to me. What sort of school? The public schools are now on holiday so what sort of school are you now working at?


You last commented on a working related question in if real you've been teaching here for minimum 3 years so you must have been happy with the salary you were offered at this new job.


Looks like your new school have treated you like a piece of bamboo

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9 years 10 weeks ago
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yeah if you've been here for a while you should know better than to take a salary at that kinda low range.


If you signed the contract you are responsible for it and any kind of breach penalty. Everybody flips out when the business doesn't live up to their end, that means you gotta live up to yours. 


that's what I am gonna do, accept the low rage , take my money and leave. that's insulting though

9 years 10 weeks ago
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well why did you accept that salary if you've been here 3 years? Shouldn't you have a sense of what the market is paying?

9 years 10 weeks ago
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it's my fault , I never learn from my past mistakes. cool

9 years 10 weeks ago
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"In any organization, if you don't know who the patsy is: then you're the patsy."

9 years 10 weeks ago
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I'm confused... who's the patsy??





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9 years 10 weeks ago
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So you saw the contract and you agreed upon being paid a certain amount but after you found out how much others are being paid you became unhappy and wanted to quit? You sound like an idiot. I'm guessing you have no qualifications and/or you're not a native speaker. Chinese employers will only pay you what you are worth to them - in this case it's not much. Why didn't you have a look in the Jobs section of this website? A two minute look their would have given you a basic idea of how much you can get paid.


Here are my ideas on how much you should get paid as an English teacher:


5,000 - 6,000 in a smaller city, if you have few qualifications, little experience and are a non native speaker.

10,000 at least if you have a degree and more if you are a native speaker

14,000 and up if you have a degree, qualifications and experience.

20,000 in a big city if you have qualifications, experience and are a native speaker


Universities pay less but are more relaxed, more holidays. Public schools pay less but have good holidays and fewer hours. Training centres pay okay but more hours and fewer holidays. International schools pay the best but have high expectations and more of a workload.


I have generalised quite a bit here. I'm sure some people will disagree.


I am a non-native speaker in a medium tier city , I have a degree and two years of teaching experience. My contract says 25 working hours a week for 7000 a month . My work mates get 7000 for 15 working hours , they are non-native speakers with no teaching experience or degree.

9 years 10 weeks ago
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I'm sorry to say it but 7,000 RMB for 25 hours for a non-native speaker isn't great but it's not terrible either. 


I'm working in China as Non since 2009, from 2010 with RP and salaries from 6500 - 9000 Rmb per month for 15 classes (45')/week at Public Schools.


9 years 10 weeks ago
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9 years 10 weeks ago
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You were obviously happy with 7000/month for 25 hours when you signed the contract though I'd not be happy mused to find out my co-workers were getting the same for only 15 hours. Seems you have three choices

1) put up with it

2) leave immediately and find a new job

3) carry on until you find a new job


If it was me I'd go for option 3. At least you'll be getting paid while looking for a new job. 


Move careful how you leave your current job. Make sure you resign as per the contract as that way they'll have to give you the release letter and cancellation of current work permit. 


You can't terminate the Contract without reason (leave immediately), and receive both docs., needed at new employer for RP extension and new FEC.

9 years 10 weeks ago
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4) re-negotiate timetables so that you do slightly less, and the other teachers do slightly more.


Doing basic math (see my post below...), if there are 3 other teachers, who all agree to take 2 more hours (so, from 15 to 17) then you lose 6 hours, bringing you to 19 hours... Fairly easy, non-whingey solution!


5) if you've only been there for 2 weeks (again, see my maths post below), then you are still in the probation period, and you can leave any time you want with no penalty! SAFEA (surprised this hasn't been brought up) would probably agree you should be paid your 2 weeks.

9 years 10 weeks ago
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9 years 10 weeks ago
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You didn't know that 2500 rmb was low?




2500 was for "a week and a half"

9 years 10 weeks ago
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You accepted the job at 7000 a month and you were happy with that offer for 25 hours. But are now unhappy because you found out the other teachers only have to work 15 hours.


There are other things to consider. Do you like the job?  Good environment? Good people to work with?


If yes, stick with it.  After all, you say you have been there a week and a half, but you don't say how long the other teachers have been there or if they are more qualified/ experienced etc.


You could turn the thing upside down, and look at it from your co-workers view. Would they be happy if someone new starts and gets the exact same deal as them.


Do you see my point?


I don't think you have been cheated. Slightly taken advantage of.... possibly... but that's standard in any industry.  Wages are set by the job, not the person offered that job. If I advertised for a shop assistant at 4k a month and a someone with a PHD in marketing turned up for the interview, would I offer him 4k a month or 50k?  I would offer 4k of course. Why would I pay more for someone more qualified than I need?


I suspect that is what has happened here. You are new to the job, untried, untested to this particular employer, so you get what you see as being a worse deal than the other staff.


But you need to stick at the job.  Show the boss how good you are..... then you will be in a position to negotiate.


So, that's what I think. Stick at it. If you want better conditions, show them you are worth it.   Don't quit after less than 2 weeks because you feel injured. Keep to your contract


So many other things to think about with jobs than just money. And it's not even as if the others are actually being paid more. Just a higher rate but for less hours.  And that could work out well for you.... who will get the overtime... those on a high rate or those on a lower rate.  If I was the boss I know which one I would choose.


Goods luck wink


I gave you thumbs up for the "how would the others feel with a newbie on the same deal as me".. but your last point fails!


It's a salary... any 'overtime' will go to the people who are working extra hours.. cos there's no change to the pay. OP, OTOH, may go over the time stipulated, and thus they school might need to pay OT..

9 years 10 weeks ago
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9 years 10 weeks ago
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Why would you sign a contract for such a low wage. You obviously thought that the pay for the amount of work you would be doing was acceptable when you signed the contract so quit complaining. There are so many jobs available in China you have no excuse for taking such a low wage.

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9 years 10 weeks ago
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I answered before... and I got a down vote. Down votes don't bother me, but this one does.


I thought I gave a good answer.


Switching to rant/ grandpa mode (strike out as appropriate).


It's all about serving your time. There is no such thing as entitlement in the job market... for normal people that is... you need to serve your time and learn your skill.


These internships and culture exchanges annoy the hell out of me. People are buying experience. They are buying their CV..... to avoid having to serve their time.


The OP provides minimum details of his/her (from now on I say he)  specific case... but I suspect he is young.


I stand to be corrected on this, but I doubt that will happen.


Let me explain this. You spend your younger years on a low wage to learn your skill. You ignore the other people the same age as you who are doing the easier jobs that pay more money.  You need to learn, self teach... whatever... money does not come till you hit your 40's... if you have a skill.


Teaching ESL is a skill, for the best it is a vocation. The best are the people making the money. They put the time and effort in to learn their trade. And their trade is much more than classroom skills. It covers interview skills, negotiating skills and interpersonal skills.


Most of these skills are  things you need to teach yourself. Nobody is going to give it to you on a plate. Why should they?


It's up to every individual to adapt themself to the market.


OK, the market is skewed to the mother tongue speaker. So what? Be better. Or pick a different skill to be a master of.


You will never get anywhere complaining. I know this because I spent 20 years complaining...... then guess what..... I stopped complaining and all of a sudden I was earning money. I was earning less than before.. but I was earning it in a place where I could save more.


You might not be happy about how the world works, but you will get nowhere in yur professional life if you fight against it.


Learn your skill. Do your time. Don't be in such a fecking rush.


Grandpa out wink


Very well said Scots

9 years 10 weeks ago
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Some people just downvote for kicks. Don't take it seriously.  The obvious problem here was that the OP agreed to something and only became unhappy after seeing others were getting a better deal. It doesn't matter what others are doing - it matters on what you agreed upon.

9 years 10 weeks ago
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"These internships and culture exchanges annoy the hell out of me. People are buying experience. They are buying their CV..... to avoid having to serve their time."


I don't get this... or if I do, I totally disagree!


These people are taking a much lower pay to get the experience that all bosses want to see on a CV They've studied the theory, and now they are getting the hands on experience... not too dissimilar to a trade where you do your apprenticeship.


So, why does this annoy you?


In a very real sense, these are the people you are batting for. They're not hanging around waiting for the better paying job to come along and fall into their laps.. they're out doing the hard work - for the lower pay - to get that experience that's so important!!!

9 years 10 weeks ago
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You got shafted most likely by the Placement agent.


If School's looking for FTs, and they have difficulties to get them, agents will re-do original Contract as soon as they get first FT, and add required hours, what in this example equals as hiring one and 'two thirds' of other FT.


Possible exit:


''Ask managers at school why are you required to conduct 10 more hours/classes than other FTs for the same pay. 'Is there a mistake in my Contract?'. 

If School insists, there's nothing wrong with your Contract, ask School for address and contact no. of SAFEA (Foreign Expert Bureau)?''.


If there's still no adjustment in required hours by Contract, add 'SAFEA' in search above for address and contact no. in your Province. SAFEA listed on the web link is Provincial SAFEA.

Dial them, and ask for an advice and help. When you'll talk with SAFEA be polite, and don't demand anything.

SAFEA will act as a mediator in dispute between you and School. It is advisable, you don't have Contract violations as 'being late, drunk and similar'.

You'll receive help from SAFEA, but your record at school must be spotless. 


I suggest, you find new employer, before you dial SAFEA. Your new employer must be authorized to hire FTs, so they will be able to extend your Residence permit.


Other exit possibility:


Read your Contract again, and find one (or more) thing School doesn't respect as 'late pay', 'more hours scheduled than per Contract', 'apartment not furnished as per Contract' and similar.

Once you find one School's violation, give them Resignation notice. Respect 30-days RN as per Contract.

Than means, you don't walk away tomorrow, but you state on RN when is your last working day, i.e 30-days later.

Submit one copy of RN to SAFEA. You will most likely need Gov. with retrieval of Release letter and FEC Cancel Cert., both documents needed to extend your RP at new employer.


Good luck!




SAFEA again? Why would they help with the hours issue? The OP signed the contract for 25 hours. That's between him and the school. 


I actually agree with the rest of your post. Finding a get-out where the school is in breach of the contract is a good idea. The other option is to check the contract for the probation & notice periods. My understanding (though maybe wrong) is that both the school AND the employee can terminate the contract during the probation period. 

9 years 10 weeks ago
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School can terminate Contract for FT's gross (repeated) violations. In some cases Contract state 'either party can terminate Contract with 30-days RN for no reason given'.

I always suggest to respect RN unless Contract violations don't require immediate quit. Point is: 'you'll give time to School to find your replacement'.

1st: 'try and reason with the School'.

If no success, 2nd: dial Gov. which will determine and advise on proper handling, either to FT or to School.


Other option than listed in my reply is 'walk away', but FT will eventually be forced to exit China, and apply for new Z.


I'm writing out of my own experience, and you can just avoid reading my advices on 'SAFEA'. You could also suggest better solution, which I would love to hear, instead of bitching on the 5- letters word. 

9 years 10 weeks ago
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Cheers for the feedback of contracts/RN. I've never had a teaching contract so don't know how they work. In any other job there is normally a 1-month resignation period. 


Dont get wound up about my SAFEA comment. The rest of what you wrote was good. I just don't see where SAFEA can help to change a contracts terms once signed. 

9 years 10 weeks ago
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I suggested SAFEA call, because I would act the same, i.e. 'I wouldn't feel such Contract is justifiable'. SAFEA usually act as a mediator: 'In Fujian, SAFEA agreed School can't cancel RP in 7-days, and I was permitted to stay in apartment another 30-days. School also wanted 14k, 2m rent pay, but then Contract stated 'FT will receive free housing', and I was dismissed without cause. I argued 'rent demand', and after friendly chat with SAFEA's agent, I agreed on 500 Rmb rent pay for more than 2m stay in the apartment. If we'd go to Court, I wouldn't be required to pay anything for 'free apartment'.

In the end, I walked out of RP sponsor with Release letter and FEC Cancel Cert., despite I've never step in the classroom.

If I wouldn't contact SAFEA, I had to exit China in 7-days, as was warranted by Contract for gross violations as 'stealing, repeated alcohol abuse', and similar'\. USA teacher at the same school was expelled out of China in 7-days for 'gross violation'. I'm not sure, what did he do, but as he's telling me from Cali, he has problems with new Z.

RN notice should be written on the Contract, however when Contract is presented to SAFEA at FEC application, SAFEA will accept any Contract.

Some Contract consist 3m RN and penalty, if not respected. However, School will adjust Contract per FT demand.

At my present Contract, I asked School's rep. to add to offered Contract:

- Party B is required to perform 15 classes per week;

- Apartment will be suited with kitchen, washing machine and Internet;

- Party B will receive refund of return home flight, at the completion of the Contract.

Original Contract required only 'B will perform classes by guidance of School's teacher' or similar. I was just told, I must complete aprox. 15 classes per week.

Other FT on Campus hand wash their laundry, and can't cook in their rooms. German English teacher told me, he'll receive refund for return ticket, but only after he'll really purchase the ticket.

If I must purchase my return flight, price is over 10k Rmb. I offered School to issue lump sum (6-7k Rmb), instead. I didn't receive School's answer as of yet.

9 years 10 weeks ago
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I'm going to downvote this.


It reeks of running away like a little scared girl.


The OP signed a legitimate contract. The school has done nothing wrong! (in this regard).


Contacting SAFEA now would be a waste of time.

9 years 10 weeks ago
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@Shining: I agree, and I just gave possible solution, or 'I would act similar'. OP signed Contract given by an agent probably, and he should respect what he signed.

However, working with other FTs in the same place for 70% less pay is 'ground for complain' IMO. I know, I would get out somehow.

Whatever suggestion I got from SAFEA, I usually comply. Here, I think Gov. might support him.

Got offers few weeks ago from one agent for few Schools in Chongqing, all with 27 -32 classes/week and ordinary pay (10k). I could see right away, she wanted to 'sell' me work for 2 FTs, and 1 1/3 pay.

9 years 10 weeks ago
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Do your research and never undersell yourself...


Next time you will know better... some people just have to find out everything the hard way and dive in without dipping their toe in the water.

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try your best to negotiate down the amount of hours then. go so far as to say you are too overworked. if they wont budge, then simply dont work well for them. tell them you cant perform at your best with so much work.  if they are unable/unwilling to bend some in your favor, then obviously you wont need them as a reference for future employment anyway. go elsewhere for greener pastures...

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Suck it up, Buttercup. You signed the contract, so you were ok with it originally. 

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Just leave you know. You thought they'll pay you next month. Sometimes you'll need to wait till the payment date which mean you need to work for at least another month.

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7000 per month.


"Should I leave and lose almost half month salary" would be 3500 or less (given the definition of 'almost')... OP talks about 2500 for "a week and a half"...


For me, 2.5 weeks would be worth leaving with 7000 total! (ie, 2.5 weeks = 4500RMB)

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Need to quote Spider on this - Suck it up, Buttercup!


sure, 7000month for 25 hour is a bit sucky, but that's ESL life (especially for non-native speakers in this country).


Do your time! And, maybe, for next semester, they'll drop your hours a little!!!


When I was first working in this country, I was on a similar pay (+/- ~500) to guys who'd been there for 5+ years... and they were getting somewhat fewer hours than me. Did I bitch about it? NO! I just figured, they'd been there longer, and they deserved that bit extra...


And, if I was them, I'd be a bit miffed if some untried and tested newbie walked in and was on the exact same deal as me!!!


Get over it! You're nothing special.... (ie, you do NOT deserve some special treatment that others have earned!!!)

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9 years 10 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77