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Q: What visa? and how?

Im a dutch citizen, and im currently in China on a F visa, as part of a cultural exhange program.

It expires in january and i want to stay in china for another 5-6 months and earn some money.

My question is; what via do I need to get?

I guess a working visa since Im gonna be working, but for the most part you have to have a 1-year contract with a school, before they want to help you out with this.

So i was thinking maybe a turistvisa? But do i need to leave the country before I can get one of those? And how does it work?

Is it possible for me to extend the F visa without the company?

Please help, kinda desperate!

12 years 39 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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In China, to LEGALLY work here, you must have a "Z" type work visa from an Embassy abroad, and once you enter China, within 30 days and technically before starting to work, go to PSB and obtain a work permit, and residence permit.  Illigally, you can do as you please, but you will risk a possible fine, maybe incarcelation for waiting for trial if goes that far, deportation and banned from entering China.  It could be one, two or all of the above, depends on your case and who deals with you.

Now, to get a work visa you need a letter from your prospective employer, so it is one of those like which came first, the chicken or the egg.  As an alternative, some employers will get the visa, you will need to get the permits.
If I were in your shoes, would try to line a job here first, if employer can get you the working visa, stay.  If not, get a letter from him detailing your employment offer, go back home and get the visa.

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12 years 39 weeks ago
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My advice: apply for jobs, get an interview. Then if they take you they'll give you a Business Visa from where you are (China or abroad). You'll start the job on Business Visa while they process a work Visa if you want. I suggest staying on a Business Visa until you are sure you want to do the whole year contract and there's no risk of you breaching it.

See the reasons for that:

There's a government for each province in China; if you break a Z Visa the government of the province you work in will take note and may refuse you another work related VISA in the next years (but you can still try, nothing's sure). But Visa for studies should be fine (X Visa).
In terms of work, the school you worked for will take revenge, not letting you use your Foreign Expert Certificate for another Z Visa job, so you might not be able to get another Z Visa in the near future anywhere in China, although eventually things will sort out one way or another; like you can get a job on a Business VISA or let your new employer put pressure on your old school for them to eventually release your Foreign Exp Cert to them.
I even heard that a whole new Foreign Expert Certificate can be made, but that depends on the local government and how good the schools’ relations with that local gov are.
Take note that there are 2 kinds of Certs in China: Foreign Exp Certificate for all education related jobs, and Scientific Expert Cert (not sure the exact name) for other jobs.
Worth knowing that you’ll probably never see your cert; it’s the property of your employer, who passes it on to your next employer.
The Foreign Exp Cert has an expiry date on it, but even after expiration you still need a release from the last employer who has it to get your next Z Visa job.
In the end, it’s just loads of red tape (bureaucracy); and where employers and governments like you and get along well together things become very easy.
However when you break a contract you burn bridges, make relationships bad, and that’s what you don’t want in China.
If you break a Z Visa contract, change province, and eventually start working on a Business VISA that doesn’t tie you down, cos F Visas (business) can be broken without future consequences I think.
However, regarding the Chinese gov and it's VISA Bureau the F Visa is not proven work experience, because F Visa is not official employment; only Z Visa is.

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12 years 37 weeks ago
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