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Q: What's your best impression traveling in a city in China?

Which city in China can be treated as the most travel friendly one? Considering the people, the nature, the food, the street, or the cost.


Tell your best or worst experience while traveling in China.

7 years 48 weeks ago in  Transport & Travel - China

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Hong Kong.


Despite having much higher population density than mainland China, Hong Kong is a very green city. The verdant areas around Victoria Peak are particularly attractive. There are also lots of nice little beaches around the coast, especially in the Stanley area. Rent and property prices in Hong Kong are very high, due to limited space and high population. In regards to shopping, Hong Kong trounces the mainland for diversity, quality and price.


Hong Kong people are civilised, sophisticated, switched-on, self-aware, and enjoy intelligent discussions rather than making obvious/moronic observations and repeating stock phrases (anyone with even a modicum of putonghua is aware how limited the average Mainlander’s vocabulary and range of ideas are).


One interesting difference is that Hong Kong men have lean, intelligent faces, which are generally quite attractive. Mainland men have soft, retarded faces (which I have grown to find quite repulsive) because they are taught to be self-contented while having the intellectual capacity of babies. Chinese culture promotes arrogance over intellect. Thus the omnipresence of ugly, arrogant man-babies.


Every trip to Hong Kong is invigorating because I meet people who are experienced, intelligent and highly engaging in conversation. People in the street are well-mannered and considerate.


Unfortunately Chinese Mainlanders’ dishonest, dirty, dim-witted, ignorant, inconsiderate, imbecilic, self-serving behaviour is now spilling out into the civilised world. If I was a Hong Kong person, watching my civilisation being overrun by the primitive tribespeople of a morally and intellectually vacuous culture, I think the despair would be overwhelming.




Every part of China that has been subject to foreign occupation has experienced profound economic and cultural advancement. British rule turned Hong Kong from a den of villainy into one of the economic and cultural centres of the world. I can’t say enough good things about Hong Kong and its people.


Unfortunately the existence of Hong Kong (a first-world civilisation which prospered under foreign rule) is a living indictment of Communism, so everything that makes Hong Kong great (constitutional law, free press, education system...) is being dismantled by the Xi administration. Hong Kong is already in rapid decline, and in time will be reduced to the same wretched state as Mainland China. For now it's one of my favourite places in the world and I will enjoy it while I can.


To finish with, here is a question for the OP: In China, dogs either cower or snap at you if you try to pat them. In Hong Kong (like in the West), dogs love attention from people. Please explain this phenomenon. I know the answer, but will enjoy your Mainland logic.



You made my day samsara ;0


besides, It is indeed interesting the link between physical appearance and personality.

7 years 48 weeks ago
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Acute observations; the best comes last.


The majority of animals instinctively​ know what other animals (human beings included) are up to. Their instincts are known to be spot on.

7 years 48 weeks ago
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This is pretty much true. 


Hong Kong is an amazing city and the mainland Chinese are destroying it. 



7 years 48 weeks ago
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7 years 48 weeks ago
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Hong Kong.


Despite having much higher population density than mainland China, Hong Kong is a very green city. The verdant areas around Victoria Peak are particularly attractive. There are also lots of nice little beaches around the coast, especially in the Stanley area. Rent and property prices in Hong Kong are very high, due to limited space and high population. In regards to shopping, Hong Kong trounces the mainland for diversity, quality and price.


Hong Kong people are civilised, sophisticated, switched-on, self-aware, and enjoy intelligent discussions rather than making obvious/moronic observations and repeating stock phrases (anyone with even a modicum of putonghua is aware how limited the average Mainlander’s vocabulary and range of ideas are).


One interesting difference is that Hong Kong men have lean, intelligent faces, which are generally quite attractive. Mainland men have soft, retarded faces (which I have grown to find quite repulsive) because they are taught to be self-contented while having the intellectual capacity of babies. Chinese culture promotes arrogance over intellect. Thus the omnipresence of ugly, arrogant man-babies.


Every trip to Hong Kong is invigorating because I meet people who are experienced, intelligent and highly engaging in conversation. People in the street are well-mannered and considerate.


Unfortunately Chinese Mainlanders’ dishonest, dirty, dim-witted, ignorant, inconsiderate, imbecilic, self-serving behaviour is now spilling out into the civilised world. If I was a Hong Kong person, watching my civilisation being overrun by the primitive tribespeople of a morally and intellectually vacuous culture, I think the despair would be overwhelming.




Every part of China that has been subject to foreign occupation has experienced profound economic and cultural advancement. British rule turned Hong Kong from a den of villainy into one of the economic and cultural centres of the world. I can’t say enough good things about Hong Kong and its people.


Unfortunately the existence of Hong Kong (a first-world civilisation which prospered under foreign rule) is a living indictment of Communism, so everything that makes Hong Kong great (constitutional law, free press, education system...) is being dismantled by the Xi administration. Hong Kong is already in rapid decline, and in time will be reduced to the same wretched state as Mainland China. For now it's one of my favourite places in the world and I will enjoy it while I can.


To finish with, here is a question for the OP: In China, dogs either cower or snap at you if you try to pat them. In Hong Kong (like in the West), dogs love attention from people. Please explain this phenomenon. I know the answer, but will enjoy your Mainland logic.



You made my day samsara ;0


besides, It is indeed interesting the link between physical appearance and personality.

7 years 48 weeks ago
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Acute observations; the best comes last.


The majority of animals instinctively​ know what other animals (human beings included) are up to. Their instincts are known to be spot on.

7 years 48 weeks ago
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This is pretty much true. 


Hong Kong is an amazing city and the mainland Chinese are destroying it. 



7 years 48 weeks ago
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7 years 48 weeks ago
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"promotes arrogance over intellect"...well is a world epidemic...the disease of conceit

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7 years 48 weeks ago
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Excellent read - synopsis as usual, Sam!





Dear Georgie, I hope you offered some 'benefits' to the 'Master of the written English word'!


I think I have warned you.

7 years 48 weeks ago
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OK, Georgie offered 'warning' .... to moi! 


I was talking about OP----> 'Samsara', not about you!

7 years 48 weeks ago
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7 years 48 weeks ago
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Travel friendly city for foreigners... 


Perhaps Xi'an or Chengdu? 


Most cities are catered to Chinese tourists not foreign tourists. I have been through many cities in China. I would pick Hong Kong like Samsara only I don't consider it China. Why would you need a pass to get into your own country? 



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7 years 48 weeks ago
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