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Q: When will china start to be concerned about the environment?

Soon China will surpass the U.S. as the worlds number one pollutant. In difference to the U.S. and Europe China does not invest large sums of money to avoid destroying the planet, on the contrary, China at the moment is involved in a 'finger pointing' war, blaming the west for the state of the world today and refusing to invest in , not just their own, but everyone's future.
How long before the Chinese government sees sense? Will the west eventually make them act with the use of force or other methods like imposing trade limits and such? ( Chinese aviation is currently taking Europe to court because of the increase in pollution tax that Europe has imposed on Chinese commercial aircraft using European airspace).
If China did act, how would their already poor and suffering population cope with the extra expense?
One day China will be forced to spend the money they have so cautiously horded then will they fall back to Earth or will the west bail them out... yet again?

12 years 51 weeks ago in  Culture - Lanzhou

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China spends a lot of money now in order to keep GDP rising. Look at all the uneccesary apartment building that is happening or the huge money being invested into high speed rail. I think that sooner or later (and I hope sooner) they will invest similar amounts in green projects that will improve their environment and give people jobs. They just have to get the "we will show the world we can do it" mentality and they will throw lots of resources at it. It has started on a small scale and believe it or not they already recycle much of the Western Worlds waste.

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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China is more polluted to begin with, because we have exported all of our manufacturing there. The factories that should be in the West are in China. However, that is no excuse. woody is right, for the time being they are doing everything they can to grow their economy, at the expense of their environment and health. The government has noticed this, but without any pressure or rewards for companies to be more green, they will continue to do whatever is cheapest. Someday things will have to change, but I don't see that happening any time soon. China has entered the game fairly late, after the West has already gone through its industrial revolution. China believes it also has the right to disregard current regulations because of this. Or at least, that is one of their multiple excuses.


China is more polluted to begin with, because we have exported all of our manufacturing there. What? So it's the west's fault China is polluted because China loves the west to invest in China and doesn't care about the world. What a load of...

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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First of all, China is already the biggest polluter in the world and has been for a while now. Second, China is already the leading investor in alternative energies, building thousands of wind turbines and hydroelectric plants in recent years.

But it's just not enough and China won't get serious about tackling the root of the problem (industrialization, too many cars, and irresponsibility) until large numbers of people are born with noticeable birth defects or members of the ruling elite are personally affected.


I've heard that in Shanghai they completely reversed the effects of the Chinese way of life in a lake and its river system. They do some things but I believe they did that because of the world expo and so saved face. As far a rivers I've seen in China, if they don't have a strong enough current, they fill with trash. Chinese people just throw the stuff in there. They are not environmentally aware people.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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China is the biggest reforesting country in the world.


By your comment I am supposed to believe that Chinese people are environmentally conscious? I'm referring to this big dirty cesspool they call a country that fills the air, water and soil with toxins. If you have a comment that actually answers the question, put away your Guinness book of records and write it.

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Of course it is... Do you see any forests here?!?!?!

12 years 51 weeks ago
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Oh sorry I forgot I am only allowed to criticise the cr*p out of China. Wouldn't it be awful to say China was actually doing something? No, we better keep feeding you eye candy. You know google? GOOGLE.HK obviously, but yeah, type in "green wall of china" there. And i'm still waiting for the new guinness book of records to come out, maybe it will have something about the country with the highest amount of foreign chauvinists.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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12 years 51 weeks ago
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Not until the people are educated on a broad base level and demand the government to act on it. Not saying there is no Chinese cares about the environment.

it is just the ignorrance of the general public is astonishing. The gap between the elite intellectuals and average Joe is huge in many areas.

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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