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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Where can I buy some eggnog in GZ???
I tried making it, and it was garbage. So im better off trying to hunt it down. I need quite a bit. Enough for about 10 people to try, plus some left over for me to mix with rum and get drunk! ANy help would be great, Supermarkets, restaurants, im willing to travel around. Thanks!
In China, it is very difficult to buy eggnog. If you are ever in Hong Kong, go to a major supermarket and will find some around Xmas.
Now, eggnog is rather easy to make, it will take you about 20 minutes, I just made 2 liters last night. Google "how to make eggnog" and you will get one ton of different ways to make it, choose the one you like best. Mine I do likie to add rum or brandy to it.