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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Where to complain about taxi driver's cheating in Wuhan?
Today I went to Chutian Guangdong International Hotel from Star of Ruian Hotel. The taxi driver took 2 hours to get there and charged RMB 178. When I came back from the same place, it took only RMB 17. I didn’t know that it’s so close. In the morning that bad taxi driver had taken 10 times more money than the time I returned at evening. I have receipts of the both taxies. Please help me providing the email address of the place where I can complain in English by email. I don't have cell phone and cannot speak in Chinese.
I don't wanna get my money back, but I hope that my complain will certainly save some others to be chetted by this types of people.
13 years 16 weeks ago in Transport & Travel - Wuhan
on the receipt should include information of the taxi company, its not necessarily a govt agency. chances are they will try to wait you out because you are probably leaving soon. and ripping off anyone is par for the course.
in the future plan out and map out your trip. use google to print directions and maps this will tell the driver you know how far it is supposed to take. and really you should know within the city it 's not taking 2hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i forgot the numbers hehe and you should not have paid more than 60rmb from the airport if you took a taxi. always do your homework when it comes to china •Wuhan Xinzhong Hengshang Taxi Company Tel:027-85484532 •Hubei Yongxin Taxi Club. Tel:027-83970388 •Wuhan Weijun Taxi Company Tel: 027-85359267
60RMB only depends on where in Wuhan you are going. I live on French street and that is about 100-110RMB for the airport.
And even if you do complain, absolutely nothing will be done. Except maybe the taxi company boss will demand a cut from what the driver ripped you off for. Take it as a learning experience and be wiser next time.
yeah, the outcome at best can only be a bitter lesson. it's will be the same circumstances in many Chinese cities,e.g. Chengdu is notorious for the its crafty taxi driver.
notwithstanding, you can ask anyone of your newly known Chinese fellows to deal with this scoundrel. don't worry, he or she will be willing to their heart to help you punish him. but you cannot hope to stop his next evil deeds.
SOmetimes they try to cheat you out of change, if its a 10 rmb ride and you give them 20 or 50 RMB, watch out, they will try to say you gave me 10.... always say I give you x amount, and make it clear you know what you have given the driver.. also, it is a good idea to know where places are from google maps.. have a chinese friend handy to help you out..or make friends with policemen...
My wife successfully complained about being cheated by a taxi driver here. She called the office and they followed up with a few questions to get the story straight and invited her to the "hearing". Yes, you read that right, a "hearing". He was fined 1000rmb on the spot.
His crime? Cheated us out of 5rmb.
i had a taxi driver pick me up and the idiot drove around for 40 minutes and drop me off 2 blocks where he picked me up and wanted 60 rmb and i just walked away laughing didnt pay him
you can check on the web site or call 027-82633333和82632205 can not say you do not want you rmoney back.
The system here does not work like that.. you have to complain and demand your money back!!!
if you tell them..well its not right and i want you to know... nothing will be done!
keep calling keep complaing do not give up. if you give up fast nothing will be done.. keep bothering these assholes untill you get your money
You can complain to your neighbors or us like your doing now. If you didn't get the number on the taxi cab or any of the drivers information all you can do is complain and that's about it sort of like what your doing now. You could try to go to the police and give a description but good luck with that.
you better call the taxsi company or if you have a friend thats a local have them take care of it for you dont let it go
Although so many people have already commented on this, I would say take the high-road and instead just accept your experience as a lesson learned. If you know you have been cheated, then next time be more aware of where you're going.
Oftentimes when I am traveling to cities that I have not been to before, I will practice the name of the location is Chinese a few times, than ask a taxi how much to go there. Even if they don't offer a flat rate, you will get an idea. If you ask 5 drivers over several minutes, try to average the cost with how much getting in the taxi costs. Generally even the big cities don't charge over 100rmb unless you are going across the city.
If it was a legit taxi than you can call the 5 digit number that is on all taxi's and take the reciept to them, they will handle it from there.