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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Which city's air pollution is worse: Beijing or Shanghai's?
13 years 13 weeks ago in Health & Safety - Shanghai
Plant more trees, don't plant more trees, make up your mind, whatever.
For me they were both pretty bad, so it was impossible to tell the difference.
They are both pretty bad, but I am going to say Beijing. Some days you can actually chew the air there. Plus the sandstorms.
Having been to both cities within the same week, I'd say that Beijing was much worse. Beijing was unbearable while I was there, you could feel the air pollution every time you breathed, and there was a constant haze. I don't know if I was just in a nicer part of Shanghai or what, but that wasn't evident. I wouldn't say either are a good place for your health, but I would think about living in Shanghai. I would never live in Beijing.
Have been Shanghai for three times ,actually a scene that a mother running at her high heels together with her daughter to the subway,which impressed me a lot...The people there are living a really high pace in the daily life..But the air is better than Beijing's..However,if someone eagerly to get fully acquainted with Chinese culture and history ,I suggest you go to Beijing..After all ,BJ is the capital of CHINA...
If it only depends on the air cleaness, I will choose Shanghai...
The answer is . . . Beijing. According to a scientific examination conducted by the United Nations (each year?), Beijing certainly ranks higher than Shanghai. Not sure whether the study examines all forms of pollutants such as both carbon monoxide and particulates.
I've been living in Beijing off and on for a long time and have lived in and frequently visited Shanghai. My observations corroborate the UN survey. Beijing is clearly worse in terms of pollution but I prefer the city over Shanghai.
It is Beijing. Shanghai is ok refer to my experience, since I am living in Shanghai and always travel to Beijing.
Never been to Shanghai but I will agree with the majority and say Beijing.
Both are really bad for people's health, but I have to say Beijing is much worser than Shanghai, for Beijing is closer to Inner Mongolia, and the Sandstorm could be flew to Beijing few hours.
Plant more trees, don't plant more trees, make up your mind, whatever.