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Q: which Nobel Peace Laureate has just died?

A Nobel Peace Laureate has just died, denied the palliative care he wished for, and treated instead by (amongst other things) TCM


why is it that people who advocate a peaceful solutions or more democratic humane systems of governments are condemned as 'criminals'?

7 years 7 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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Nice rhetorical question. Nothing new here. Jesus of Nazareth was executed in a manner the Romans reserved exclusively for sedition.


Plus, the Peoples Republics have sooooooo many Nobel Laureates.

7 years 7 weeks ago
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" in a manner the Romans reserved exclusively for sedition."


Ummm???? What???


It was used for a  in a manner the Romans reserved exclusively for sedition.variety of crimes, and even used for those of low caste (slaves, etc).


So, I really don't know what you mean....

7 years 7 weeks ago
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7 years 7 weeks ago
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Nice rhetorical question. Nothing new here. Jesus of Nazareth was executed in a manner the Romans reserved exclusively for sedition.


Plus, the Peoples Republics have sooooooo many Nobel Laureates.

7 years 7 weeks ago
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" in a manner the Romans reserved exclusively for sedition."


Ummm???? What???


It was used for a  in a manner the Romans reserved exclusively for sedition.variety of crimes, and even used for those of low caste (slaves, etc).


So, I really don't know what you mean....

7 years 7 weeks ago
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7 years 7 weeks ago
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The second Nobel Peace Prize laureate, after Carl von Ossietzky, to die in prison. Carl von Ossietzky died of maltreatment in prison in 1938, under Nazi's imprisonment.


Morons who still haven't figured out what PRC is really about deserve the pains and sufferings coming their way.


i wonder if his family ever actually got the money from the award, might have helped cover his medical treatments, assuming the PRC would actually let him get the treatment.

7 years 7 weeks ago
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100% on it, they admire nazis here

7 years 7 weeks ago
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@retired My guess is that they let her take the money then extort the last dollar out of her with Liu's medical treatment. Standard mainlander extortion protocol. Anything for money. The wife still is under 24 hours survellience and cannot leave prc.

7 years 7 weeks ago
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@Engl Makes sense with these violent low lives. You know what they call students who get top grades with their gaokau exam?  Learning Bully. Just like North  Korea, these psychos live on bullying others, thinking it makes them unique. PRC is the world's Thug.

7 years 6 weeks ago
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Another Noble Prize, although not a Nobel Peace prize one, died today.


Maryam Mirzakhani, first woman to win maths' Fields Medal, dies

Maryam MirzkhaniImage copyrightCOURTESY OF MARYAM MIRZAKHANIImage captionProf Mirzakhani is seen as an inspiration for young female mathematicians

Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman to receive the prestigious Fields Medal for mathematics, has died in the US.

The 40-year-old Iranian, a professor at Stanford University, had breast cancer which had spread to her bones.

Nicknamed the "Nobel Prize for Mathematics", the Fields Medal is only awarded every four years to between two and four mathematicians under 40.

It was given to Prof Mirzakhani in 2014 for her work on complex geometry and dynamical systems.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Prof Mirzakhani's death caused "great sorrow," state media reported.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said her death was a cause for grief for all Iranians.

"A light was turned off today. It breaks my heart... gone far too soon," US-Iranian scientist Firouz Naderi posted on Instagram.

He added in a subsequent post: "A genius? Yes. But also a daughter, a mother and a wife."

Prof Mirzakhani and her husband, Czech scientist Jan Vondrak, had one daughter.

Some social media users criticised Iranian officials for not using recent images of Prof Mirzakhani which showed her uncovered hair. Iranian women must cover their hair in line with a strict interpretation of Islamic law on modesty.

Iranian official media and politicians used older pictures in their social media tributes, which show her hair covered.

Her receipt of the Fields Medal three years ago ended a long wait for women in the mathematics community for the prize, first established in 1936.

Prof Mirzakhani was also the first Iranian to receive it.

The citation said she had made "striking and highly original contributions to geometry and dynamical systems" and that her most recent work constituted "a major advance".

Prof Dame Frances Kirwan, a member of the medal selection committee from the University of Oxford, said at the time: "I hope that this award will inspire lots more girls and young women, in this country and around the world, to believe in their own abilities and aim to be the Fields Medallists of the future."



respect for a woman who did not let her home country limit her mind and thoughts 


7 years 6 weeks ago
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7 years 7 weeks ago
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"Nobel Peace Prize laureate SOMEONE passed away today, July 13, 2017. The Norwegian Nobel Committee has received the news of his death with regret and great sadness.

SOMEONE received the Nobel Peace Prize for 2010 for his efforts to implement the fundamental human rights secured in international instruments as well as in the constitution of the People's Republic of China. He was a leading figure in the Chinese democracy movement for almost 30 years. The demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in 1989 took him from an academic life to activism. He was one of the major contributors to Charter 08, the manifesto that pointed out China's obligations to secure fundamental human rights for its citizens. In his famous poem "I have no Enemies", we see a clear expression of his pacific attitude.

By awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to SOMEONE the Norwegian Nobel Committee wanted to underscore the fundamental connection between developing democracy and creating and securing peace. Moreover, the Committee found that SOMEONE had contributed to the fraternity of peoples through his non-violent resistance against the oppressive actions of the Communist regime in China.

SOMEONE was not able to attend the Award Ceremony in Oslo in 2010. By then he had already been sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment, allegedly for attempting to undermine the current political order. In our view he had not committed any criminal act, but merely exercised his citizen's rights. His trial and imprisonment were unjust.

SOMEONE's absence from the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony was marked by an empty chair. We now have to come to terms with the fact that his chair will forever remain empty. At the same time it is our deep conviction that SOMEONE will remain a powerful symbol for all who fight for freedom, democracy and a better world. He belongs to a heritage of former Nobel laureates such as Carl von Ossietzky, Martin Luther King, Jr., Andrei Sakharov, Lech Walesa, Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela and Shirin Ebadi, to mention a few.

At the end of June the news reached us that SOMEONE had been released from prison. He had been transferred to hospital, but was still under guard and held in complete isolation. We find it deeply disturbing that SOMEONE was not transferred to a facility where he could receive adequate medical treatment before he became terminally ill. The Chinese Government bears a heavy responsibility for his premature death.

The news of SOMEONE's serious condition was met in part with silence and belated, hesitant reactions world wide. Eventually the governments of France, Germany, and the USA called for his unconditional release, as did the EU through its foreign policy spokesperson. It is a sad and disturbing fact that the representatives of the free world, who themselves hold democracy and human rights in high regard, are less willing to stand up for those rights for the benefit of others.

In the last days of his life, we had a hope that SOMEONE would be released and safely evacuated for medical treatment abroad. This would have been in accordance with his own wishes and the recommendations of the German and American doctors who were allowed to visit him. While the whole world watched, China chose instead to maintain the isolation of its prisoner.

Today our hearts are filled with gratitude to SOMEONE for his monumental efforts and great sacrifices to advance democracy and human rights. He was truly a prisoner of conscience and he paid the highest possible price for his relentless struggle. We feel confident that his efforts were not in vain. SOMEONE was a representative of ideas that resonate with millions of people all over the world, even in China. These ideas cannot be imprisoned and will never die."

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"The point of these awards (Peace prize) has of course never been to offend anyone. The Nobel Committee’s intention has been to say something about the relationship between human rights, democracy and peace. And it has been important to remind the world that the rights so widely enjoyed today were fought for and won by persons who took great risks."

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7 years 6 weeks ago
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the countdown to this thread being removed has begun - for 'hurting China's feelings'

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7 years 6 weeks ago
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thanks for the down votes viki - you are a gem 


i'd like to think you actually read what i posted, but that would be wishing too much 

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7 years 6 weeks ago
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SOMEONE'S wife has supposedly had her 'confinement' rescinded, but apparently is 'too emotional' to get in contact with concerned people.


SOMEONE was cremated in unseemly haste and buried at sea to prevent people having somewhere to visit.


regarding the Nobel prize itself, the recipient has to be in Stockholm to receive it (or a family member) so it is another reason people want to see SOMEONE'S wife outside of the Middle Kingdom.


and i would like especially to thank my stalker who bothers to down-thumb all my comments - (stage whisper) i think someone has a crush on me

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7 years 5 weeks ago
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I'll also add that the Chinese embassy in my home country wrote letters to all the national news-papers expressing 'butt-hurt' at the coverage given to this story nationally on both TV and print  no

so we are not allowed to report international news


apparently this is not interfering in internal matters 

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7 years 5 weeks ago
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Anyone attempting to uphold any form of moral standards, and spreading the message that morality matters, makes the leadership look bad.
This is what you can expect from the biggest oppressors, who see themselves as the virtuous saviours of the Chinese culture, the Chinese state, and the Asian race.

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7 years 5 weeks ago
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I know this is bumping a two week old post, but just to add about SOMEONE's WIDOW:


from a Reuters feed (and in many news agencies)


"Poet SOMEONE’S WIDOW has not been in touch with anyone since about a day before her husband's death and has been "held incommunicado in an unknown location by the Chinese authorities", her US-based lawyer said.

Jared Genser's comments came in a statement to the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.


SOMEONE died of liver cancer last month.

He was the first Nobel Peace Prize laureate to die in custody since German pacifist Carl von Ossietzky, who died in Nazi Germany in 1938.


In a statement to the AFP news agency, Mr Genser said: "I demand that Chinese authorities immediately provide proof that SOMEONE’S WIDOW is alive and allow her unhindered access to her family, friends, counsel, and the international community."

He said her whereabouts had been unknown since SOMEONE’S funeral on 15 July.


The US, the EU, the UN high commissioner for human rights and Amnesty International have all called on Beijing to free SOMEONE’S WIDOW, 56, who has been held under house arrest without charge since her husband won the Nobel prize in 2010.


Chinese authorities have insisted she is a free citizen, and that the grief induced by her husband's death has prevented her from getting in touch with friends or her lawyer.

The committee that awards the Nobel Peace Prize has said it is "deeply worried" about SOMEONE’S WIDOW amid concern about her mental health. She is said to be suffering from depression after spending years under house arrest and heavy surveillance.


The Norwegian Nobel Committee has called on the Chinese authorities to "lift all restrictions they have put upon her", adding: "If she wants to leave China, there is no justification for denying her the opportunity to do so."




with no disrespect intended to SOMEONE'S WIDOW, i would challenge a certain 'angry' poster who seems absorbed with stalking me:


is this post or topic 'bottom-feeder' enough for you, or do you visit this site for Viki's self absorbed posts?

7 years 3 weeks ago
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Hey, thanks for this piece. Plenty, worldwide, are asking, "how can we help her out?" In fact, she did not commit ANY crime even under prc's laws. Not one. Why can't she go travel around as a tourist?  


Here is one daluren I feel 100% safe to bet on that she would never shit publicly in subways, airports and on the street.  When those low lives can do those things, why can't she even travel to Macau? Because she is his wife.  


CCP likes to send out propaganda messages like this to dalu zombies, "your wife/husband/children/parents on both side  are also screwed if one of you go against me". 


This is one key tactic they, and for 5000+ messed up years, the emperors of china control the mass from uprising --- use their family against them, their psychological weaknesses, greed, selfishness, cowardice.......same way North Korea control the mass actually. Extortion, same tactic behind porcelain crashing, or wife threatening to jump out of window......


Yeah, a few psychos are still roaming around ecc.

7 years 3 weeks ago
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this guy should definitely get a nomination, for peaceful tolerance.

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5 years 41 weeks ago
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