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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Which place In Guangzhou is good for family bonding except for parks?
10 years 6 weeks ago in Transport & Travel - Guangzhou
There is an international day this Saturday at Canton Place, near Tancun metro. I can't find a web link, but I have a photo of the poster. Live bands, kids games, food stalls etc. Saturday december 6th 12-6pm.
I will be going with my family as are some friends.
The British School Guangzhou also has events a couple of times a year that are good for the family. Ahh, they are connected to Saturday's event too. Here is the link:
Send me a pm if you are going on Saturday and want to meet up. We can introduce you to a few families with young kids who live downtown.
My wife knows all about it. There is one big group that splits into regional groups. They meet up often down town and do various things. A few times a year the whole group meets up, all 60 or 70 of us. The smaller groups have mini meets on a roughly monthly basis. Some people are in multiple groups. It's very informal. People just come along and make friends with like minded individuals then splinter off and do their own thing.
We are in the "dads who drink group" . Or at least I am . We meet close to pubs, or shops that sell beer.