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Q: Who should get an ayi?

Everyone that I have spoken with here in the states who lived in China for an extended amount of time, all had Ayi's. How convenient is it to have one? Most people say it's great because they are like a housekeeper/nanny/personal assistant all rolled into one little old lady. But for a guy who is single, with no kids, and is a borderline clean freak already, would obtaining an Ayi be beneficial?

10 years 41 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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it would be a waste of money. even with a busy teaching schedule here, i have plenty of time to do all the necessary household chores here - it is therapeutic to do them after hours in a classroom.

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10 years 41 weeks ago
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You talk about them like it's some kind of PDA or secretary... and you answer your own question yourself. Ayi usually do cleaning. You like cleaning yourself? Then you don't need an ayi. Ayi can cook. Can you cook? Yes? So you don't need ayi...


They're not a pet or a fashion item that you need to get because other people tell you so, you know.


Obviously I know they are people, I wouldn't treat them as anything less. However the people I have talked to, talk about then as if they are an common person to have in China, as if every family has one, and if they don't have one.. They should.. So that is why I was asking..

10 years 41 weeks ago
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10 years 41 weeks ago
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I know who shouldn't get an Ayi. People who dislike having their kitchen cleaned by a person wearing the same gloves that moments before was used to scrub the toilet. 


:-O.... I am completely disgusted!!! I guess it's true... Common sense really isn't that common anymore...

10 years 41 weeks ago
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I learnt it was best not to look at what was going on when the ayi was here. I've learnt it is even better to not have an ayi. Our home is not in worse shape without, except for those short seconds of having a completely shiny floor, but lets face it. People with long coated dogs never have super clean floors. 

10 years 41 weeks ago
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10 years 41 weeks ago
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I tell you, I am doing what I can, let I no need to hire any ayi. I hate to have someone who you dont know at your home, touch your undies, pick up your son from kindergarden, and cook the food you don't like. We have asked our neighbours, if they can help us with send/pick up son from KG, and stay with them for 2hrs until we come from job.

Though they are neighbours, nothing to do all the day, they will be cheap and actualy happy to get s bit of money.

Those greedy shameless, they asked even 20kuai for 1hr, so its almost 4 hrs per day, which monthly turn in 3times the money we pay for kindergarden and the same amount of our rent charge. Not include cleaning or cooking. you get your numbers then

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10 years 41 weeks ago
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I have never heard of an English teacher having an ayi.

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10 years 41 weeks ago
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there's no need.  i've been here three years and never once came home to a dirty apartment.  as sorrel said, after a long day at school, coming home and making your home neat and clean to YOUR standards, not an ayi's standards is relaxing.  when you spend the time cleaning and doing your laundry and cooking the food you want to eat, you will enjoy your home and alone time much much more. 


a few friends of mine have/had an ayi, they really don't clean the way you want them too.  they do it half asked.  don't waste the money.  buy a good mop/sponge on a stick thingy, broom, and dust pan and have at it in your free time. 

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10 years 41 weeks ago
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I once saw an ayi spat on the floor she just mopped. I was so disgust.

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10 years 41 weeks ago
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People who like filth spread from one end of their apartment to the other.

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10 years 41 weeks ago
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I'm never getting another ayi again. I almost threw the last one out the fucking window. She brought her annoying grandson to live with us, never paid attention to him, and he came banging on the damn door so loudly at night. He blasted his annoying kindergarten music 24/7 and never left me alone.

Then, the damnedest thing happened... she kept making snide insinuations on how I lived my life. She kept criticizing me for playing WoW after work, and tried turning my wife against me for being "lazy". I had a high energy job and was losing weight. Is it so bad if I want to stay in the house and use LFR?? Then I got banned from WoW under suspicion of being a Chinese gold farmer despite being super poor, and I had nothing to do.

That's when I kicked her and her grandson out of my house, quit my job, and forced my boss to pay a severance package for forcing me to live with that stupid cunt. But not before she called me "emotionally unstable" for demanding my full paycheck, and wanting to keep my passport.

In retrospect, I really should have thrown her off the balcony. She never cleaned, never helped, never cooked, and just lived off my kindness while disrespecting me constantly in my own house. That bitch needed a good defenestration. I'm so pissed off just thinking about it, I think I'm going to go smash a deer on the speed bump over there.

EDIT: Oh yeah, another reason she ticked me off. I came home from work one day, and she filled my house with lots of strange religious trinkets, like she was forcing her religion on me. She started trying to summon demons into my apartment until I walked up and slapped the stupid out of her mouth. I went through the whole house picking up all her crazy trinkets, threw it in the trash and pissed on it. Then I told her son that she's crazy and I don't want that stuff in my house. lol

WanderingTeacher: like more trouble than she's worth..I just cannot're definitely invited to the echainacities gathering btw...I need you to spill all of your stories to me lol (ref: )

10 years 41 weeks ago
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The final straw was when I let the trash pile up, and pile up, just to see if she'd actually do anything. Nope! Then she took my clothes out of the washing machine, put them down on the ground, and left them to fester while she washed her own. When I saw that, my face twisted with anger, like Nebuchadnezzar, and I wanted to throw her in a fucking furnace. Instead, I politely kicked her out and quit my job. I have so many crazy stories... lol

10 years 41 weeks ago
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10 years 41 weeks ago
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