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Q: Why are Chinese so afraid of black people?

when a black person is on the bus,no chinese people wants to sit by him or her.

12 years 47 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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I can honestly that in five years of living in China I have never observed this happen.

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12 years 47 weeks ago
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People fear what that don't know about or understand. 5 years never seeing it? You are a) not black b) don't ride buses or c) don't know or ride transportation with black people.
It doesn't happen everyday, but a little too often for me. Its interesting to see people extremely curious about and some stare with scornful disdain and you are clueless to both reactions...

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12 years 47 weeks ago
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in my 2 years of life here i would say it is almost the opposite at times. they want to be as close to you as possible perferably behind you so they can stare at you without you noticing. guys want to "accidently" brush up against you maybe to see if the color rubs off. some little children want to taste you to see if you are made out of chocolate


and i am black, but i dont like to sit down

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 46 weeks ago
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I hate it.  I feel like I live in a zoo.

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12 years 46 weeks ago
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There is a whole black section of GZ! They are a novelty to the Chinese. Been there for years! As for the Chinese, they stare at me too, I stare back hard! That cures it quickly.

Yep I ride busses, trains you name it.Im the last person they want to sit by. I get the stares too. Sometimes little  kids scratch me because my skin turns pink quicker than theres. or pull the hair on my arm (Im real hairy). Its just curiousity. I just laugh it off.

Even in Dongguan there is a contingent of drug dealing Nigerians. The Chinese youth love them rap music listening, droopy drawed gangsta rapper wannabes! Its curiosity. And opposites attract. Im amazed you dont have chinese chicks jumping youre bones!

Im not being racist or any thing (my 2nd wife of 13 years was black). Just telling you how it is in China.

Where you at man? Im an old, white, redneck, but feel everybody deserves to be treated as a person, taken on their content (inner being) rather than race.

Let's down a beer or three! How long ya been in China?


Man, this post is cliche riddled.

12 years 46 weeks ago
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damn now i gotta check dongguan off my "to visit" list. but i do hear there are a lot of working girls in donguan.... maybe i'll put it back on the list at a later date

12 years 46 weeks ago
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12 years 46 weeks ago
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Black people in China are considered as aliens by the locals. They're afraid and facsinated at the same time. Usually a little more afraid and distrustful though. I blame the mass media for spreading the stereotype of the gun toting "gangsta" but I'm sure there are several other factors at work. 

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12 years 46 weeks ago
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The mass media has built the ugly image for blacks. So the locals may regard the blacks as a criminal, a killer etc

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12 years 46 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77