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Q: Why are there so many sound effects in the background of a Chinese TV show?

There will be cartoonish effects of sprongs and ga-chongs and whirls.. all while there are often cartoonish graphics overlaid ontop of the image, like sweat pouring down some guys face or whatever.


If this is not enough, there's often a piano heard accompanying dialog. Someone will say something, and then the piano will play a funny rift, and then something clunky, and then something emotional at which someone always cries.

10 years 44 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - Other cities

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Not being naturally inclined to display emotions, Chinese need to be "prompted" when and how to react. Look at their advertisements and webpages - full. Not a white space to be found. I'm still surprised that they use "laugh-tracks" for TV programs...the laughter cues up and dies in seconds - not at all natural but apparently necessary all the same (This program was taped in front of a dead audience so we added the laugh-track because machine gun prompts are frowned upon).

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10 years 44 weeks ago
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The sound effects are there to make sure foreigners don't want to watch. TV seriously sucks in China. And all the text scrolling over the screen, adds and logos. Its pure garbage on top of garbage.


And to add to what Sino says. If you look at variety shows that have the sound effects, the laugh track, then you can also sometimes catch the editors in using the same person from the audience, twice. That is, the same clip of an audience member laughing etc. 

TV is heavily edited generally, but certainly in China. 



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10 years 44 weeks ago
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