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Q: Why Chinese parent do not take care of their kids hygiene?

I often have students with incredibly long and black nails, kids with dirty clothes or terrible breaths, kids who even admit naively that they haven't had a shower for days...Most of those people come from wealthy families. I wonder how can a mother not notice her kid's horrible witch-like nails or smelly mouth or clothes?

12 years 1 week ago in  Family & Kids - China

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  In all my years teaching i've only noticed once that a child was being neglected in this way, otherwise i've always found them pretty well turned out.

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12 years 1 week ago
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it's not all kids. just that one kid but we had that 1 smelly kid in class when we were growing up.

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12 years 6 days ago
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maybe the culture or maybe smelling bad will prevent the kid for getting kiddnaped................LOL

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12 years 6 days ago
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why they dont take of themselves


  why u dont speak of the proper engrish batboy?


12 years 4 days ago
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12 years 4 days ago
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They are just not as educated about it, and/or don't want to use so much water.

My gf did not know how to floss.

I try to get her to shower everyday, but she likes to just wash her hair one day, then wash her feet the next, then shower the next day. I hate it, but this is the norm here.


  Maybe it's just your girlfriend.

12 years 3 days ago
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12 years 4 days ago
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In reply to Martian:

It is not just my gf, it is my Chinese co-workers and friends as well, and they all say that this is common. Maybe you haven't noticed in all your years of teaching because you don't keep up on your hygiene as well.


If you were educated you would know that too much washing destroys your natural defenses against disease, and it wastes water!   Perfumed cleansing agents cause so many skin and allergy problems.

As good Queen Elisabeth !st said "i have a bath once a month whether I need one or not"

12 years 3 days ago
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12 years 3 days ago
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