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Q: Why do advertisements portray a lifestyle no one actually has?

Or maybe 2%. I'm not talking about the assumed fantasy kind, just the everyday lifestyle kind that seems completely out of place and unrelatable.

10 years 39 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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To make the general public believe that there are people in this country that live like this, so they have the belief they can attain it too. It's all propaganda, and clever marketing to keep peace in public. If people believed it wasn't possible, that's when the big trouble begins.


Yeah, and that will then lead down the path of 'correcting'.  Too many males...what to do??

Bring in the tanks.

What are the people who believe this advertising propaganda actually thinking about?


10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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99,9% of the adverts for new appartment complex or shopping centre displays in 99,9% cases white or black, foreigners enjoyting that places, coffees and so on. Why they are so obssesed but yet hate us ?

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Look at 99% of the homes, cars and shit displayed on state tv soaps. It's also what most only dream about. It's called The Chinese Dream because it is just that; a dream. 


yeah, especialy the laaaaaarge kitchens

10 years 39 weeks ago
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I miss giant kitchen we had before we moved to China. Wife could sit and watch telly while I made cake, 30% of the walls where window floor to ceiling, forest outside, lots of table surface, lots of storage space, good ventilation without noise. 

10 years 39 weeks ago
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...and it's all about taking advantage of those "dreams" by emptying consumers' pockets.

10 years 38 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Have you ever seen the soaps in the States?  The only one that ever displayed working class America was either Archie Bunker or the Honeymooners.   People want fantasy.


The opiate of the people.


You really need to take the "mouthpiece refresher course" Cosby, Roseanne, Simpsons, Seinfeld , the wire .. on on on. 

and "soaps?"

10 years 38 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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married with children was my favorite,


the commercials on tv for cars always make me shake my head, where in the hell can you drive a car and enjoy the car on an uncrowded open road in china. the commercial must be done abroad or on the day of chinese new year. they always show the car with no other cars around, your own unchartered, uncrowded open road to drive and relax with your music.

maybe they use a virtual reality 3d screen for the commercial.


You mean "drive down an open, uncrowded sidewalk." That's what the ghost cities are for

10 years 38 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Same as Chinese TV. Nobody except the ultra rich have that kind of lifestyle, and their demeanor isn't even close to being the same.

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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