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Q: Why do Chinese girls freak out about their weight all the time?

Seriously. In my entire experience with China, I think I can count on one hand the number of young women who were noticeably overweight. My fiancee can't weigh more than 90lbs but she keeps saying she's getting fat. If she is then I can't see it. Many students of mine keep saying the same thing about themselves. What's the deal?

13 years 1 week ago in  Health & Safety - China

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women must look like 12 year old skinny weak wafes so the men do not feel intimidated.

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13 years 1 week ago
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8000 years of culture has led them to believe it's more beautiful... Seriously though if you look closely at Chinese men and women you'll find physically they're VERY close, size, height, body build breast size, so as crimochina mentioned the only way to perhaps make things more distinguishable would be the guys pack on a bit more meat and the girls are skinny, otherwise they could fight back or something. In all other races there is a huge difference in looks, size etc... hence easy to distinguish.

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13 years 1 week ago
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because they have no much confidence with them, they don't konw what to do in life,the only thing they can control is weight. but they failed usually.

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13 years 1 week ago
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I honestly think, a lot of girls' weight issues here are due to Western influence. They've completely absorbed Western pop and celebrity culure here: fashion magazines send the same incorrect messages to the youth here (ie. you have to be skinny and beautiful to be rich and successful), they idolize many of the same twig-sized Western celebs , all Chinese female movie stars are twigs, posters and ads all feature skinny women, the fashion in trendy stores like h&m and zara is geared towards twigs.... the same is happening here as in the West decades ago and eating disorders are not surprisingly on the rise.



I doubt it's just influence from the West, or haven't you noticed that the Asian models are much thinner than Western models? Maybe it started that way, I don't know. All I can say is, they want to be super skinny, but they are also jealous of curves. My friend complains that her legs are fat, but she is athletic, it's all muscle. More often she complains of how "black" she is. I tell her she isn't black, she is tan. And why are you just saying this happens in China? Don't you hear girls say that they are fat all the time in America? Because they do.

13 years 1 week ago
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13 years 1 week ago
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I once overheard a stick thin woman in Starbuck saying to her friend that she is the fattest girl in her office and that the cup of coffee she just downed have so much fat in it that she was better off actually eating lunch.

I wanted to smash that cup of boiling hot coffee to her bones, because she have no meat on her.

I think it had something to do with the mentality of what perceived as beautiful in this country. Whenever I heard a Chinese person compliments someone on their looks I have never heard the world 'slim' or 'fit', they are complimented if they are stick thin.

One of my colleague who practicaly have no waist because she is so thin whined about being too fat all the time.

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13 years 1 week ago
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it has little or nothing to do with western influence it has been this way for a long time, here it is small and thin not tall and thin as in the west. here women must have no muscle mass at all that is why they look so fragile. it is all about not being stronger than your husband

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13 years 1 week ago
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