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Q: why do chinese look down on africans

only the low class chinese citizens respect very few  Africans and in any case an African that have any misunderstanding  with  a chines the African is always at fult

Africans dont get good job easyly.

and more......

10 years 34 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Firstly, Chinese people worship white skin. In no other country have I been complimented on being white.


Secondly, racism isn't something that Chinese people feel ashamed of. It is displayed openly and with a sense of entitlement. Prejudice based on skin colour is a real concern for most Chinese people (especially before marriage), and xenophobia is a national preoccupation with multi-billion dollar government sponsorship.


Thirdly, Chinese people have very simplistic notions about other countries (or, in your case, continents). France, for example is "romantic", England is a country with "gentlemen" and Africa is "poor".


Your qualities as a human don't matter. You will be judged based on pre-formed assumptions. Chinese people are brought up with an ignorant and insular worldview (shared by their parents, teachers and everyone else they know). It's pretty hard to challenge.


Pretty spot on. 


Though, just to clarify, they worship white skin, just not "white people" (Caucasians, Westerners, European-Chinese... whatever accurate/politically correct term you want to use). The same people who will compliment you and envy you for your white skin will see you as inferior to them for not being Han, repeatedly call you "foreigner" and remind you that you're not one of them, nor will you ever be, and want you out of "their" country. It makes sense because of Chinese logic.


Also, in the overall Chinese view, African = Black skin. To them, white people can't be African... even though there are white Africans (Charlieze Theron, for example). It's kinda how they assume that white people can't be Asian, let alone Chinese (despite the government itself acknowledging that there are minority groups in China which include whites... again, Chinese logic). 


Point is, "Black = African" in Chinese understanding. Thus, negative associations with dark skin (poor, low class, laborers) and negative associations with the continent of Africa (also, poor) combine and build on each other. 

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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I hope this rant won't shock you too much. Chinese flock towards power, or at least the notion of it. It is automatically assumed that power will be abused without scruples, and those in powerful positions are not held to any standards of decency. This starts at an early age, as children are blamed and punished unfairly for things they can't truly control, like "not being as good as their classmate". Not to mention, the classmates are probably more successful due to bigger red envelopes and extra tutoring. People in powerful positions are fawned over, flattered with high praise, their incompetence and corruption consciously ignored. Chinese people learn from a young age that LIFE IS UNFAIR. Black people, as the victims of discrimination, are not given due consideration. They are simply seen as losers in the struggle for power. There is no guilt or moderation in the expression of racial discrimination in China. Blacks are seen as weak, so they are treated as lesser humans. Americans, westerners in general, are hated for their achievements because they force Chinese to retreat into denial and ignorance. And China loves to play the victim-card for itself, but this is not to inspire sympathy, but rather to incite nationalistic fury, and spur the locals on to achieve. Because there is no dignity in being a victim - no dignity is allowed. On a final note, don't let any of the negativity in my post cause you to become less courteous to Chinese on the streets. Remember, once you've lost your composure, it's Game Over. It's all of them against you alone, because any problem you have with a local easily becomes a problem with every Chinese in China. Be on your guard at all times: Observing the rules diligently and maintaining politeness is all that protects us expats from the wrath of warped, ignorant prejudices that many of the locals have against us.


Beg to differ, but hardly a rant your commentary. Lucid and erudite. Kudos for such an excellent post.

10 years 34 weeks ago
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That post summed it all up pretty well. It's social Darwinism at it's most raw, but with Chinese characteristics. 


They see the exploitation and colonization of Africa, and conclude that the Africans lost the game due to being weak and inferior. Africans should just accept they are not as good as other nationalities (ethnicities, nationalties, same difference in China).


They see the colonization of China in the past, and conclude that Japan and Western countries are evil monsters who deserve anger and hatred, and anyone who is ethnically Japanese, or ethnically Western (in Chinese understanding, that includes all white people, since they all are the same. Anything more than that is just too complex) is to blame, and deserves retribution.



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Chinese has a very deep rooted hierarchy structure, and I feel it has only become worse but conversely, I think the younger people are making a difference now. They are more curious than anything. 


Chinese people were taught to look up to those richer or more powerful than them for a handout or help thus creating "guan xi" with classmates at a young age is very important. Not just for simple friendship. When you get richer, you should look down on others to show you are a important person. 


Africans are "poorer", so Chinese feel it is their duty to look down on them as per their society. Plus Chinese  beautification means "white skin". Most of their skin products have bleaching cream and if a Chinese person is dark skinned, they assume they are a farmer or a laborer...


Let's say two unknown couples walk into a restaurant in China. Both look decent but you can't tell if they are rich or powerful or whatever... one couple is quiet while the other couple is loud, demanding, sort of rude in an arrogant way. Most Chinese will assume the rude couple is rich and powerful and thus why they look down on the staff and perhaps those around them. 


Many Chinese are very insecure. 




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10 years 34 weeks ago
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While everything Samsara said is 100% correct there are other factors as well. One being the very real social problems that are caused by Africans in China. Its safe to say that the visa raids are not being done to target the Brits. In guangzhou alone there are hundreds of thousands of Africans , many coming from East africa like Nigerian

Ask an African from any other nation and they will be happy to spread the rumours of how nigerians are not to be trusted.

With the rise of africans there has been a huge spike in hiv within the prostitute population. Fact.

Of course the majority of Africans are good law abiding people but with a population that huge there will be many who cause trouble. You can walk through certain areas right this second and have no less than 10 africans either try to sell you crack or sell you themselves. ( sanyuanli, garden hotel ect. ) While in other nations we would look at this rationally as drugs and hookers are everywhere, it has happened in a very prominant upper class area so has drawn alot of attention. Add in the fact that many many many really dont have a proper visa or any at all. Which in turn makes the government make it harder to even get visas, it would make sense that businesses would try to avoid any hassles that may occur by hiring someone from there.

Add that to the fact that there are only two countries in the world. China and foreigner country. It is really not surprising that there are racially charged ideas.

Lastly i would like to say that racial stereotyping is prominant in many places around the world and often starting on facts. East indians in North america, mexicans in parts of the states. Africans in France. Aboriginals in Australia and Canada. We just seem much better at moving past these notions once we actually meet the person.

Chinese can too, they just take alot longer.


In guangzhou alone there are hundreds of thousands of Africans , many coming from East africa like Nigerian
With the rise of africans there has been a huge spike in hiv within the prostitute population. Fact. 
Poor prostitutes selling unsafe sex to the Africans that come with HIV. Again, compelling. 
Of course the majority of Africans are good law abiding people but with a population that huge there will be many who cause trouble. (Being fair, of course).
Yes, looking down on Africans starts on facts.  Nigeria is in East Africa. Fact!  

10 years 34 weeks ago
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should we have some documentation for the "facts" ? word on the street does not equal facts. 

10 years 34 weeks ago
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@scan. Aparently your in a troll kinda mood. Im game.But you dont have google? You wont verify or trust anything unless its accomanied by a link? perhaps youve been in China a while, so you have lost the whole common sense thing. Its ok, its common. Do you doubt that Africans have by far the highest HIV rate in the world? Is many countries with a 25 to 30 percent hiv rate in adults also word on the street? Im guessing you would also argue that the vast majority of africans in guangzhou or China are men is also rumours as there isnt an official census from the UN. That these men are without there families and in a country rife with prostitution is all just heresay. But you dont do common sense so i guess we are at a stalemate untill the chinese government which is notorious for is transparency releases an official report that you will just call bullshit propaganda anyways. Enjoy your bubble.

10 years 34 weeks ago
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Sometimes the drivel to justify and/or defend gets convoluted, and people start mentioning facts with fault lines all over.

Believe my facts or use Google to get them. I got them from the only authority that has them. By the way, I can foretell that you will dismiss the facts as propaganda. 


Chinese looking down on Africans always starts with facts because Chinese looking down on foreigners always starts with facts. You're a troll if you ask for documentation. 

10 years 33 weeks ago
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@mike. It's just that Nigeria is in the western part of Africa, I don't need Google for that. And since basic geography fails, then my bullshit filter is at highest alert. 

10 years 33 weeks ago
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@scan hahahahahaha my bad. Its notna gepgraphy snafu but an easy west one, haha indomit with my left and rights too. Per haps its because i spent time in eastern africa.. i dunno. Totally my bad hahahaha.

10 years 33 weeks ago
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@riverbanks, you wouldnt happen to be african would you?

10 years 33 weeks ago
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Fact. Mike made a booboo wink

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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Now that the Chinese government wants to colonize Africa ("it's our turn because the French, British, Portuguese, Belgians... did it") you should soon find it easier to get a job in China.


Why you say "want" ? They are beyond wanting, they have... They got several countries on their payroll (Liberia, Zambia...), control major trades like meat market or clothe market in several countries. Where Europeans of yore cut the hands and noses of those who did not worked hard enough (for free), Chinese companies (with gouvernement loans) build roads and whole cities in exchange of markets and access to raw resources.  Of course, it benefits only a very tiny local minority and Chinese companies import the workforce, so few jobs are created as well. Like Western companies do, by the way.

10 years 34 weeks ago
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They even export ghost cities : checkout Nova Citade de Kilamba, in the outskirts of Luanda. Paid and built in exchange of exclusive access to resources, built by Chinese workers.

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Whenever I cross the border to Hong Kong or Macau, I always scan the foreigner lines on the China side for black people. Their passports needs extra fiddling with before they are let through. 


do you have proof that customs agents take longer to ruffle through african passports or is that just the racist word on the street?

10 years 34 weeks ago
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last time I was in line behind a black person, his passport was looked at for more than 60 seconds, my passport about 30 seconds. As you can read from my wording it is a personal "anecdote" so proof, no. I'll time it next time, it's not always the right demographics is present

10 years 33 weeks ago
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next time your in line. try to stay away from women agents too. Havent timed it but it also seems twice as slow

10 years 33 weeks ago
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what !!!, and miss out on their nice smiles. have never noticed a difference in men and women in this particular field

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Colour difference make strange

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10 years 32 weeks ago
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