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Q: Why do the Chinese treat there whole country like a toxic waste dump.

Really do they have no pride...Do they not care about there children’s future.
Or are they just that uneducated.

12 years 32 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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The most important thing is the economy. Money is god for now. Everything else isn't worth bothering with. By the time they switch priorities, it will be really difficult to reverse the damage. In some places it may be irreversible. I think many countries have done this, it's just at so great a magnitude that it's doing major damage.


I'm just interested in you...What do you really know about China ppl, life, business and industries? do you have any university certificate, what major do you have?....have you even travelled to other China cities...where are your "qualified" response from....what the hell....really....female english teacher....

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Of course. I have a Bachelor's degree in Writing from Kutztown University. I have been to Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, and Jinhua, as well as the little city I stay in now. I plan on seeing more cities in the future. What do you know of China? Obviously every country has good and bad. If you can't admit both sides, then you don't know the whole truth, little Chinese person...

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Lack of education is clearly displayed here by Localla.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Its getting better than it used to be, slowly. I was at a chemical plant a month ago that manufactures unsaturated polyester resin. Since its a condensation reaction, water is evolved, but has some traces or various raw materials (organic acids and glycols) in it. They actually ran the water through a series of bacterial digestion tanks, carbon filters etc, with the last tank being crystal clear, prior to discharge. I was very impressed as its not typically the norm for China.

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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When I talk to students about this topic usually their reply is the same.................and it amazes me everytime when they say things like, "I don't give it much thought, besides, someone will pick it up later."

The youth of the country folks!


to be fair, kids all over the world say the same thing.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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i think they truely dont care they are trying to get out of this shithole


i meant shAthole

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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A LOT of it is education. And the way they are raised (someone else will clean it up). AND the fact they have been more worried about becoming an economic leader with little funds to get there that they've not been worried about the environmental impact. It's going to take them several decades to clean it all up. But they, as a country, need to start caring first. Until that happens, or until other countries put the pressure on, it's only going to get worse.

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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The littering here is ASTOUNDING. I see people throw entire garbage bags to the side like its nothing, and no one bats an eye

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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We were talking about "Climate Change" and one student was particularly worried about it (2012 had just come out).  Anyway, as a "time out" from class, I suggested as a topic what if all private cars were elimnated, not just in China but world-wide, leaving only emergency and  public tarnasportation , etc. for a period of 10 years or so, until the CO2 levels went down.
NO ONE approved the idea (40+ sutednts!) all saying just how "inconvenient" it would be, etc.  When I asked then how can we lower green house gasses, they pretty much agreed that the government would think of something.
Looks like Urumqi will soon be beach front property.....cheeky


brain dead, it is so pathetic

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Well, I agree with you GuilinRaf, but the fact is that eliminating all private cars from the world would have a huge negative impact on the global economy...think of all the jobs lost. I am willing, and I agree with such a plan, but the mainstream will never buy such an's too out drastic and will truly damage an already broken world economy.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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ndc you are missing the point to his post, the point is that the students are unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions to fix the problem on a small level, wait for the govt to do sth about it. like religious zealots wait for god to fix it

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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I was shocked at garbage every where. I rented motorcycle and drove for 3 days in rural China. I do not see cobra. That made my day. Once in  small village I see young woman washing in bay. I love my women wet. The place I stop at for a beer is her familys. It is poor. I look at the bay and it is just covered in garbage, mostly floating plastic bags etc. I see many places along the road have small piles of garbage. The country is filled with litter. OMG I write like translator,, me tarzan you chinese


gee ya tink Loc*** stalks me for a neg, this is not a negative post

12 years 32 weeks ago
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No point crying about it. Man up Teddy

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Taking the train to Wuhan the last few KM all you see is garbage.

11 years 15 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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I wonder what they will do when they discover they cannot breathe RMB.

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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You are making generalizations.  Obviously you are not well traveled inside the country.


I back-packed China for a year and can tell you that pollution is a common sight. From Lhasa all the way to Dallian. I ended up teaching in a rural village and was shocked when I saw teachers standing outside the school littering.....surely the problem starts there?

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Jona....Do you even understand what the OP wanna ask here? he didnt give a clear section we should discuss at here...I don't pick a ridiculous questions theN response it so quickly....OP GOT NO BACKUPS nor STANDS here.....what's are in his small brain....WHO KNOWS....GOD KNOWSS...... .China of course got problems...your travel experience meaNt you have a stand to critical China then? you think?...... What you should tell ppl HOW BEAUTIFUL CHINA IS FOR THEIR NATURE VIEWS, being a "truely" traveller....SHAME ON TRAVELLERS here...

12 years 32 weeks ago
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i LIKE to CAPITALIZE RANDOM WORDS!!! how DARE you say anything BAD ABOUT CHINA!!! shame ON YOU!!!

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Obviously,  you don't know what you're talking about.

11 years 15 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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I back-packed China for a year and can tell you that pollution is a common sight. From Lhasa all the way to Dallian (except places like Hangzhou where they constanly cleaning the streets). I ended up teaching in a rural village and was shocked when I saw teachers standing outside the school littering.....surely the problem starts there?

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Let me ask you this: why does the West treat developing countries like their toxic site?


It's true that the West sets up factories in less developed countries because it is cheaper, and they don't care about the consequences. But if those countries actually cared more about their land and people than profit, that wouldn't be an issue, now would it?

12 years 32 weeks ago
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i dont see any westernes holding a gun to chinese peoples head telling them to spill their toxic sludge on the rivers. profit > enviroment

12 years 32 weeks ago
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is it the west? or is it international corporations? as stated before govts like china only care about money and are willing to sacrifice the lives and health of their own people not to mention the land and water. and they do this because after they cash out they leave this country or live in a "safe" area

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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I really don’t understand what you are going on about – the discussion wasn’t about ‘how beautiful Chinese scenery is’ but on toxic dumping hence hygiene and cleanliness.

I think you really are oversensitive about anything negative said about China and I’m not going to get into a ‘’chain-forum-debate/insulting match’’ with you as I have better things to do.

For the record, I’m a foreigner who respects China and its people. I may not be Chinese but China is my home (I’m an executive who is permanently based in Beijing).

Please do however remember that criticism is healthy as it leads to change which more often than not means progress – Nobody here is a ‘’China Hater’’ (which is something you obviously feel you need to come here every day and defend your country)…and if there are any such people (or they do not respect their ‘host country’) I sincerely hope that they go home and/or do not use this forum.
Also, if you would like to see more positive things said about China, I suggest you post questions orientated on positive things in and around China’s.


For your information...I don't against any "educated" foreigner talk things about China and Chinese ppl and everything.... Don't blindly tell me what is sacrasm what is insult.. DONT BLINDLY TELL ME WHAT CHINA SHOULD FOLLOW,.....DON'T BLINDLY IGNORE YOUR INSULT it...(see the change of Jnus6416 she now dares to talk about WESTERNES HYPOCRITIE factories here now...applaud for her now!!)

What do you think the "Education" of THIS FUCKED UP OP..when there are having LOTS OF NICE ENGLISH words and LOTS OF NICE WAY to express an opinion....WHAT the screwed brain like him doing here? " TREAT"" TOXIC WAST DUMP PLACE"...when he got NOTHING CLEARLY speak in his question.....DO YOU THINK HE IS EDUCATED?....with a highly educated sacrasm out there.? OH FUCK YOU...who are you blinding to ? ---------he done this topic is particularly FOR ME....screwed brain is horrible...(they cant listen to what others is talking about)....

I know lots of foreigners like this country, but I CANT BEAR A NOT thoughtful, intelligent, inspiring and deeper brain talk about "EVERYTHING" in China.(incl you!) always cause headache when your uneducated sacrasm goes way over your brain and mouth.... If you are not professional in a CERTAIN side, i think it's better you pick up an easy topic here so not to OFFEND others toooo much....DID YOU MAMA someone TEACH you these kind of SIMPLE things?.....god bless you.... This is my education for you....

Btw...all foreingers like to take Chinese (me) like any Chinese they met and JUDGE before anything ....this is really unintelligent ppl...and DONT THROW ALL THESE STEREOTYPICALS ABOUT CHINA AND CHINESE to me.....i know disguest me now.....

I M NOT HERE ASKING FOR RESPECT....JUST YOUR EDUCATION AND MANNERS....clear...?..Jona....keep your professional in your professional....

and for your a white woman.....maybe 

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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What a massive knob............

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Hahaha. She mad.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Localla is not a white woman , or a woman at all. No woman talks like ( Him/it). I think maybe cross dresser/ transvestite. It not woman..iNsAnE OnE aT BeSt, RAnT oF mOrOn, PrObABlY hAVe StiNkY BrEaThE AlSo, LiKe YaK BrEatHe,OnLy WoRsE, MoRe LiKe DeAd RaT, No WoRsE,WhAt IS WoRsE tHaN LoCaLlA BrEaThe? AnyThInG? No!

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Man, Localla is like raw potassium tossed in a bucket of water... Better get a grip on yourself. I only registered on this site a few weeks ago and you're all over the place, exploding like TNT on steroids. If you ever want people to take you seriously, you should stop with all the wild tantrums.
I know some people on this site say really bad stuff about China. I don't like it too. And I also don't agree with the Answers section being used as a place to vent after having a bad china day. The way they generalize Chinese people IS racist. Any form of unverified generalization of any group of people is racist. And don't let them tell you otherwise. I'm African so I know how some Westerners (emphasis on some) like to put on the whole superiority act.
But this is the Internet, and if you want to win over the minds of idiots then you shouldn't argue like one. And Jona is right, criticism is healthy. People criticizing bad stuff in China doesn't mean that they're abusing China. If you feel their criticisms are unwarranted, then disprove them with sound argument and not random unintelligible ramblings.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Pass the Advil. Please.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Most things in this country can be summed up with a simple lack of education,  or simply mis-education.
People see everyone littering then they will too, unless some has taught them differently.
But I will say that from what I have seen it is mostly the industrial complex here that does the lions share of bad stuff.

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Short sightedness and apathy. 

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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I believe it is lack of education.  Remember, the main educator in the country is the government.  The same government that downplays and denies any problems in China.  They tell the people that everything is fine and China is wonderful and foreign nations are awful.  If the common Chinese people had any inkling of the health and pollution standards outside their country, I am convinced they would start to change.  But that possiblity is unlikely, considering who has control of the media in China.

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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The way you generalize is a bit arrogant. This country has 1.3+ billion people. And I'm sure most of them do not  intentionally treat their country like a toxic waste dump. Blame the companies that manage trash collection and such. Sometimes, the unavailabilty of a trashcan can give one the urge to litter, since in everyone's mind it's just one piece of trash.

Just because you saw a few random people ignore the trashcans and litter without remorse doesn't mean everyone is like that. I'm very sure every country has people that are completely oblivious to good methods of trash disposal. 

So blame the community leaders for not sensitizing people and providing trashcans. Don't go blatantly calling people uneducated. Make it seem like you've never littered in your life. ''The first to cast a stone...'' 


With all due respect, we are not talking about a few random people. Where I am, littering is the norm. I had to train my gf out of it (she probably still does it when I'm not looking). Try visiting some of the great nature holiday locations, then compare them to places in America like the Grand Canyon. There is no comparison.  When I say uneducated, I do not mean to imply people are stupid.  Its just they don't have a compass. There is nothing for them to compare with.  They only have the guidance of their prolific leaders.  This is not a slight against the Chinese people.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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how long have you been here? i've traveled to a few cities and all you have to the is look at the streets, look at the behavior. even in malls people just throw stuff on the floor or (my favorite) they throw it near the garbage can. my guess would be you are in your first year here in china. after you finish learning chinese (dont let on that you know chinese) and you will slowly see this country for what it really is.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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I have seen lot of garbage bin empty and lot of garbage around them !! how you can explain this ? 

11 years 15 weeks ago
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I have just returned from Zhiangjiajei, an outstandingly beautiful national park. Went into some public toilets in the park and coming saw all the rubbish that had been strewn around outside. If the Chinese cannot even treat one of their own beauty spots well what hope is there for the day to day streets in the cities?

11 years 15 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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I mostly do the tier 2-4 cities, where the money wave is hitting  now.

You guys are right, everyone litters here. I even picked up the habit to some extent and had to break myself of it. However unlike western countries, they have a plethora of people that come and sweep it up everyday. In a strange way, I think it creates unskilled employment.

While there is a lot of litter around in alot of places on the East Coast, drive across the Gobi desert. I drove from Dunhuang to Urumchi once and it was litter free. Miles and Miles of Nothing. Very Pristine.

Dont Judge all of China by the Eastern Seaboard.

As for Global warming, I think its all a croc. I see the proponents of theory  have changed  the term to "climate change" when the data became inconvenient.. The hockey stick on the graph in CO2 levels, goes away when you look back millenia. Its just another way for governments to tax and spend.

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Over the past 10 years, I have lived and worked in over 20 towns all over China, and have also travelled to about a hundred towns and cities in many different countries. The Chinese cities are by far the dirtiest I have ever come across. While most countries at least make the appearance of cleaning up, China just doesn't care.


really? don't you think some new yorks and londons small lanes are the dirties place in the world?...

12 years 32 weeks ago
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Maybe a few out of the way places are almost as dirty. In China, it is almost all streets, parks, rivers, everywhere. How long since you were in New York and London?

12 years 32 weeks ago
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I agree Traveler. I have also been around China and been to a lot of other countries as well. The disregard for the environment and lack of consideration for others (who are also part of that environment) here is the worst.

11 years 15 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Most people I have observed litter. Period. On the streets, out the car windows, in the resturants, in the stores...everywhere. It is a constant battle to keep my classroom clean. The general mindset is, "Someone else will pick it up."

I was driving down the road the other day in Changsha, and there was a taxi in front of us. All of a sudden, from out of the passenger window, comes a flurry of paper. It looked like 3 or 4 sheets of notebook paper which had been torn into fourths! So, it was like 16 pieces of paper thrown out the window onto the street. This took thought. This took effort. It wasn't like someone rolled down the window and the paper got sucked out by the change in pressure. It was deliberately ripped up and thrown out. Multiply that by hundreds of thousands, and there begins to be a serious problem.

But, hey, soon, someone in a day-glo orange vest will come along and sweep it up. Talk about job security!

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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they dont understand the concept of cause and effect..... yet

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Why do you treat the English Language with no pride?

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Excellent question bill. Let's look at a mini-scale example of that..the slob students that do not clean up after themselves,leaves lots of garbage in the classrooms,etc. where I work. Ridiculous. No pride!

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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No conscience. Part of me wonders if there's such a thing as hereditary sociopathy. Too many people here exhibit the traits of sociopaths.


I tend to agree with that.

11 years 15 weeks ago
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11 years 15 weeks ago
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At the end of the day it mainly comes down to lack of education. It's getting better amongst well educated Chinese people, but for the most part people who grew up in rural China really have no concept what they are doing is bad.


I can't even count the number of times I've seen people setting garbage on fire and kids running around and playing right next to it, inhaling all the fumes.  When you see something like that this only then do you realize just how uneducated a lot of people in China are in regards to health.


I semi-agree, so here's an upvote anyway.


But tell that to the all the educated rich people dragging girls around with their vehicles, not paying attention to the road and hitting people... I've witnessed a few such accidents.

11 years 15 weeks ago
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11 years 15 weeks ago
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