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Q: Why do the Chinese wear many pairs of longjohns before it gets cold outside?

I can't understand why students are so bundled up in class as if it's a sub zero climate. My gf left for work today, she works in an office, with no less than 2 pairs of long underwear on. That's gotta be uncomfortable.

12 years 44 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - Harbin

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2 pairs is a bit much but my Chinese friends started wearing their long-johns last week too. I think it's more of a seasonal thing than temperature thing. Late October, early November is the standard time for wearning long johns, just like the heating goes on on a fixed date regardless of the temperature.  


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12 years 44 weeks ago
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It has to do with the hot and cold of yin and yang. After all summer wearing few clothes and being in the air conditioner all day they feel the need to stay warm.

Or it could be only because they are cold blooded.

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12 years 44 weeks ago

Come on thumbs down everything I say. rnrnPlease I like it thumbs down some more.

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It's not about comfort.  It's about about not thinking and just doing what is expected.  It's the end of Oct so they are expected to layer up no matter what the temperature actually is.

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12 years 44 weeks ago
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And here I thought it was just part of the fall fashion line.  Or making your wife/gf more like an onion.  (When you peel back a layer, you find another layer that needs peeling off. Smile )

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12 years 44 weeks ago
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