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Q: Why do the government lie about the temperature?

Apparently, in China it NEVER gets over 40 degrees Celsius. But when I was working at the Shanghai Expo, we put thermometers outside that read well over 40 degrees (and once as high as 46... i almost melted). So why would the official line state the temperature as lower than what it hactually is?

13 years 7 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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its not rocket science you go out and buy a thermometer to fet the temps where did you people go to school the land of oz let me help you go to bbc wheather and put the city you are in and you will get a 5 day forecast unreal isnt it or you can go to accu wheather again its not rocket science i thinh you need to go back to school cant believe you can even get a job

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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Ya weather forecasts and reports are never very accurate in China. It is not just temperature also for rain and other things.

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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It's a trap for Westerners! Happens to me all the time! I think weather will be ok so I dress consequently and bam! the temp goes up the roof. So I start sweating a lot, it makes my feet all mushy mushy.

Baby talc was an awesome solution, but I wished the government wouldn't be lying about the temp... But hotter forecast = moar people staying at home!

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13 years 7 weeks ago

Getting halp from moar and moar people is like spin-o-rama high-fiving new friends on with a tip of the hat finishing move.

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what you are talking about is the temperature near the expo .. when the weather agency calculate temperature of city ,they do by taking a average of many places in the city ..
also if you dont believe chinese weather forecast then check for msn and yahoo .
if you think temperature in shanghai is above 40 then what would will you think of new delhi and rajasthan,60?

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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Bat22 you have completely missed the point. I'm not even sure you can read properly. I'm sure as hell you can't spell or punctuate! You make a dyslexic chimp look educated!

Everyone else, thanks for your responses.

Poutine, I'm glad the baby talc is working. If it's not enough, then I suggest buying wholesale (you can find it online... know your powders!). That way you can buy a huge stock, and put it all in a box, then get your Chinese girlfriend to pour it over you like a talcum-shower!

Gaahl, how do you apply baby talc over corpsepaint? Surely it sticks and makes all the black bits white?

Sunilsah I have never been to India and never want to if it's really 60 degrees!

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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This is an easy one:

According to Chinese law, if the temperature goes to 38°C or above, outdoor laborers either A.) get the day off due to the heat, or B.) require extra compensation due to the harsh conditions of working in the heat.

Therefore, the official temperature never goes above 35°C in China.

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13 years 6 weeks ago
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