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Q: Why do people in western countries take a shower everyday?

I really think there's no need to take a shower each day,especially when the weather is cold.It wastes lots of resource and time.Most Chinese take a shower once a week in winter,two times or so in spring and autumn,but if the weather  is hot,we will have more showers.when summer comes,we take daily shower as well.

11 years 30 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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It's because Asians have fewer apocrine glands (glands that produce stinky sweat) than Europeans or Africans. Simply put, if we don't shower, we'll stink. 


11 years 30 weeks ago
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you've got mine up as it makes sense too. 

11 years 30 weeks ago
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i see it everyday in the summer, i'm sweating and everyone else is not.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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I don't know how many sweat glands they have but they stink just like we do when we don't wash.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Maybe because body odor is considered to be rather offensive, or even maybe in the tropics you do sweat a lot with the high humidity too.  Besides, it is refreshing and relaxing, a good way to relieve stress after a day's work.


You got 9 thumbs up while i got 9 thumbs down just for asking the questioncool

11 years 30 weeks ago
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In supermarkets, some customers can leave trails of strong smell that remain as long as 5 minutes after they are gone. That's probably one of the reasons people in Chin awould rather save money on water and buy overpriced French perfume instead.

11 years 29 weeks ago
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When my body is dirty, I want to clean it.  I clean my house everyday.  I wash dishes every day.  I clean my face and mouth each day.  I also change my clothes every day.   Because clean is good.  Dirty is bad. Maybe this is too obvious for us westerners but I guess for many Chinese, dirty is relative. I have experienced this up close and personal a few times.

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Yep, & then you stink.  When I take a bus or line up in the supermarket I smell unwashed bodies around me. 

 I've got questions too: Why do Chinese people not bother to wash themselves more often?  Why do you not use deodorant? Why do you not shave you armpits? Why do Chinese men grow long untidy thumb nails. (I wonder what do they pick with it?)

 Why do many people have bad breath?


Many Chinese don't take a shower everyday because we think it's a waste of resources and if the weather is cold,there is no need to take a shower everyday because we don't sweat,just as i said above.As shaving armpits,well,it's not a part of the Chinese culture.I am sure most Chinese,especially the old generations,haven't even heard of such a thing.If people are told it’s necessary to do that when they are young,probably they will.And for the deodorant,almost all Chinese think it’s something just used in bathrooms or bedrooms rather than on bodies.And for the long thumb nail,I think over 90 percent Chinese guys don’t keep that.The ones do keep that are the exceptions.I think it’s disgusting as well seeing guys keeping long thumb nails.For your last question,let’s blame the damn tooth pastes here,they are of low quality.Thanks for your answer!


11 years 30 weeks ago
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why do chinese people always say "we chinese" or "chinese people" to cover for their own disgusting behavior. "you" do not shower. there are many like you in china, but focus on yourself. 

what does your gf think of your onsce a week habit?

11 years 30 weeks ago
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They have bad breath because they have bad teeth. Franck3

11 years 30 weeks ago
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i give my students the same question the beginning of each year.

your in the living room , the shower is on, the baby is crying, someone is at the door , your parents are calling you on the phone., what order do you take care of these.


most of them , shower first , cost money save water, talk to parents , family more important than self, then the baby, and then the door.

most westerners would take care of the shower last. maybe the water shortage has some effect on the culture.

i have never had a student that could tell me how much the water bill is at home even though thats the first thing they worry about to save money.


water costs around RMB 3 / cubic metre, some 200 kuai /year , but that must be a lot for the dirty tight asses that they are....lolz

11 years 14 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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I shower every night before going to bed. In the summer, I will often shower twice a day.

One of the worst turnoffs for me is to be on a date with a girl and even though it is 7 pm I can smell what she had for lunch. Date ender.

Sometimes my students will ask me for help with a lesson, and "BAM!" they stink.

Mind you, this is NOT all Chinese. I know many Chinese people who shower every day and wear clean clothes every day, but I also know a considerable  number of people here who do not.

Even in winter, when the weather is cold, many people smell. Bad. They think that just because they do not sweat much or because it is cold that they dont "need" it. Um, yes you do.

Some areas are worse than others.

Forgive me if this was blunt, but there is really no delicate or soft way to treat this topic.


Thanks for the answer,buddy,it's quite to the point!

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Well, you think what you want, but don't expect me to respect you when you pass by and stink like a skunk, pushing me to acknowledge of how your body it stinks like.


I believe the body scents have a meaning and purpose, being a of way of communication, enticing sexually one gender to another, establishing ways of emotional and social communication, creating and keeping alive memories within the family, work and anywhere else you go. A child needs the smell of his mother, the mother knows the smell of her sons, the married people know each other's body smell and scents according to the type of relation they are engaged in during the day.


For the sake of your education, I will give you this tip and so you can check on yourself and see how people behave. First take a shower, everyday, or more than 3 times per week. I personally take it everyday. I am highly sensitive to smells of any kind and HATE body smells. After the shower, use a deodorant to let your skin spread the smell of the deodorant when you sweat. Just use a subtle amount of it. You will see people, unconsciously behaving positive with you. 


 Have you ever fallen in love with a girl? I hope so.


What do you bring to her when you're dating a girl? Flowers, right? Why? Because her senses react emotional and sexually,  in a way that unconsciously she feels attracted to you. Not because you're maybe handsome, but also thanks to the perfume of the flowers that adds to your physical beauty, more beauty. The nature itself hates bad smell and so, goes towards the way of beautifying itself and be full of colors and perfume for us, the human, whether stinking or not. Learn that lesson from the nature, at least. 


If you add to your body your own perfume, an elegant and dedicated to sensually embroider you first date with her, like the French perfumes, you will see how much more she will feel attracted to you. Why? It's common sense. A women needs to see that you are able to take care of yourself. First thing first take a shower, be clean, smell good. PERIOD. 

Abandon this habit later, then unconsciously she will despise you, because bad body smell is dirtiness and dirtiness it's dirty and disgusting.

Instead of saving time and energy, invest on your love for her, for yourself, on the respect for yourself, for her and others. 


 Moreover, there is an intrinsic relation between hygiene habits and spiritual morality. You don't believe me, do you? I will not deep in to the proves about it but I will give you this tip too: 

 When people get depressed, whatever the reason is, they drink a lot and they stop shaving, getting showers, changing their clothes, cleaning their house, leaving the kitchen in disgusting conditions and so on. The lack of hygiene in the Western Countries it's a symptom of mental and emotional issues. It's a symptom of a self abandoning, because you don't care anymore about yourself. You lose your self-respect and love. 


 You are right that in China, people are dirty, but maybe that is the symptom of a serious social and emotional deterioration at a very large scale,  because people here have made up of the lack of respect for themselves and others the way to be including you. I'm having a serious hard time about the dirtiness I breath all around everywhere I get out of my house, because in the way people are bad smelling it induces the feeling of a social and self respect deteriorated. It makes the Human Nature appear uglier than I am am able to see. I just need to see around that people are beautiful and that without being clean every day it's not possible. 


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11 years 30 weeks ago
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It's because Asians have fewer apocrine glands (glands that produce stinky sweat) than Europeans or Africans. Simply put, if we don't shower, we'll stink. 


11 years 30 weeks ago
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you've got mine up as it makes sense too. 

11 years 30 weeks ago
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i see it everyday in the summer, i'm sweating and everyone else is not.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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I don't know how many sweat glands they have but they stink just like we do when we don't wash.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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If you don't shower every day, you can't marry my older sister.


If I need to go somewhere, I always shower once or twice per day, though I'll admit I don't shower every day in China... but that's because I'm a scumbag who rarely leaves the house these days. Wanna be a scumbag? Don't shower, then.


Besides, nothing's worse than going down on your lady (previous girls) and seeing hidden evil cheese residue from her lack of cleanliness. Well, unless you're Japanese, 'cause they got something for everyone over there, but they're demented.


Damn I think I just threw up a little then. That image has just taken me right back to a memory of an ex (and I dumped her quickly) girlfriend of mine. Lets just say blue waffle would be an appropriate description.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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You hurt my feelings deeply,Phil!

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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To be clean?
What's wrong with chinese people!! What kind of question  is this o_O


a question quite worthy of discussing

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Not all Westerners shower every day. Usually I don't, except in the summer when it's very hot, a short shower every day can be refreshing. I don't think it's necessary to shower every day because my skin gets dry. Soap washes off the natural oils, which protect skin. I would never wash my hair every day. From what I have read, body odor is not just affected by how often a person washes, but also by what they eat. Ingredient quality, as well as spices, affect body odor. If you're not sweating much, there probably won't be a smell. Another difference is that most Westerners do not wear the same clothing several days in a row. Although I wear pants several times before washing, I wear a new shirt every day. If a person doesn't wash often and wears the same clothing several days in a row...well, I think that would lead to some bad B.O.


As for bad breath, I believe that can be attributed to diet, lack of proper hygiene, and dehydration. The more water you drink, the more saliva to keep germs at bay. A dry mouth means more bad breath. Tooth decay comes from eating a poor diet. Brushing and flossing can help, but they do not prevent tooth decay.


In the end, I think that Westerners are becoming more and more paranoid of germs and unpleasant smells. Don't let these people fool you, not all Westerners care so much about being clean. It depends on where you live and the kind of people in that area. Some people care, some people don't. There's a saying: Cleanliness is next to godliness. People think that if a person's body is not clean, maybe they are lazy, or a person not worthy of respect.


Smell can have a huge impact on how we perceive a person. Let me tell you, if I meet a guy, and he's kind of good looking, that's nice. However, if he also smells good, I'm going to remember him for a long time. I assume it's the same for a man who likes a woman. On the same note, if I meet a guy, and he's handsome, but he smells bad, I'm probably not going to want to see him again. This includes bad breath.


So as you can see, there are many different elements to why Westerners feel this way. The truth is that we are human. We all have body odors, some good, some not so good. In my opinion, yes, bad body odor is undesirable. But so is strong perfume, because it bothers my allergies. And some guys wear cologne that smells horrible. Old Spice is some of the best stuff guys can use.


I agree. I don't shower everyday. I have dry skin and showering everday makes it even drier. Every 2 days is enough.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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Jnusb416,thanks for your detailed answer.I have to confess i don't take showers as much as most people in western countries do,but i indeed seldom sweat if the weather is not too hot.But probably i will take showers more often now that i got so many thumbs down.ok,let me guess who gave me thumbs down.ElenaDob ,crimochina,Franck3,Jeaniacob,grimya,derek,well,there are still three that i çouldn't tell. Anyway,thanks to all the people gave me the answers.Have a nice weekend,friend!

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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I think that most of the above posts cover the main points. But I would add that as a part of my morning routine, I really dont feel like Im awake/ready for the day if I havent showered.

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Once a week in winter? Really?


For real man. I bet the only way they can unstick their balls from their thighs is with a spatula. 

11 years 30 weeks ago
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What about once a month or two months?

11 years 30 weeks ago
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Westerners didn't shower more than once a year until about 100 years ago, ever since the fall of the Roman Empire when we lost the use of their bath houses. I have oily skin and shower often. If I don't shower in the morning it takes me two more hours to wake up, which is usually Saturday and I have a hangover and don't want to wake up.

 I do not know about Chinese men, but the women shower often. I often watched women that came to my apartment shower. I think most came for the free shower, so invite your Chinese friends over for a shower. It's a good way to save face.


Also because we can, We have bath tubs or crocks also in every home. I have 2 whirlpool bath tubs and an outdoor jacuzzi hot tub. Bathing with others can be fun and relaxing and less chance of drowning by using the buddy (girly) system.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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in my secondary school they would not let you attend p-e class unless you had a change of clothes and intended to shower, Anyways i think some people can get away without showering everyday but hygiene is not just about showering, if you shower and wear the same clothes you had on when you was playing basketball whats the point, shaving armpits is a good thing its not just something guys want you to do, girls do this for a reason, try going to a night club in china you will come back home with your hair and clothes smelling of cigarettes if that doesnt want to make you shower than i dont know what will ow wait you dont have to go to the night club in order to smell like cigarettes that can happen in any public place inc the shopping center where smoking is not allowed, change takes too long to happen in china since people are always thinking about tradition or culture.

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If you have to ask.............

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Also Chinese people take a shower everyday. I take a shower when I need it. 


No they don't and you know it.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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I see them rush at night to take a shower, maybe they rush to the toilet  LOL

11 years 30 weeks ago
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I see them rush at night to take a shower, maybe they rush to the toilet  LOL

11 years 30 weeks ago
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Many do, many dont. 

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you are insulting chinese people. many chinese people don't shower often (i can smell it on the bus). but more and more chinese people are learning that showering daily is good for hygiene and health. 

matt you are right about the sweat part but that is only one factor. we all use the bathroom daily. the "residue" can work it's way to the genitals. it can cause genital warts/ pimples or infections in your lover. not to mention the smell when making love. 

the "residue " can works it's way into crevices and if you walk a lot the friction will create open sores, which can lead to further infections.

all sexually active people should definitely shower daily. does who are not should try to shower once every 2 days at least. 

also with china's pollution, you should definitely rinse it off you daily.

but most importantly (according to my nose and my clothes) showering daily is about common courtesy. we all take the bus/train/ plane together i do not want to pass out from your odor. i do not want to smell like you when i go home to my girl.


i hope this makes sense it was written pre-caffine (dear echinacities: pre-caffine is a word)

11 years 30 weeks ago
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In some of the poorer parts of the UK in 1930s and 1940s the people kept the coal in the bathtub and never bathed. The only time they got wet was if they fell off a bridge. Things have changed and they will in China in time. Franck3

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77