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Q: Will an Ebola pandemic make you leave China?

Considering such parameters as, available medical care, general standard of peoples hygiene etc. 


Today at the supermarket, on of the women at the scale desk coughed between each vegetable she weighed. 

10 years 7 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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Considering the "extra caring government" where I come from, I am required to skip town the moment there's an epidemic, whatever diseases at that point in time. We have to register at the nearest embassy or high commission when we land. Failing to do so attracts a fine when we get back home. So, yes, I have to leave. 

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10 years 7 weeks ago
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I would want to leave to leave, but if it got to be a serious thing here I'm not sure that leaving would be an option. What country would want to accept flights from a place crawling with Ebola.

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10 years 7 weeks ago
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could be worse, slow death or quick death,


100,000 tons of excrement are on fruits and vegetables that go to markets every day in india, thats my favorite part of the story.

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10 years 7 weeks ago
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No, I'll never leave China! Ebola or two (ebolas)!

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10 years 7 weeks ago
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It's a bit daft that America is sending special planes to Africa to fly infected Americans to......... America.


Good luck with that bit of logic.




Apparently they have a cure, but only for Americans (according to Jon Stewart)

10 years 5 weeks ago
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Leave where?


The Ebola Virus Pandemic: “A Weapon of Mass Destruction”?


According to recent statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) released just last week, at least 672 people have died out of a total of 1,201 cases so far this year in West Africa. However, seven days later the number of fatalities has jumped to 887, a spike of over 200 deaths in just the last few days.

Because the incubation period may last ten days while the infected victim may not even be aware of any illness, the virus is highly contagious. Then what begins like typical flu symptoms of fever, later vomiting as the virus spreads rapidly inside the body causing people to succumb often within days of its onset. Victims literally die from internal bleeding that in the final stages can flow out of every orifice. It has the trappings of a ghastly zombie science fiction nightmare come true.

The Department of Defense and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) classify the Ebola virus as a biowarfare agent. Reports of up to 90% of humans infected die within a very short time. Therefore, it is a very real, extremely potent potential weapon of mass destruction.

Ebola outbreak: Burial staff put at risk as dead are more contagious than living

Twenty-one bodies were awaiting burials when the excavator digging their graves got stuck in the mud.

With armed soldiers standing guard, the highly infectious bodies – which had been transported from a morgue by truck amid the worst Ebola outbreak in history – were forced to wait in the open until a second digger could be hired and transported to the site.

Eventually, the bodies were buried. The episode was emblematic of the logistical problems facing officials trying to cope with the grim task of burying the dead and preventing them from infecting the living as the deadly Ebola virus continues to ravage West Africa. And those are just the bodies health officials have been able to properly prepare for burial in Liberia, where hundreds have died from the disease this year and widespread reports describe Ebola victims lying on the streets for days, increasing the risk of infection by others.




Better all around from what I understand.

10 years 6 weeks ago
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Leave to a place with basic hygiene. As Ebola can spread through lack of hand washing, China is not the place to be is it.

10 years 6 weeks ago
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Even cremation is tricky. Bodies carry virus, and burial is protected by soldiers in hazmat. 2nd link.

10 years 6 weeks ago
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yes, liberia an old hunting ground, charles taylor could solve this problem very quickly and efficiently, met him twice, nice fellow.


Do you have any similar buddies in USA and EU? In China very soon too, as it looks.

10 years 6 weeks ago
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Visitor from Nigeria arrived to HK Chungking Mansion (where else?), started vomiting and things, was rushed to Queen Mary Hospital.....Suspected ebola infection..... report on the teli at 8pm


If confirmed, anybody who's applying for Chinese visa will be denied, or.....?

10 years 6 weeks ago
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If there was an epidemic out break, I'd be afraid to fly without a level A Hazmat suit and being double bagged.


If outbreak in HK, it will be the fastest outbreak possible anywhere. There are some '5 people per square' in HK. And in Chungking, around 10 people/m2 or even more.

10 years 6 weeks ago
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Chungking is OK for now!

'Containment' of disease in Africa:

West Africans fill churches to pray for deliverance from 'devil' Ebola

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'Travel not' itinerary:


After an experimental drug was administered to two U.S. charity workers who were infected in Liberia, Ebola specialists urged the WHO to offer such drugs to Africans. The U.N. agency has asked medical ethics experts to explore this option next week.

David Heymann, a former WHO official and now director of the Chatham House Centre on Global Health Security, who this week urged the WHO to show greater leadership and to consider allowing the use of experimental drugs for Africans affected by Ebola, said governments should step up their response.


Chatham House, London, UK, not Chatham, Cape Cod, MA.



'Me in my mirror': 'Stop bashing!…. KFC'cool


How did a possible miracle drug for one of the deadliest diseases in Africa come to be grown half a world away in a small town in Kentucky?

Because of chewing tobacco, malaria, Charles Darwin and Australia.

'Add-it': 'If spitting is also necessary for cure, they should include our 'masters' here as '…..malaria, Charles Darwin, Australia and China.' me thinks…..'

Read more here:


So far, only one plant-based pharmaceutical has made it onto the market anywhere in the world — a treatment for Gaucher disease, a rare genetic disorder of the liver — made by an Israeli company using carrot cells. For Ebola, KBP was preparing for the first human drug trials later this year when the request came to ship doses to Atlanta's Emory University for the American aid workers. Now, with calls to make the serum more widely available, those efforts may speed up. If treatment is proved to have helped Brantly and Writebol and if the results can be borne out with further testing, the drug, called ZMapp, may give biopharmaceuticals the big winner its has long needed to attract significant investment. Read more here:

10 years 6 weeks ago
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'Ebola hits Australia' text on the bottom of the teli on todays news....


Nothing on Internet about Australia/ebola, yet.


They made a mistake! 'Swine Flu epidemic hits Australia' is text 5' later on the teli.....

That's 5Y old 'news'. I got 2 points for 'FALSE ALARM!'

10 years 6 weeks ago
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Interesting article from New York Times, posted in US yesterday, which you (and me) can't open it without VPN, butT...

I'll c&p 1/2 of the whole thing. Please, don't leave! You can read entire NYT article on the web link without VPN.


The One Question About Ebola That Nobody Can Seem To Answer

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

How in the world is it possible that more than 170 health workers have been infected by the Ebola virus?  That is the one question about Ebola that nobody can seem to answer.  The World Health Organization is reporting this as a fact, but no explanation is given as to why this is happening.  We are just assured that Ebola “is not airborne” and that getting infected “requires close contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person”.  If this is true, then how have more than 170 health workers caught the disease?  These workers are dressed head to toe in suits that are specifically designed to prevent the spread of the virus.  So how is this happening?  I could understand a handful of “mistakes” by health workers, but this is unlike anything that we have ever seen in the history of infectious diseases. These health workers take extraordinary precautions to keep from getting the virus.  If it is spreading so easily to them, what chance is the general population going to have?

Overall, more than 1,700 people have been officially infected and more than 900 people have officially died so far.  But an official from Samaritan’s Purse says that the real numbers are probably far, far higher


Rest of the article:


Ken Isaacs, the vice president of Program and Government Relations for Samaritan’s Purse, painted an even bleaker picture. According to the World Health Organization, West Africa has counted 1,711 diagnoses and 932 deaths, already, which could represent only a small fraction of the true number. “We believe that these numbers represent just 25 to 50 percent of what is happening,” said Isaacs.

In a six-hour meeting with the president of Liberia last week, Isaacs said workers from Samaritan’s Purse and SIM watched as the “somber” officials explained the gravity of the situation in their countries, wherehundreds lie dead in the streets. “It has an atmosphere of apocalypse,” Isaacs said of the Liberia Ministry of Health’s status updates. “Bodies lying in the street…gangs threatening to burn down hospitals. I believe this disease has the potential to be a national security risk for many nations. Our response has been a failure.” Isaacs says that the epidemic is inciting panic worldwide that, in his opinion, may soon be warranted. “We have to fight it now here or we’re going to have to fight it somewhere else.”

In an official statement released on Monday, the World Health Organization even admitted that some potential Ebola patients “are being turned away”…

The recent surge in the number of cases has stretched all capacities to the breaking point. Supplies of personal protective equipment and disinfectants are inadequate. The outbreak continues to outstrip diagnostic capacity, delaying the confirmation or exclusion of cases and impeding contact tracing.

Some treatment facilities are overflowing; all beds are occupied andpatients are being turned away.

Like I have said before, this has the potential to become the greatest health crisis that any of us have ever seen.

Up until this point, the outbreak has been primarily limited to Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.

But now it is starting to pop up in more countries around Africa.

For example, the number of confirmed cases in Nigeria has reached ten…

Nigeria on Monday confirmed a new case of Ebola in the financial capital Lagos, bringing the total number of people in the country with the virus to 10.

Health minister Onyebuchi Chukwu said the latest confirmed case was a female nurse who came into contact with a Liberian-American man, Patrick Sawyer, who died of Ebola in a Lagos hospital on July 25.

In addition to Sawyer, another nurse who had contact with him died last week, while seven other people have been confirmed to have the virus in the city, he added.

And it looks like we may now have our first case of Ebola in Rwanda

Rwanda’s health officials have placed a man suspected of suffering from Ebola in isolation at King Faisal Hospital Kigali. A statement by the Ministry of Health released on Sunday indicates that the patient had been tested with results still expected. Samples from the suspected case have been sent for testing to an international accredited laboratory, and results will be available in 48 hours, the statement said. The suspected case is a European medical student, according to the statement. It is the first suspected Ebola case in Rwanda since the outbreak of the virus in West Africa. The government urged the public to remain calm and vigilant, as the ministry is closely monitoring the situation.

All the preventive measures needed in line with national standards are already in place, including surveillance systems and emergency management systems, it assured, adding “Health workers have been trained across the country and are vigilant.” This will enable timely detection, notification and appropriate management of any suspected cases to safeguard Rwandans, the statement concluded.

Over in Ghana, a man that just died is being tested for the Ebola virus…

Ghana may be recording its first case of Ebola if tests on the blood samples of a Burkinabe man suspected to have died of Ebola proves positive. The man who was rushed to the Bawku Presby Hospital in the Upper East Region from Burkina Faso, died on arrival. The Medical Director at the Hospital, Dr Joseph Yaw Manu, who confirmed the incident to Citi News, said they sent the blood samples for testing because the man was brought in showing symptoms of Ebola. In an interview with Citi News, Dr. Manu said the patient was bleeding from his nostrils which raised their suspicion he may have died of the Ebola disease. Dr. Manu said they are awaiting the results from the blood sample test to verify the cause of death. He gave the assurance that the hospital is prepared to battle the disease. This is the fourth suspected case of Ebola reported in Ghana; two in Kumasi, one in Accra and now the Upper East Region.

Lastly, the little nation of Benin is now reporting two potential cases of Ebola

Benin has reported two cases of the deadly Ebola virus in the west African country. Health Ministry official Aboubacar Moufiliatou said that a man suspected to have contracted the virus had died. “Fortunately, blood samples have been taken from the deceased patient to examine if his death was linked with Ebola,” Moufililatou told the state television Thursday night. He said another man has been quarantined after showing symptoms of the deadly virus after returning from the Nigerian city of Lagos. “Blood tests from the suspected case will be conducted in laboratories approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) to confirm or deny the infection,” he said. The WHO has declared the Ebola outbreak in West Africa to be an “international public health emergency” as the virus reportedly continues to spread through the region in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. According to the latest WHO report, Ebola has killed 932 people in West Africa. The Ebola virus, a contagious disease for which there is no known treatment or cure, can be transmitted to humans from wild animals and also spreads through contact with the body fluids of an infected person or someone who has died of the disease. Medical doctors say common symptoms of Ebola include high fever and headaches, followed by bleeding from openings in the body. If the cases turn out to be Ebola, this would be the fifth country in Africa where the virus has spread.

We are quickly getting to the point where it will become impossible to contain this virus.

And if it spreads to the United States, we are going to be in a massive amount of trouble.  The truth is that we are not prepared for an Ebola pandemic, and such a crisis would create a massive wave of panic and fear all over this country.

Unfortunately, despite the risks, we continue to bring people back to this countrybefore we know that it is safe to do so

Health officials in North Carolina said on Sunday they will require missionaries and others coming home after working with people infected with Ebola in Africa to be placed in quarantine.

The quarantine is set to last for three weeks from the last exposure to someone infected in the West African Ebola outbreak, which is centred in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, the officials said.

Missionaries from the North Carolina-based Christian aid groups SIM USA and Samaritan’s Purse have been working to help combat the world’s worst outbreak of the disease. Two of the relief workers, Dr Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, contracted the disease and are being cared for at Emory University hospital in Georgia.

Why couldn’t those individuals just be quarantined over there an extra three weeks in a safe area and then come home?

All it takes is one sick person.  Once the disease gets here and starts spreading, there isn’t much that we can do about it.  There is no cure for Ebola, and according to the New York Times it is going to be quite a while before one is potentially available…

The drugs that could potentially treat those already infected and the vaccines to protect healthy people from infection are all in the earliest stages of testing. And even if they do pass muster in clinical trials, they cannot be produced in large quantities quickly enough to stem the widening epidemic anytime soon.

And the CDC agrees with this assessment

“We do not know how to treat Ebola or vaccinate against it - and it will be a long time before we do.”

Those are very sobering words.

For now, our health officials are telling us that we have very little to be concerned about.

But they can’t even tell us why more than 170 health workers have caught the virus.

So let’s hope for the best, but let us also prepare for the worst.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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I did spend a little time thinking about the ethics in banning international travel for 3-4 weeks. Naturally it would suck for those who are stuck on some tropical island forced to continue drinking mojitoes for the greater good. 


Naturally "experts" would need to be allowed to travel. Some journalists should be allowed too..... and there is the sliding slope. 

10 years 5 weeks ago
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As I understand, on 170 Medical staff infected, there's no assurance on 'spread only through bodily fluids'. MDs and nurses are all in hazmats.

Traveling: 'most (health) developed countries study disease through their own patients, that's why 'return home, when infected'.

'3 weeks incubation' is also PIA-rse for the researchers.

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If the ebola doesn't make you leave China, will a zombie invasion?


I could live with zombies but onion flavored coffee would be the final straw for me.

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NO! you can't get it just by sitting next to someone who has it. My God, what a stupid question


They can't say for sure, as I understand NYT article above.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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I believe other reports that state its not sometime that can be transferred to someone by air.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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You mean sitting next to a person with "Manners with Chinese Characteristics" who is a fountain of bodily fluids ? 

10 years 5 weeks ago
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Doesn't matter 'other articles'! '170 Medical staff got infected'....that 'speaks' volume....against 'infection only through the bodily fluids'.

10 years 5 weeks ago
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DragonTV had what seemed like a nice segment this evening at 18:30 about Ebola and black people in Guangzhou. Not sure what the story was about, but nice to see some people being stigmatized due to their skin color. 


No-body ming bai 'stigmatized' in China. What's that?

10 years 5 weeks ago
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US female  'speaker' (blondy) on the teli, with text 'US doctor with ebola will be released from the hospital soon.....'


'Mighty US!'





US Ebola Patients 'Improve Dramatically' From Experimental Serum

Reports say Nancy Writebol and Kent Brantly are showing improvement after being given "ZMapp."
08:40 08/04/2014



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CC teli quote 'US CDC report Ebola is not transmitted through':


- air;

- food and water;

- through contact with person, who doesn't have symptoms.


More on CDC Ebola transmission:

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If it's a pandemic it is everywhere, so why leave?


That's why I'm keep adding 'please, don't leave...'

10 years 5 weeks ago
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if it is a pandemic, maybe you'd have more confidence in your "own peoples" ability to treat and contain infection. 

10 years 5 weeks ago
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Malone: 'you've gotta die of something...'surprise

10 years 5 weeks ago
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Good point, Scan.

If it bleeds, we can kill it. 

[Random movie quote.]

10 years 5 weeks ago
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5' into the movie: 'I have stomach 'ache'!'


That's bad, if it reflects real thingy…..however, Kathy is my 'queen', because 'kaith win-slet'

10 years 5 weeks ago
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I like the other quote better: 'Why we..........'


That's why 'Ham--ass' bow, and never shake hands.......


'Sneaky bastards'......

10 years 5 weeks ago
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Btw. The movie "Contagion" come highly recommended from my. It's like "Outbreak" just way better (and I personally find Gwenyth Paltrow more attractive than Dustin Hofman) 


I have same view at the girl, however to read and pronounce her name, I (would) always need Native English speaker with me…..

I'll FrostWire Gwinnyangel, then I tell more about....her hair-do

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In case someone missed Ebola 101 in school




Is there somebody, who could tell CC teli English translators that word 'people' already is plural, and there's no need to make it 'larger' by adding -ssurprise. Call Shining!

10 years 5 weeks ago
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The Ebola Outbreak: U.S. Sponsored Bioterror?


Before getting to the second U.S. lie, it is important to mention three facts that have not received enough discussion.  First—and this may be of pivotal significance–we still have no idea how Ebola got to West Africa.  See for yourself; there’s never been an Ebola outbreak in West Africa before.

Perhaps the racist U.S./MSM view is that all African countries are the same, so who cares?

Second, the current outbreak, in terms of the number and international breadth of infections, does seem to be far more contagious than any previous outbreak; as the previous link shows, we now have at least 1,975 cases.

Now pause for a moment and take this fully on board: the 1,975 cases exceed the total number of Ebola cases from 1977 to 2014’s outbreak.  So it’s no surprise that we have, for example, signs of infected individuals in Albania.

So, the Guinean variant of Ebola we now confront has been found to be sufficiently genetically distinct from all previous versions of Ebola that it has been assigned its own genetic branch, or clade, and it is believed to have evolved in parallel from an ancestor held in common with a variant of Ebola native to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon. Moreover, the current outbreak began not in June or July, but as early as April 2014 and perhaps even earlier than December, 2013.

Dr. Jason Kissner is Associate Professor of Criminology at California State University. Dr. Kissner’s research on gangs and self-control has appeared in academic journals. His current empirical research interests include active shootings.

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I heard, Irish when they wake-up never say 'Good morning'.


"Isolation Procedures Put In Place" After Ebola Suspect Dies In Ireland; Ebola-Like Disease Claims 70 In Congo

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/21/2014 - 15:03

Last week Ireland rushed to deny that a man with Ebola-like symptoms who was being tested in Dublin, did not have the disease. It may find such a refutation more difficult this time afterIrish Times reported that a man was found dead last night in Donegal, after working in Sierra Leone, the epicenter of the current Ebola outbreak, and where "it is understood that a number of colleagues had contracted the virus." The deceased was taken to Letterkenny General Hospital where the HSE is carrying out tests to see whether the death resulted from Ebola.


Irish say: 'No surrender!' I heard!in their mornings…..I was schooled on the matter by Scottish from Glasgow. He was 'Celtic' fan.

Is there difference between 'Celtic' and 'Rangers' fans in Glasgow?

I'm sorry! I didn't know that!

I was talking to myself for a minute….



Ebola: Donegal man Dessie Quinn did not have virus - health chiefs confirm

10 years 4 weeks ago
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"Current Ebola Outbreak Is Different," WHO Warns "Unprecedented" Number Of Medical Staff Infected

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/25/2014 - 09:08

The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in west Africa is unprecedented in many ways, including the high proportion of doctors, nurses, and other health care workers who have been infected, warns the World Health Organization. Despite all precautions possible, more than 240 health care workers have developed the disease in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, and more than 120 have died. Simply put, they conclude, the current outbreak is different. The loss of so many doctors and nurses has made it difficult for WHO to secure support from sufficient numbers of foreign medical staff. Even WHO admits, if doctors and nurses are getting infected, what chance does the general public have?



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WHO Worker Ebola Infections Mount: Sierra Leone Lab Shut, Senegal Doctor Flown To Hamburg
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/27/2014 - 08:54
There is reason to be concerned "about whether the proposed resources would be adequate," warns a Harvard professor as the World Health Organization 'battle strategy' draft calls for more than $430 million to bring the worst Ebola outbreak on record under control. This morning we hear of yet another health worker infected - and being flown home to Hamburg for treatment from Sengal and the WHO has shut a lab in Sierra Leone after health workers became infected. A glimpse at the following 3 charts should have the entire world throwing money at at them…

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday it had shut a laboratory in Sierra Leone after a health worker there was infected with Ebola, a move that may hamper efforts to boost the global response to the worst ever outbreak of the disease

The WHO said it had withdrawn staff from the laboratory testing for Ebola at Kailahun -- one of only two in Sierra Leone -- after a Senegalese epidemiologist was infected with Ebola.

"It's a temporary measure to take care of the welfare of our remaining workers," WHO spokesperson Christy Feig said, without specifying how long the measure would last. "After our assessment, they will return."

An employee of the World Health Organization (WHO) who contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone will be flown to the German city of Hamburg for treatment, a spokesman for the city said.

Rico Schmidt, spokesman for the Hamburg Health Senate, said the patient would arrive later on Wednesday and be treated at Hamburg university clinic's tropical medicine institute. The WHO in Geneva said the patient was a Senegalese epidemiologist.

One of the deadliest diseases known to man, Ebola is transmitted by contact with body fluids and the current outbreak has killed at least 120 healthcare workers.

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10 years 3 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman