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Q: Will they give your degree authentication original paper back after checking it?

Seems that they need to check all the originals before giving you the ABC work permit. Did you guys have to provide the originals of everything?

 And I wonder if they returned your degree autheication original paper to you after checking it or kept it? Cause I wouldn't want to go through the hell of authentication again, if ever.

6 years 14 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Yes they'll give you everything back. Yes they need to see the original and they'll return it. No you wouldn't have to authenticated it again.. Mine was authenticated in 2008 they accepted it still and gave it back twice now , once on 2008 and 2017..

A few key things you gotta learn about how this deal works is:

1. You hand in all the doc's to your employer after the contract signing.

2. The HR will than log on to their SAFEA employer account, SAFEA is where the ABC permit card comes from.

3. Next the employer will scan and upload 5 of your documents to the SAFEA website, this also creates a permanent profile about you. The doc's are evaluated for basic requirements. If you fail they'll send your HR the reason why.

4. Next if all of your documents are correct and good than after 5 days or less your employer is invited to SAFEA to hand in the original doc's to Check in person and to make sure it matches what was uploaded.

5. If all is good, than you'll be selected for an ABC work permit card than they will pick up your card in 10 days of less and I'm willing to bet that they won't allow you to hold on to that card, the company usually wants it.. But you can scan it with wechat and save it in your favorites. Take a picture of it too.

6. The card, your passport, HR staff and you will than go to the PSB for the resident permit visa.

7. Than a year later you shouldn't have to use any of your documents again as they already have them on file, most cities have started to say "Hey you don't need your doc's again", just need the card if you're renewing. Switching jobs or cities is a different thing.


thanks man, that's pretty informative and encouraging! 

6 years 14 weeks ago
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6 years 14 weeks ago
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Yes they'll give you everything back. Yes they need to see the original and they'll return it. No you wouldn't have to authenticated it again.. Mine was authenticated in 2008 they accepted it still and gave it back twice now , once on 2008 and 2017..

A few key things you gotta learn about how this deal works is:

1. You hand in all the doc's to your employer after the contract signing.

2. The HR will than log on to their SAFEA employer account, SAFEA is where the ABC permit card comes from.

3. Next the employer will scan and upload 5 of your documents to the SAFEA website, this also creates a permanent profile about you. The doc's are evaluated for basic requirements. If you fail they'll send your HR the reason why.

4. Next if all of your documents are correct and good than after 5 days or less your employer is invited to SAFEA to hand in the original doc's to Check in person and to make sure it matches what was uploaded.

5. If all is good, than you'll be selected for an ABC work permit card than they will pick up your card in 10 days of less and I'm willing to bet that they won't allow you to hold on to that card, the company usually wants it.. But you can scan it with wechat and save it in your favorites. Take a picture of it too.

6. The card, your passport, HR staff and you will than go to the PSB for the resident permit visa.

7. Than a year later you shouldn't have to use any of your documents again as they already have them on file, most cities have started to say "Hey you don't need your doc's again", just need the card if you're renewing. Switching jobs or cities is a different thing.


thanks man, that's pretty informative and encouraging! 

6 years 14 weeks ago
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6 years 14 weeks ago
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I have my ABC work permit card. No one asked to have it. If the company demands to keep it, then I would wonder why? Prior to this year I had a little blue book called an FEC. a few schools I worked at wanted to keep this book. But I informed them that my signiture was on this book, I kept the book. This card does not have your signiture on it. Nevertheless, it belongs to you because all your signed documents are related to it.

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6 years 14 weeks ago
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