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Q: Work hard, party hard

It may be cultural gap, but we 'Mericans like to party hard. I like to get drunk and dance around, sometime standing on tables. But people look at me oddly. Like me an alian or some sort. I always try to bring Chinese people to dance with me on table, but they always politely say no. Halp to make them lively?

13 years 10 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - China

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We go to KTV, there u will find everyone wants to get the microphone and will not let go~

We are not dead, we just have different way of living. Try to think in Chinese way, since u r here as a guest. In English also have this do in Rome as Rome does,"ru xiang sui su"入乡随俗.

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13 years 10 weeks ago
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Wenna is right, because you are now in China, you should do as they do. That's what I do anyway. I've started conning people out of their money, spitting on the street, pissing in the gutter, I've stopped brushing my teeth and showering regularly, and if I see some bad things happen on the street I don't help, I just stand there and watch. It's so liberating to 入乡随俗!

Although the Chinese aren't quite as rambunctious as you and your 'Merican counterparts, they are still a very social lot. They like to chat and discuss things (normally about how great China and Chinese food is), so you could go out for a big meal with them and order some drinks to loosen them up. Then maybe suggest a bar. Clubbing and binge drinking is reserved for the post- 90's generation. Check the link to see what I mean.

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13 years 10 weeks ago
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I thought you were French Poutine DuFion. But I did notice that you spelled charcuterie wrong in another post...big no no if you're French! But to answer your question, is dancing on tables really acceptable anywhere? Is it not just redneck trash that does that?

Chinese do know how to party but they probably think you're too foreign to be included. If you drank with some real Chinese men you wouldn't be able to get on top of the table even if you tried...because you'd be sprawled out on the floor in a puddle of your own puke after 5 minutes!
And Ludovico, that's just gross. I like bad boys, but only those that shower!

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13 years 10 weeks ago
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Ludovico is right, just do what Chinese do. And if u cannot agree, and feel that Chinese r so disgusting, well, go home~ ,88~

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13 years 10 weeks ago
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every culture and their people have their own style and attire of cheering themselves or partying. you belong to a different culture and you already know chinese people show soberness and straight kind character. so whenever you are partying so party as you like it as you do it. your genes never changes with changing the country. so party as you want it, if chinese join you so they are welcome. if not do not push them. but chinese guys only know to earn the money and work work work. if chinese tell you do as chinese do it. never do it. we are free living people so enjoy the freedom but keep the legal rules in mind not culture or ethnics... we shall not some bandwagon follow the ugly ducklings.........

enjoy zealous have fun

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13 years 10 weeks ago
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French living in Montana, adopted to 'Merica, because of a missed plane, a costarican stewardess, a trailer park and a rabbit. I won't go into teh details. As we say back in motherland, "a Pau, faites comma Pau". That's exactly what i did.

We're all here in China to be discover, fascinated by the culture China haz to display.

I did the same a long time ago, back in 'Merica. I realized i got abandoned by motherland, and Helena, Montana, became my fosterland. And I learned culture there, even lived in a trailer park for some time. So show some respects to "rednecks", lolitta2.

We share our different culture. Learned to eat with chopsticks and eat amazing food all year long, so our way of being thankful is to show gratitude. I don't do it everyday, it's only sometimes when enjoying party hard after work hard. It takes 3 minutes top for me to teach my specialty dance move : "hand on the neck pelvic thrust".

Are Chinese too humble to accept my gift? I can't halp but wonder...

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13 years 10 weeks ago

Getting halp from moar and moar people is like spin-o-rama high-fiving new friends on with a tip of the hat finishing move.

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