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Q: Working Permit Card Part~2: " Card Renewals"..

Hi Guys

This is Part 2 or chapter 2 of the new working ABC permit cards, now I am speaking for Shenzhen, I'm sure other cities will or have already added a few shortcuts to help speed up the renewals.


It’s been a year now. Time for renewal of my working permit card.

What did I need to give them? Nothing, just my passport.


Before in 2017 when this new working permit card crap happened to all of us, you & me or me & you had to get our documents authenticated and stamped back home and at the Chinese embassy in our hometown or where ever we studied for our degree. That was a lot of paper work to fix and prepare, some friend didn't make it in time and were force to leave China.


So in 2017 I was told "Every year" I would have to hand in my degree doc's and other doc's that got me my working permit card, or even renew my authenticated doc's that were from 2008.

But now, NO! SAFEA just needs the Working ABC Permit card now, nothing else, stress free baby.

Last but not least you go to the PSB, they show them the card and your visa will be set .

6 years 15 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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haha,,, glad that has been your experience down in modern Guangdong.  Here in nongming land of Hebei they act like renew ABC card we start from beginning.  I have told a dozen Chinese school reps and recruiters that SAFEA said we got the ABC to make renewal easy or at least easier.  They mumble a few things and start asking me for docs.


Funniest story though,,,,   absolutely true...   I'm trying to rember which province,,,,,oh yeah,,,Jiangxi province....  I was talking to a university there for a couple of weeks,,, then they put me with HR,,,  HR lady said she been doing that job 20 years.    She seen and acknowledge I have a valid, current ABC card,,,, then she asked me,,,,,   'has your Diploma been certified?'   I was like What ??  huh?   you do see my ABC Card?   You do realize one giant condition of getting an ABC card is to have your degree certified??  Then she said .... 'yes, she knows,,,',,,  so I was like then wtf did you ask me that?  I then said to her,,, Do you think the card is fake or something?  a forgery?,,,  she says No,,,  I was like,, so, why did u ask me that??    no fkn answer....   just fkn clueless like 98% of the rest of 'em.

This place just blows my mind,,, it's like a friggin' miracle when u find one fkr who knows what's going on and how to do whatever it is they are supposed to do.   fkn trippy-ass country.....


You'll be better off if you'll start firmly telling them all about and not asking them.

I was like: 'OK, I am a 'teacher' ... 

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Please don't let her drive in Shenzhen as she'd be a danger to the raod.


Yeah I hear you, its easier now, but hey look at it this way, why don't you come work in GuangDong, Shenzhen, I've got a contact that can set you up and get you started plus your card number# is yours forever even if you come here, if you have to hand in all your doc's again why not just do it one more time in Shenzhen, then every year just use the card and passport, the online applicant has all of your files on hand so need to use the doc's again.


In your city they probably just need all the doc's you used to get that card and have it ready if they want to see it. When that actually won't need it.


A slight chance they don't need those doc's and she's just has stupid as her questions.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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At first I thought your wall of text was an expression of your frustration at the new system


No, it just popped up in a mess after I posted it.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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haha,,, glad that has been your experience down in modern Guangdong.  Here in nongming land of Hebei they act like renew ABC card we start from beginning.  I have told a dozen Chinese school reps and recruiters that SAFEA said we got the ABC to make renewal easy or at least easier.  They mumble a few things and start asking me for docs.


Funniest story though,,,,   absolutely true...   I'm trying to rember which province,,,,,oh yeah,,,Jiangxi province....  I was talking to a university there for a couple of weeks,,, then they put me with HR,,,  HR lady said she been doing that job 20 years.    She seen and acknowledge I have a valid, current ABC card,,,, then she asked me,,,,,   'has your Diploma been certified?'   I was like What ??  huh?   you do see my ABC Card?   You do realize one giant condition of getting an ABC card is to have your degree certified??  Then she said .... 'yes, she knows,,,',,,  so I was like then wtf did you ask me that?  I then said to her,,, Do you think the card is fake or something?  a forgery?,,,  she says No,,,  I was like,, so, why did u ask me that??    no fkn answer....   just fkn clueless like 98% of the rest of 'em.

This place just blows my mind,,, it's like a friggin' miracle when u find one fkr who knows what's going on and how to do whatever it is they are supposed to do.   fkn trippy-ass country.....


You'll be better off if you'll start firmly telling them all about and not asking them.

I was like: 'OK, I am a 'teacher' ... 

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Please don't let her drive in Shenzhen as she'd be a danger to the raod.


Yeah I hear you, its easier now, but hey look at it this way, why don't you come work in GuangDong, Shenzhen, I've got a contact that can set you up and get you started plus your card number# is yours forever even if you come here, if you have to hand in all your doc's again why not just do it one more time in Shenzhen, then every year just use the card and passport, the online applicant has all of your files on hand so need to use the doc's again.


In your city they probably just need all the doc's you used to get that card and have it ready if they want to see it. When that actually won't need it.


A slight chance they don't need those doc's and she's just has stupid as her questions.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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6 years 15 weeks ago
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It’s the same in Nanjing. 


Pretty nice, right? All the crap is starting to go out the door  with regards to renwals and also makes it easier to change jobs or come back as the card# is ours forever.


Less paperwork makes me feel a little light green-cardish, meaning its enough for me to call it a so called green card, a slight bit.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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I’m waiting to see how it goes for people who try to switch jobs. 

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Yeah, it would be nice to see or have someone tell us about their "change of job" work permit results. Or better yet, change of job and change of city togther.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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well, that's me.  Changed employer and provinces.  I should know if it goes well within a couple of weeks for sure.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Cool man, let us know. Where did you move to? Guangdong?

6 years 14 weeks ago
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Will do.  


Nah,  I blew it and took mediocre offer here in BJ.  Precisely because school swears up and down they'll get visa,,, even if gotta send me to HK and pull some sh*t on the system...    but trying legit way first.  funny thing is it's govt. public school and they hate the visa system.....    haha

nice to see people sre coming to their senses and questioning this bloated bureaucracy. 

6 years 14 weeks ago
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6 years 15 weeks ago
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Unlike the former FEC, the Permit card only mentions the province you work in. So it could be that if you transfer to other province there might be some delay.


Good point, so we'd should start moving to a new company 3 months in advance before the card expires. The cards information is nation wide, so you'd only need a security check & body check from your last city in China and a health check, the card # does the rest.

6 years 13 weeks ago
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6 years 13 weeks ago
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Update: Got the new card and went to the PSB in Shenzhen.


Small things:

1. The expiration date is not on the card anymore, the police wanted to scan it and check in wechat.. I guess this means in the future they will save money on plastic by using the same card over and over again and just update the ABC card within the SAFEA computer system logs. Than they & we just scan the card and the expiration dates are updated. So maybe no need to get a new plastic ABC card each year, because the card number# stayed the same and always will.

Tips: Scan your card, take a picture of your card. Im sure lots of companies wont let you keep it, and most of us won't need it, but sometimes for a banking reason.

Again this is my 2nd time to have this card and this time around I didn't need to show my doc's again. Just my Passport, pictures 2x2 and The ABC Card, company doc's are the companies job.  Sooooo easy.



I'm leaving my current job and I plan to hold on to my "B card" when I find a job with a new employer. No way is anyone else going to hold on to it. This is my card and I keep it secure with my passport.

6 years 12 weeks ago
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First, if you're leaving your current job for a new job that card must be returned & surrendered to the SAFEA office, thus they give you a form to keep and give to a new company. 2nd, that card has no use for us in China, it can't be used as a form of ID or a passport replacement. It's only a card that holds your level & information thus can be used at the PSB to grant you a resident permit.

6 years 12 weeks ago
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School is out. Many on this site will change schools, and/or employers. Maybe provinces too. Will it be as easy as we all hope it will be? 



We hope so,because they state: Our WP card# will always be the same so changing jobs and moving to another city should only require a 1. New body check 2. A criminal check from the last city you worked in. 3. A new temp police form with your new address. 4. The company handles the rest.

6 years 12 weeks ago
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We are finding out as we speak.  A big company in big city is getting me new everything now.  I changed employer and province.  Should know if it is as easy as it's supposed to be within a week or so.

6 years 12 weeks ago
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I see, please let us know, you'd be the first here on Echina to report how moving a WP card to a new city and how it all works and what happens.

6 years 12 weeks ago
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6 years 12 weeks ago
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Well, I can report back now.  Changed employer. Changed province. Renewed WP & RP.


Verdict:  Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy~


Got my perty new ABC card (B level) and for some reason a 17 month Residence Permit.  That was fun scanning the card w/ WeChat.  And yes, I have card in my possession.


I basically didn't have to do anything.  It was like a long time ago when you just followed your Handler around thru the process and smiled and 'sign here'.


Anyway,, looks like I'll be here a bit longer guys....


*now I want to throw out a few details that may have made it easier for me and why it might be different for different folks...   I have these things that might be on my side as it were...


• I've been in PRC an awful long time always legally

• I hold the PP they like

• I had / have had big players handling my applications (guanxi)

• I've kept my paperwork in good order


* but then my funny negative is I have never had a 'No Criminal History' check from the States,,,,  haha,,,  I think one school did one in the province I was in,,, but as far as I know that was it.  Maybe they got smart enough to understand that just because he has a PP from there doesn't mean he lived there,,,  haha,,, what u want FBI to check, my childhood?  Even part of that was outside the States.


THats great news man. Sounds just like they said it would be on those wechat news or visa accounts. Yeah as for the FBI check if they never asked for one when you first came than its too late to ask for one now because you've already been in China for over 6 months, they'd need the local Chinese check from the last city you were in or who knows maybe they can check that online now too instead of getting you to get one from the last city.

Thanks for telling us, I was checking up on you all week for updates. (my wife wants to move to Shanghai.)

6 years 12 weeks ago
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6 years 12 weeks ago
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