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Q: Working under L-visa

So another working under L-visa case.
I am in China under L-visa for 6 months expiring August this year.
Today I received a phone call from a company in my city, asking for interview. So I went there and had the interview.
They looked so serious in hiring me, but unfortunately they only willing to offer 2,000RMB/month for the first 3-month probation time :(.
So, they asked me under what visa I am using right now. I said, L-visa expiring August.
Then they said, it shouldn't be a problem for me to work for the company because nobody will find out. They also added, after 3-month probation period, when they are going to offer me to proper contract then they will help me change into Z-visa.
In addition, they said, previously they have done something like this with all the foreigners that they hire.

So, should I take the job and the risk?

Thanks for the advice!

11 years 27 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Working for anyone without the proper visa, even on a "probationary" period is illegal.  And if the school was operating within the law, they would get you that visa before you even started to work.


Most likely, they will only use you for the probationary period, then dump you for the next person for fall for their BS.

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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They are looking for someone who they can bend over for a few months. If you accept a job for 2000 even during probation, they will think of you as a sucker and never respect you. Find a school that can start processing your Z visa right away, not after your probation, and not next month, but right after your interview. If a school won't do that then they are a school that would only screw you later on anyways.

Ii know a few non-native teachers, and they never got less than 5000 RMB/ month even during probation. Tell this school to suck it.

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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If you take the job, then prepare your diddly hole. Xpat.John and JungleLife are 100% correct, and they may not even pay you that money.

In the future, keep these simple tips in mind:


1) No Z visa = no work. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is a liar/idiot/scammer, or all of those.

2) The old "come to our school on X/F/L" visa trick is just that, a trick. They'll never give you the Z visa.

3) Lowball offers should never be accepted. Ever. Even non-natives are pushing 5-8k per month. Never accept those jobs.

4) Some agents/schools will refuse to change the contract. They'll tell you it's "just a contract," and you just need to go to class. They'll keep telling you it doesn't matter. Yes, many Chinese people are this stupid, and think you're that stupid. Delete/avoid them.


Avoid all recruiters if you can. If you can't, then keep these tips in mind, and never be willing to bend over:


1) Sign the contract only with the school. If the recruiter comes and tells you that you signed the contract with their company, drop the job... no matter what they tell you, you're walking into a trap. Furthermore, never sign any additional contracts.

2) If they ask you to send your passport to them, never do that. A copy (jpg) is okay, but you need to blank out the important details (#, etc).

3) If the recruiter says the school wants a female (if you're male), or a male (if you're female) teacher instead, that they've changed their minds, contact the school directly by yourself. You'll find out that the recruiter lied to increase their profit margins by finding an idiot willing to accept a lowball offer. More often than not, the recruiter convinces the school that YOU are the one who declined the job offer, that your character is bad, and you'll end up looking bad to the school. And then, well... guess what? The recruiter comes to the "rescue" of the school.


This crap can all be avoided by just avoiding recruiters, and refusing to budge on crap offers.


I'm not going to sugarcoat this for you: don't expect anyone in China to have a conscience, and don't trust anyone here. The majority of Chinese are apathetic, amoral and without a conscience -- especially those who own businesses -- even if they have a kind demeanor and a smiling face. In fact, they even have a saying for this: "Face of a Buddha, but the heart of a dragon."

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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Besides what the others have said

have a think about this

If you take the job under those circumstances you are helping set the standards bar lower for everybody else 

like In all business if you keep under cutting other people the company will just hire cheaper labor till it gets to the point that a local can make more money than you

and you will be seen as just another cheap migrant worker here to take work away from the local economy

Also that cheap easy lifestyle you enjoy now will be a distant memory   

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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You know the risks involved. Only you can decide if they are worth it to you.

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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It's been hinted at, but I don't think anyone came out and directly said it - highly unlikely the place has the legal right to hire foreign teachers anyway.


As other have said, if you take it (pity the fool!), then you'll find excuse after excuse after excuse, and delay after delay... it basically becomes a war of attrition - one which they win (because the end up not paying you, and you have nothing to live on).


We expats (hey, I just typoed with 'expants'... shall we start a new meme?? ;p) bitch and complain and insult those who get stuck in the working L visa dilemma, usually telling them how foolish they were... think what we're gonna say to someone who knows full well what the deal is, and still takes it Laughing out loud

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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Dont do it.

They will screw you.

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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They're offering you a job that won't even pay the rent and you're considering it?


They're asking you to break the law and you're considering it?


They're offering you the same salary as a Chinese worker and you're considering it?


You think they'll honour the offer of a legal contract extension when the probation period is de facto proof that you've broken the law WITH them i.e. you are both accomplices?


Smarts aren't your strong point are they?

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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Only accept the contract if they are offering a valid Z working Visa. Nuff said!!!

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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alright. thanks everyone for the input!

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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I bet the op is going to accept the job though he's been given this much input.

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11 years 27 weeks ago
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2,000rmb for a teaching job is a JOKE.  Don't take it.


As or the visa stuff, I actually recommend people to work on a non working visa for awhile to make sure the company is OK first.  Once you get a Z visa it actually becomes a lot harder to quit if things go south.  Look at for yoursel first, a non Z visa gives you an easy out when a job is bad.


I don't know where you live but here in Beijing it's not uncommon to easily find teaching jobs that pay 13,00-15,000 a month with little experience.  Never take a job for 2,000rmb , that's less than most Chinese people make and you will be labeled a sucker and a easy target and be taken advantage of.


yes, thanks for the comment. i rejected the offer today 

11 years 26 weeks ago
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11 years 27 weeks ago
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