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Q: World Cup live on Saturday 16th

Hi everyone !

I want to watch the France-Australia game on Saturday at a pub with my friends and whoever wants to, I am still looking for a pub that will broadcast the game but if you want to join please do! 

We can have a wechat group about the World Cup and enjoy the games all together !!!for the record, I am French so that is the team I support, but I generally love the atmosphere and will enjoy all the games for sure

6 years 11 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - Jinan

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Posts: 19840


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 You 'frogs' don't have a chance ...


As the following chart illustrates, the global public disagrees with the statistical model and sees Germany as the most likely World Cup winner.

 Predicting the Unpredictable | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

23 percent of the roughly 12,000 respondents in an Ipsos poll conducted across 27 countries gave Joachim Löw’s team their vote of confidence, while 21 percent favor Brazil to win the title.

England, a team known to struggle at the world stage, is objectively more likely to win the title than people give them credit for.


 Where's Phil?


Russian lawmaker warns against sex with foreigners during World Cup: 'If it's another race, it's worse'


6 years 11 weeks ago
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.. and sharp Vlad-imirovich's rebuke:


It looks like .. Phil buzzed the Vlad ... 

6 years 11 weeks ago
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icnif, thanks for welcoming a new user to the Answers section with an ethnic slur against her. Let's also note your links to prostitution in Russia are not responsive to the OP's desire to find a pub and form a WeChat group to enjoy the games with others. Try not to get so geeked up by the nonsense you read at other websites. Less copying and pasting is a good thing.

6 years 11 weeks ago
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You're not moderating, do you? You should ask yourself, first ...

6 years 11 weeks ago
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6 years 11 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman