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Q: Would you renounce your citizenship to become Chinese?

I've heard of many expats who enjoy their life in China, have families, a great job, etc., and have no plans to go back to their home country. If China were to open it's doors and start providing citizenship to expats with the requirement that you must renounce your home country's citizenship, would you do it?

10 years 23 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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No. Never. Who would.


PS : whatever is it they have, I don't think it can be called citizenship.

Citizenship is when everyone in a group has the same rights and duties.


So, it's more like an advanced peony system. The closer you are to the city in your Hukou, the broader your rights.


If your ethnic status is other than Han, please sit tight until the dudes from Beijing are done scavenging your homeland dry of natural resources.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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10 years 23 weeks ago
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Nope. My current citizenship grants me visa-free access to many, many countries, I would loose that with Chinese citizenship (I enjoy traveling a lot, and also work-wise, I need to travel). Also, I can still vote in France, and I would loose any representative rights if change citizenship.

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10 years 23 weeks ago
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China does allow citizenship, but it costs a fortune (literally, you must  give the Chinese gov a fortune). And you must renounce your citizenship to your home country. And you know what the Chinese then call them, laowai. 

Here is the funny thing, when things start to crumble they're going to kick everyone out including them.


Word is the crumbling days are 5 year from now.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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10 years 23 weeks ago
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Hong Kong before yes...EU hell yes...China no way in hell.

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10 years 23 weeks ago
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Why ask a question that has already been asked on this site and why ask a question that can answer it self.


This is the third time this question has been asked:


I'm making conversation and that question was asked almost 9 months ago...people may have had a change of heart...lighten up. The question also does not answer itself because I have spoken to 3 foreigners in the past week that absolutely love China over their home country so it begs the question: "Would they give up there citizenship?"

10 years 23 weeks ago
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This is a question that crosses everyone's mind at some point when times are good (especially during the "honeymoon" phase).

What is not immediately apparent is what comes with Chinese citizenship - Chinese wages, "benefits" and living conditions. The idea that it would open doors and alleviate visa hassles is offset by the fact that you will always be an outsider,  people on both sides would treat you with suspicion and if the crap hits the fan, as mentioned above, you may find yourself detained indefinitely and certainly your former country will not be inclined to save your butt.

Every time there are changes to China's visa policies, this seems like a viable alternative to those not rich or well-connected enough to obtain the permanent residence card. Marriage seems like a good alternative, too, except that to get a new Q2 visa, your marriage will be scrutinized in order to determine whether it's genuine or just a marriage of convenience.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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I was here 9 months ago. I was here almost 9 years ago. indecision No need to ask this question again unless China starts talking about it.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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10 years 23 weeks ago
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I have been here 5 years and enjoy it very much, that being said I can think of no circumstance that would make consider giving up my US citizenship to become a Chinese citizen.


Hahaha I totally agree. I would love an EU passport just for the freedom of travelling throughout europe, but I wouldn't even trade my US passport for an EU. There's nothing like 'merika...

10 years 23 weeks ago
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With a US passport, you don't need anything to travel throughout Europe.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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Yes, you do not need a visa, but you can only stay in Europe for up to 3 months in a 6 month that means if I want to spend a month in France, then a month in Spain and a month in Italy, I would have to leave Europe for 3 months, before I can come back and visit another country. Europe is to vast and there is too much to experience and see and 3 months is not long enough.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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10 years 23 weeks ago
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What makes it possible for me to be in China is that I as an EU passport holder, should the shit hit the fan, will get some sort of assistance from my embassy. If I trade that passport with a Chinese, I'd have zero assistance, less rights (I know Chinese have rights, but it's mostly for show) 

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10 years 23 weeks ago
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I'd sooner chop off my limbs and manhood, and then flop in hot cement, than renounce my citizenship to become "Chinese."


That's a prerequisite anyway.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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10 years 23 weeks ago
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I guess I'd have to hurt my own feelings every other day, the paradox would be hard to cope with.


Man, I want to up-vote your comment x 100000000

10 years 23 weeks ago
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10 years 23 weeks ago
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If they paid me..... id do it. Im here anyways and they dont have a system to actually make you give up your passport. Its an honor system haha.  I know many chinese that have gained citizenship to foreign countries. I have yet to meet a single one who had to give up their chinese passport.  also, I have met a few people ( overseas chinese)  who have given up their  say Canadian passport and have come home. Yet not a one of them actually had to give up the Canadian passport. They go to HK on their chinese one. and fly to wherever on their american passport. 


If I could manage to pull off that same deal id do it, why not?  But only if they paid me.


Dream on, the free giveaway of Chinese passports to overseas Chinese is over, now they want a stamped paper stating the abandon of citizenship.


There's nothing such as honor here.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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I love how people know everything about a topic when they have no experience, their only source of knowledge comes from the enlightening echinacities  articles.  


I spent years working in a top ten Chinese brand, millionaires in every office, half had 2 passports.  Im still in contact with them monthly. In fact one re-immigrated back to my hometown with her kids.  Husband, 2 sons and a wife, all have 2 passports that they use regularly.  The whole answer was a hypothetical you twat.  


What information do you have to back it up?  You read it somewhere?  Oh we all know that every rule that the government decrees immediately comes into fruition. 


10 years 23 weeks ago
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It is written:

- In the official law and regulations that people should present proof of abandon.


It is reminded:

- At the PSBs on posters or leaflets. So people know they mean business.


It is made public:

- In the press. Articles have been talking about the matter. Which is the usual mainlandish way to send warnings, you know, official rumors instead of a rule of law.


It used not to be controlled that strictly, because they wanted overseas Chinese back, alas many "illegal" bi-nationals. Now it's over, and the people you know just seized the good opportunity at the right time. But it remains officially illegal.


Ask anyone around you, it's not even confidential knowledge now. So I don't really know what was the need to be rude.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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It is written- starting may 1st there will be no smoking in public places.


It is reminded-  No smoking signs are in every bathroom  restaurant  and building.


It is reported- in every echinacities article as well as every other publication.


Do you see a change?

Fine forget smoking,  You could use  prostitution,  foreigners  getting visas without a degree,   tax laws,  anti corruption rules.  Hell you could write up your comment with just about any rule in China, and it would still be bunk. 


Youd think by now you would realize that just because you read it doesnt mean that its true.  Where is the argument here? He asked would I? I said IF  I could manage to swing that.  IF IF IF. 


10 years 23 weeks ago
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Any new application for Chinese citizenship has to be provided with a certificate of abandoning citizenship issued by a government office, that has to be authentificated by the Bureau of Foreign Affairs. Just like the certificates of non-marriage,those who got married in China will know.


There is no way around this. But if you don't believe me, I'll still sleep at night really.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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oh good everyone!  Corruption is dead! RiriiRiri told me!   I can sleep a whole lot better now knowing that all the millionaires that actually go through this process must follow the rules!  Their money is no good now! 


Or.... he could be a fucking idiot that doesnt know a hypotheical  when it slaps him in the face. I cant wait for the next time you bitch about how rich people are the cause of all the problems in China and they use their money to get away with anything.

You know that post will come. probably soon. 


I know you dont really understand the whole hypothetical thingy yet, but lets practice.  Lets say a man wants to repatriate back to China for business reasons. This is by far the majority of people doing so.  This man is a millionaire. I know you have no concept of money in your commune , but farmers and peasants do not do this. Only millionaires.  If you go back home and see a normal looking chinese guy, hes not chinese, hes from Hk or a chinese  thai,  chinese vietnamese or other country. 


Now this guy does not want to give up his  lets say american passport, for whatever reason. like hes scared shitless of china and might need to run at any instant.   Do you really think that hes gonna just hand over his US passport because it was written of the wall of the PSB?   You really think that for a man who has 10 mistresses and 4 cars and countless houses, that there would be NO WAY to provide him with some safety and security?  


I cant decide if you are really so stupid or just being hypocritical for the sake of winning one argument that started because of me giving a hypothetical answer to a question that is surely an impossibility for me. 

10 years 23 weeks ago
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PS, Im sure your going to say that this rule just came to being.  But I happen to know a multi millionaire,  extremely powerful and famous, who just very recently got american passports for his entire family. Not green cards, he had those years ago, but passports.  All he had to do was buy a mansion in New York,  and im sure a whole lot of other shit hes not gonna tell me.  Anyways he now has Chinese, Hong Kong, and American citizenship. For his entire family.  So tell me that there is NO WAY. Go ahead, ive seen it, recently.  you have never even sniffed wealth, so dont act like you know shit. its embarrassing.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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Whatever man. Peace. I said my shit, you said yours. Only my shit is documented. Those who care will dig.

10 years 23 weeks ago
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10 years 23 weeks ago
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i have 5 passports, damn i guess i should be in prison instead of teaching. my second wife from changchung and her mother have chinese, american and korean passports, many chinese in changchung have korean passports. the rule of law does not mean shit in china.

reality is much more interesting than perception.

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10 years 23 weeks ago
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My daughter has a Chinese mum and a Chinese birth certificate. But my Chinese friends say she is not Chinese.


Undiluted blood seems to be a requirement.


Look at international sporting events.... have you ever seen a non Chinese looking person compete for China?





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10 years 23 weeks ago
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You know what... I had the opportunity to do so because I was in very tight with some government officials. I had my Canadian passport in one hand and was about to hand it over when the Chinese embassy agent looked both ways... then his eyes a solid black... looked me dead square and whispered.... 


Liberate tuteme ex inferis... (google it)


I ran out of the building screaming like a little girl and never returned. 


I totally get why you ran!


Metalcore in China... ewwwwww!!!!

10 years 23 weeks ago
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10 years 23 weeks ago
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