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Q: Is WWIII starting in the Ukraine right now?

The situation in the Ukraine just deteriorated with the arrival of Russian troops. Will the world defend the Ukraine against a Russian hostile takeover?  The last time Russia occupied the Ukraine 12 million people were deliberately allowed to starve when Stalin ordered that all the wheat and other crops of the Ukraine be confiscated.  Putin seems to be the mastermind behind all this. Will a sniper take him out, an induced heart attack, or will thousands of soldiers be sacrificed to keep the Ukraine and independent country?


This mess started because the Ukraine wanted to join NATO and the EU and Putin freaked out. Now what?  China is probably dleighted with the new diversion that will keep America preoccupied for the next 2-3 years why China can consolidate it's economic forces and keep growing its military to keep America at bay in Asia.

10 years 27 weeks ago in  General  - China

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What will happen probably is a nasty dirty conflict similar to what happened in Eastern Europe.

Thousands of people will probably die for a stupid political point about who can play in which garden. Most people just want a peaceful comfortable life, not being ****ed by their government.

an on-going conflict will mean profit for someone, probably the major economic powers and powerful multi-nationals.

the losers as usual will be the ordinary person on both sides.

The childish posturing by political leaders is depressing as they are putting their own ego's before ordinary people.

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10 years 27 weeks ago
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Shaking my head, more CNN gibberish to talk about for weeks to come.

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10 years 27 weeks ago
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I don't think there will be any war aside from a few skirmishes where a few will be wounded and/or killed. Putin cannot take on NATO whatever his agenda is. He will have to finally back down and withdraw his troops. If war happens, the US will be more than happy to provide arms to Ukraine (at a cost, of course). What else have they got to lose? Perhaps Obama will gain some brownie points in rushing in to provide military aid (remember George W Bush?). There is always something happening either in the Middle East or countries around it. I think people just want to live but wars are wrought politically but fought by the innocent. Haven't the world learnt enough that wars do nothing but add misery?

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10 years 27 weeks ago
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It took that long for your supervisors to come up with a talking point about the Ukraine, I'm impressed though. I guess China is more worried about Russia invading China if China should ever become more Democratic. WW3 will not happen over the Ukraine, thanks to Bush and Obama. Bush's invasion of Iraq and occupation of Afghanistan and Obama's drone warfare, America has lost the moral high ground. 

The EU is the one that should take the lead on this vs Russia but they are surprisingly silent. 


I thought it was Russia that occupied Afghanistan? Did I get my history wrong?

10 years 27 weeks ago
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EU countries are really not willing to fight, it's expensive and they are short of money. And it's not worth it. Ukrainian want to join, ok, welcome. But it's like Europe was begging for it and was ready to let them join at any price.

10 years 27 weeks ago
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It is not history, this is going on now. 13 years of fighting in a country and setting up military bases is occupation in my book. 

10 years 27 weeks ago
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10 years 27 weeks ago
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For a world war, you need a reason for everybody to fight. Europe never considered Ukrainian like it's backyard, unlike Russia. Some Ukrainian wanted to join Europe, thinking it would be a good deal for them. Europe Union was like "okay, let's talk", so Russia went all drama queen over it. They would loose a traditional buffer, scarred to get NATO gear just next to the window, and loose a market. In Crimea there are lots of pro-Russian, it's easy to take from the sea and easy to defend (look at a map, just a small band a land for the border with the rest of Ukrain). Crippling Ukrain, boosting nationalism and chest-thumping at home, all that without much risk of serious action from anywhere : Putin goes ahead. No World War III, just really sad opportunism that will hurt Ukrainians, who just fought for a better life, civil rights, etc.

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10 years 27 weeks ago
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they will split the country in half, russia getting back the land they gave ukraine in 92 and keep the warm water port for the russian navy,

europeans and obama are cowards and no war will happen and the russians will get more territory, we dont have any strong leaders in the west anymore, russia has already won.


number 1 rule of politics, the aggressor always sets the rules, most liberals never believe this and its bites them in the ass over time in history over and over again. the aggressor throws the rule book out and the agreements make great toilet paper.


putin is rebuilding the old soviet union, georgia and now ukraine and when conservatives warned of this in 2008, they were laughed at as fools, kerry is complaining about all the agreements broken, and ground troops are not supposed to used in the 21st century, like the world has become sophisticated with lasers and robots. get real you buffoon.


the russian military works on the principal of fast occupation of territory, ukraine 134000 troops total against 843000 troops within 400 km of ukraine, its over already, nato and america took 6 months to get enough equipment for iraq, rail shipments and air freight are too late, the land is already taken and would take years to reclaim and obama is perceived as weak, his numbers would not go up or bring the his parties numbers up with a military conflict and his power is all he cares about, he does not give a shit about anybody in syria, ukraine or anywhere else in the world. this thing is over, no ww3, history will no be kind to him, may be worse than jimmy carter and he certainly does not want another war on his biography along side the undeserved nobel peace prize, maybe he can give iran nuclear technology with a promise they dont make nuclear weapons with the technology and get another nobel peace prize, oh wait , sorry jimmy already did that with north korea when bj clinton was in office, well at least he got the gold, who cares about the results, his intentions were noble. gotta love naive noble men, great for target practice.


"europeans and obama are cowards"


You are seriously wrong, being smart does not equate to being a coward. 


10 years 27 weeks ago
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Does 'bj Clinton' means 'man' or 'wo....'

10 years 27 weeks ago
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It depends on what happens in the South China Sea while the world is focused on Ukraine. China recently announced they were going seize the Spratly Island "Zhongye" (the one with the airstrip on it near the Philippines)  See links within this story...


If that occurs, China and Russian will have reasons to support and ally with each other against the West which is encroaching upon their borders I thinks.  It may have been a bit overkill for America to build another naval base in Australia considering they already surround China's East Coast in Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines.


If you think about this, it is the best time for China to make a move in the South China Sea.


China, Vietnam and Philippines have been swapping those islands for decades. They are very small islets, barely more than rocks with a bush or two on it. All it takes to snitch one islet is a dozen soldiers, due to the size. Again, they've been doing this for decades. Let's keep a sense of proportion, this is not the same scale of things with Russia seizing the whole Crimea with dozen of thousands of soldiers and the whole Black Sea Fleet.

10 years 27 weeks ago
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Look at a photo of Zhongye Island and it's location on a map. It has a 2,500 foot runway which can accommodate C130s, fighter aircraft, A10s, and even the new stealth bombers. Don't be so naive to think it has no value and countries are not going to let it go without an actual battle.  You will also note in the photo that it has a radar installation - another valuable asset given it's strategic location.

10 years 27 weeks ago
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You picked one of the largest island. The Spratly Islands are about 150, for a surface totaling 4 square kilometers. My point stays the same, any of those islands can be swapped with a handful of men in a dinghy. On that specific island, you can put a few stuffs, but don't tell me with a serious face than a couple of plane on an islands that need supplies for *everything* is an invincible fortress of doom. Just enough to be scary with a good propaganda.

10 years 27 weeks ago
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10 years 27 weeks ago
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I think tensions are high all over the world right now. China has never been so powerful and Americans have never been so fed up with wars. Unfortunately our governments will make decisions without consulting with their citizens. I also think that in regards to the last post above, this article should not be overlooked-

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10 years 27 weeks ago
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The situation is now serious and complex.  It only takes the wrong move by Russia or America to light the fuse.  I don't see those Russian troops leaving voluntarily any time soon.

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10 years 27 weeks ago
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Ukrainians don't stand a chance! EU&O. just use phones. O., he might switch from Verizon to Sprint PCS, for longer chat with P.

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10 years 27 weeks ago
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Crimea is quite a strategic port city and even if nothing more happens, Russia claimed a prize that they will never give back.

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10 years 26 weeks ago
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Putin blamed Western powers, particularly the United States, for causing what he called "anarchy and armed coup" in Ukraine.


Putin: "I have a feeling people in America sit in some lab doing experiments, like on rats," he said, "without knowing consequences."


"That's 'Up-yours' line!" LOL


One of the comments on the bottom:


plain45  curmudgeon2104 • 9 hours ago

Obama making threats? ha ha No one takes Obama seriously except the IRS



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Russian spy ship makes surprise visit to Havana

Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:17pm EST


The Viktor Leonov SSV-175, part of the Vishnya class of intelligence ships, quietly entered Cuban waters earlier this week and was docked at a cruise ship terminal on Thursday, its crew casually taking in the view of the old colonial section of the Cuban capital as passers-by gawked.

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Russians strike Ukraine army post in Crimea. Kiev fears Ukraine army putsch. US warships on standby

DEBKAfile Special Report March 1, 2014, 1:49 PM (IST)

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The coming Slav crash by John Lloyd


The three Slav republics of the former Soviet Union are Russia, with more than 140 million people, Ukraine, with around 47 million, and Belarus, with nearly 10 million. These made up some three quarters of the USSR’s population and were (apart from the tiny Baltic states) the richest regions.

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30 Russian Nuclear Bombers Amass – Who Is Russia Preparing To Bomb?

(Before It's News)

By Susan DuclosAccording to Turner Radio Network, Russia has amassed 30 nuclear bombers at an airfield adjacent to Russia’s Borisoglebsk national level nuclear weapons storage facility and US satellites have seen “numerous transfers from the storage facility to the aircraft.”Is this Russia’s way of visibly showing they will strike out with nuclear weapons if attacked? Are they preparing for a retaliatory attack or their own offensive attacks?As of March 4, 2014, according to the satellite imagery, there were only two bombers parked at that airport and now there are 30, loaded up and ready to strike, as evidenced by Auxiliary Power Units (APU’s) attached.Via TNR:

Clearly, Ukraine poses no threat whatsoever to Russia, which begs the question: What is Russia preparing for? They certainly are not going to bomb Ukraine with 30 nuclear bombs, so what other targets do they have in mind; western Europe?

Just days ago, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made clear to the west that Russia would retaliate if the west imposes sanctions upon Russia, and in a cryptic message, Lavrov stated that such retaliation “would be asymmetric.” The definition of “asymmetric” is: having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry. Launching multiple nuclear attacks against multiple countries in western Europe would certainly be asymmetric.

Perhaps this is why ham radio operators have been reporting a very unusual number of Emergency Action Messages (EAM’s) being broadcast to U.S. Naval Vessels worldwide today, on frequency 8992.0 KHz.

 Things just went from hot to explosive folks and Putin does not appear to be blinking but instead is taking this to the next level, as the US slaps sanctions on “unspecified individuals responsible for “undermining” stability in Ukraine.”Funny, that should mean Obama slapped sanctions on the US because the US spent over $5 billion to “undermine the stability of the Ukraine” by facilitating and supporting the ouster of the Ukraine elected president, which started this whole mess.

10 years 25 weeks ago
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Russia ships troops into Ukraine, repeats invasion threat


Russia shipped more troops and armor into Crimea on Friday and repeated its threat to invade other parts of Ukraine, showing no sign of listening to Western pleas to back off from the worst confrontation since the Cold War.

President Vladimir Putin's declaration of the right to invade to protect Russian citizens and "compatriots".

"Russia is aware of its responsibility for the lives of compatriots and fellow citizens in Ukraine and reserves the right to take people under its protection," it said.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was due to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in London later on Friday in a last-ditch effort to head off the referendum in Crimea, now seen as all but inevitable.

The most persistent pro-Moscow agitation has been in Donetsk, where the Russian flag was flown above the regional government headquarters for nearly a week and pro-Russian protesters occupied the building for days. Their leader, who had declared himself "people's governor" and demanded police report to him, was finally arrested last week.

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Russia says intercepted US drone over Crimea: arms group


"The drone was flying at about 4,000 metres (12,000 feet) and was virtually invisible from the ground. It was possible to break the link with US operators with complex radio-electronic" technology, said Rostec in a statement.

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the latest news from the ft financial times is that billions of dollars have been pulled out of western banks by russian companies over the last 2 weeks, what do the money men know that we dont know, always follow the money.

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Ukrainian gold reserves loaded on an unidentified transport aircraft in Kiev’s Borispol airport and flown to Uncle Sam’s vault


Russians don't care for few kilos of gold bullion being shipped out of Ukraine. If there would be substantial amount, Russians would stopped!


I always look at Russians through 'hostage Moscow theater crisis in 2002' lense. Russian police didn't negotiate too long. They simply poisoned everybody inside, abductors and hostages alike. 

Wikipee quote: During the raid, all 40 of the attackers were killed by Russian forces, and about 130 hostages died due to adverse reactions to the gas (including nine foreigners).[2] All but two of the hostages who died during the siege were killed by the toxic substance pumped into the theater to subdue the militants

However, wikipee article is written very shady: "wikepee should add: 'Russian police forgot to title the gas before release: 'Gas is only for abductors! No hostage should be poisoned!''


Ukraine crises is unfolding the same way. No negotiating with anybody. 'That's Russia, and West f.o.'

10 years 25 weeks ago
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Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War Three?


However for all the US posturing, Gallop shows President Putin’s popularity rating at a consistent 67.8% an endorsement of which his American counterpart could only dream, fluctuating between 38% to 42%.

As this ends news comes through that the US is to send fighter jets and personnel to Poland and Lithuania by Thur day, the US Navy destroyer, the USS Truxton, one of the largest destroyers ever built for the US Navy, has crossed in to the Black Sea for “exercises” with the Bulgarian and Romanian navies (5) there are mass protests in the south and east of Ukraine about the “self proclaimed” government in Kiev and America has unleashed a possible World War Three.

Somebody in the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, please demand the return of that ill awarded Peace Prize.

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Do you think O. should change his present (Verison) telephone provider to more prosperous Sprint PCS?


China says agrees with Russia on "appropriate" handling of Ukraine

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10 years 25 weeks ago
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