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Q: Is your kid GPS tagged?

A mate gave me a cheap chinese made kids watch with gps. Great idea I thought.

It has taken me months to persuade the wife to get a sim card for it. She got one today... horah. And of course, the watch is crap. Its a generic design that is sold cheap worldwide. Chinese crap basically. It uses Google maps for one thing.

I am buying a real one now. Huawei and xiao mi have them. I am buying the xiaomei... in pink.

My question is this...

Is it right to connect the child to the parent in such a way?

I want my kid to be free and play in the street. My own opinion is that this gadget will allow this.

What do you think? Freedom or opression?

7 years 2 days ago in  Family & Kids - China

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I reckon it's a good thing. It is probably more for mum and dad's peace of mind but gives them some confidence to let the kid be a kid.

I know some kids who have them. They usually allow 2 phone numbers to be programmed into them for emergency calls to mum and dad. That's kind of handy when rhey can't take a phone to school and the school allows this.

It's a fair compromise in a fucked up world.


Yup. Thats what I want. The panic button thing. Its only for when I am out with her alone. Not for school.

7 years 2 days ago
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Why not just attach a leash and dog collar to the kid?

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7 years 2 days ago
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anythin' tht provides a layer of security fr the kid cant b wrong.


u r movin' wth the times, rightly.


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7 years 2 days ago
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Interestingly, just today a local article titled 'How sad it is when (dalu) parents have to escort their kid to/back from school when in developed country it is practically never heard of' talked about this.


Are the parents' fear justified or is this a case of overprotection? Do you risk something you can't afford to lose? You decide.   


For me, I lost count of the number of girls who moaned to me how they detest low lives staring at them with lust. These ones are not attention seekers who dress like a hooker, asking for troubles.


Yup. I have lost count of the number of guys that touch my daughter. It might be stroking her hair or stroking her back.... I have fine tuned my 'fuck off' to be advisory rather than aggressive.

7 years 2 days ago
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Necessity is the mother of moderation? surprise

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7 years 2 days ago
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I reckon it's a good thing. It is probably more for mum and dad's peace of mind but gives them some confidence to let the kid be a kid.

I know some kids who have them. They usually allow 2 phone numbers to be programmed into them for emergency calls to mum and dad. That's kind of handy when rhey can't take a phone to school and the school allows this.

It's a fair compromise in a fucked up world.


Yup. Thats what I want. The panic button thing. Its only for when I am out with her alone. Not for school.

7 years 2 days ago
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Ask yourself in this fucked up world if your child went missing wouldn't you kill for the chance to get them back?
Get one pushes the odds more in your families favor.

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7 years 2 days ago
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The panic button is the best part. GPS by itself may tell you where it is. However not the reality around its location.  If your child wears it visibly,then it's easily compromised. Pendant is better than watch style for Security purposes.  Generally speaking, if the wearer is inside a building, underground garage, Metro, etc. you won't have accurate coverage. Also, the battery life is seriously effected by the GPS reporting intervals. Choice of longer gap times or time backed location accuracy. The overt ones are easily compromised.  Overall, they're fine and a valuable tool, if the reasonable threat profile is wandering child. 


Exactly. I am thinking of skin implant. The issue is battery. Maybe in the future they will figure out how to power it using body heat and electrical impulses.

7 years 1 day ago
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A good point Earthizen. One of my pet peeves, is all of the covert surveillance devices in the movies that are planted, injected, whatever, yet function perfectly, lacking any source of power. We used to scare the FNGs with the need to insert 6 'D' Cells for CPSDs.

7 years 1 day ago
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lol, tell them should things go awry there is a backup unit, concidentally also called CPSD (Center for Psychological Services and Development).

7 years 1 day ago
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Wouldn't do it for mine, she's only three and a bit so she's not really out of my eyesight at all unless she is in kindergarten. If she was older, I might consider it. But, to be honest, I don't trust any fucker here as far as I could throw them and she won't be leaving my line of sight any time we are here anyway.

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7 years 1 day ago
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When you live in a place where kids do get kidnapped and sold on the black market, I think it's a good buy.


Have you ever been outside a kindergarten when they open the gate for the parents to meet/pick up their kid? People literally run to be in front and there first. I've asked people about this and the answer is always the same - kids regularly go missing in crowds and confusion.


It's a crying shame people need to think like that but there you have it.



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7 years 1 day ago
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It turns out its actually pretty difficult to get a tag phone that actually works.

I have ordered a Huawei to replace the generic crap I have, but difficult to find a seller. And the app reviews are pretty poor.

Tencent have a qq kids watch that gets good reviews. But cant find a seller.

I suspect there is a patent issue. I suspect a company in shenzhen holds the patent, and licences it out to chinese companys who make crap. Result is... they are all crap.

A few western startups are marketing high end devices, but from the reviews, it looks to me they are using the same crap chipsets.

Its a shame. A potential life saving device rendered useless by crap manufacturing and design.


if this helps:

7 years 1 day ago
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7 years 1 day ago
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